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Women who live in states that criminalize their reproductive rights should just move out. We should set up a fund to help all those who seek asylum from their own State governments.
-- Mal
Ocelot II
(121,860 posts)It costs money they might not have. It means having to leave family, find another job, drop out of school. The people most affected by the loss of their reproductive rights are mostly the same people who are in no position to just pick up and move.
(63,324 posts)unless they have a desire to get pregnant.
The only way to assure not getting pregnant is abstinence.
(60,722 posts)malthaussen
(17,813 posts)Rape is always a possibility, and what does a women do who is raped and becomes pregnant in a State where there is no exception to an abortion ban for rape? Abstinence is only 100% effective for men.
-- Mal
(7,911 posts)He was opining that this will drive out liberals in red states, guaranteeing fascists control for ever.
Several years it occurred to me I had made a mistake of becoming a California resident. I should have picked a conservative state to move to, and invite other liberals and progressives to consider moving to any red state in order to populate them with our children for the obvious purpose of growing and/strengtheing Democratic party/elections/policies etc.
It came to me after my daughter was grown and had a family of her own. Should have thought and acted on this when I still could.
So my urent call rught now, is to populate red states with our peeps. not to abandon them.
(60,722 posts)So we need to fight like hell in these red states.
The problem is the surreal stupidity & the women who idolize the redneck males.
(7,911 posts)realize this is how their radical ideas grow and become more and more extreme. cuz there's insufficient pushback.
(2,195 posts)PortTack
(34,946 posts)For us. The gqp would never win the swing states again. The red states alone will not carry them. Nor give them control in the senate.
(7,911 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Ritabert
(811 posts)Lysistrata is an ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC. It is a comic account of a woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War between Greek city states by denying all the men of the land any sex.
(17,813 posts)Women refuse sex to men until they stop being assholes. Taking it to the next level, rather than just refuse sex, they should just get away from RW nutjobs altogether.
-- Mal
(3,036 posts)The angry Incel faction as proof. Once they become marginalized for mating they resort to deeper misogyny, mischief and mayhem.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)malthaussen
(17,813 posts)... in Greek culture at the time, women were thought to be insatiable sex-fiends, so the idea of them refusing to have sex was particularly funny. Kind of like conservative Christians today.
-- Mal
(34,189 posts)ALL women in one of these restrictive states not show up for work one day. Think of what that would do to the state's economy. One day that no women - or even a majority of the women - not do their jobs would cripple a state. No female check out clerks, nurses, receptionists, cleaners, etal.
If it could be arranged, do it one RepuQ state at a time. Then build up so every RepuQ led state gets a women's strike on the same day.
At the same time, women who can and who want to, could relocate to other states.
I have a science fiction novel, The Disappearance by Edwin Balmer and Philip Wylie, in which the world splits into two parallel earths. In one, all the women disappear, in the other, all the men. It was interesting to see how the idea was handled when the book was published in 1951. It would make men appreciate women much more if that happened today - and women would not be nearly as helpless today as they were in this speculative story.