General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsDoes anyone here believe Thomas wrote....
that "majority" opinion? I think it was written by the Federalist Society and he just scrawled his name on it.

(62,630 posts)Johnny2X2X
(22,168 posts)But he's one and the same with the Federalist Society.
(4,224 posts)Which Thomas wrote.
I haven't read the opinion and thought since Thomas is the senior justice that he wrote the opinion. Sorry for my mistaken supposition.
(13,000 posts)he's off sitting on his own far right branch that's hopefully about to break!
(17,866 posts)onenote
(44,921 posts)The premise of your post is mistaken.
(13,843 posts)He was just leveraging Alito's draft opinion.
Which makes me think he was involved in leaking the draft.
Probably leaked to keep Kavenaugh and perhaps Gorsech in line to overturn Roe, as Kavenaugh's statement was really weak.
But yeah, it's definitely in line with the Federalist Society Platform, so It wouldn't be difficult for him to write.
(5,858 posts)Yes, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had the framework written years ago - at least the part rewriting the levels of legal scrutiny for gun cases. Long term, that part is probably going to be more impactful than the gun carry change itself. It sets the stage for shredding most gun laws on the books today.