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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWho do you think will be the 2028 nominees for each Party?
We always hear about 2024, but that's boring (and divisive, because Biden is our President and he said that he's running again if he remains healthy). It will almost certainly be Biden and Trump (assuming that he'd not indited and is relatively healthy as well). So let's talk about 2028.
Only one thing is certain about 2028: It won't be Biden or Trump, no matter who wins in 2024, one reason being age. So who will it be? Well, first we must divide the question into two different scenarios. One if we win in 2024, and one if we lose. The 2028 Republican nominee won't make much difference on 2028 regardless if they win or lose in 2024, but ours will.
If we win in 2024 (and I suspect that we will), Harris will be the clear favorite in 2028. While I don't think that there will be any serious challengers, I could be wrong. There could be some. I expect the VP to win. Sitting VP's haven't lost their Party's nomination in over a century.
If we lose in 2024, it's a whole new ballgame. I'd expect a fierce primary. Harris will almost certainly run, but I doubt that she would win the nomination. After a Party loses, the VP usually doesn't get the nomination again. Dan Quale tried this in 2000 and didn't come close, and I suspect the same will happen to Pence if he runs in 2024. Biden did, but as VP his Party won twice. So who will it be? Pete Buttigieg will be 46, but I don't know if he'd be the front-runner. Blinken? Possibly. Gavin Newsom? I like this choice. He'll be 60, still young. AOC? She'll turn 39 in the October before the election, but winning nationally might be a stretch. Beto? If he can pull of an upset in Texas this year and get re-elected in 2026, than oh yeah he's the frontrunner. But that's a very big IF. Now...
Tucker Carlson would be my guess. They seem to love snake oil salesmen, and he does have a big following on their side. Can he fire up a crowd as good as Trump? I don't know, but he doesn't seem so. Can he debate himself to a win in the primaries like Trump did? Absolutely (against their people at least). He made Ted Cruz choke, who himself is a good debater. As for Cruz, I guess he'd have a chance, but I expect him to finish 2nd or 3rd more than 1st. Perhaps he'll be their VP choice. Donald Jr.? I doubt it. No charisma, even if Trump wind in 2024 and he's running an coattails. Josh Hawley? Perish the thought. Rubio? He has to win his own Senate Seat first. DeSantis? Probably has the best shot to the nomination out of all of them, but my guess is still Tucker. Remember, they are insane. They picked Trump, and will likely pick him again.

(34,195 posts)
(37,324 posts)Polybius
(19,040 posts)I'd say 75% chance of a rematch.
Elessar Zappa
(16,293 posts)and DeSantis on theirs. DeSantis could end up being worse than Trump because hes much smarter.
(2,343 posts)I'd keep an eye on him for 2028. I don't think Harris can win a national election, and she'll attract primary opponents. Hopefully, we'll have a good bench of governor then. I'm partial to governors.
As for Republicans, I'd guess it'll be a governor. I don't see any of the Senators having national appeal, except maybe Romney, and he'll be too old by then plus he's burned a bridge with many.
A lot can happen in the next 5 or 6 years.
(3,152 posts)MineralMan
(148,410 posts)Waste of time.
(95,981 posts)Thanks, though
(96,882 posts)First, he doesnt want the job. He doesnt have the ego-vision of himself as President, and doesnt ant to take on the responsibility; hes happy to be the voice of influence TO the the President.
Second, he wouldnt want the pay cut. Trump ran largely because he say a Presidential campaign as a springboard to a money-making communications biz. Carlson is already rich from his Fox News gig.
Third, while hes the idol of the MAGA crowd, hes not the idol of the other (pro- and anti-Trump) Republicans. He doesnt have the ability to cut down other Republicans with his tweets or news comments, and they wont be letting him get in the way of their own political ambitions.
(55,334 posts)But I also wonder if he's gonna implode over the next couple of years from all the Russian propaganda he's spewing on Fox. Unlike Bill O'Reilly, who legitimately believes his own kooky ideas, Tucker Carlson is just a privileged nitwit who's putting on an act. At some point he's gonna be exposed. And then he'll go away. And then Murdoch will replace him with someone equally disingenuous and evil
Beastly Boy
(11,609 posts)Sympthsical
(10,411 posts)I'm worried about 2022. Then I'll start wondering about 2024, because I don't think the nominee is a given. Then 2026 based on what Congress looks like.
Finally, 2028, when the political landscape will no doubt look much, much different.
People forget, Obama went from speech from an unknown state senator to U.S. Senator to President in four years.
(71,038 posts)an advantage...only three incumbent presidents have lost Hoover in 32, Carter in 80, and Bush1. Keep in mind the path to the presidency runs through the rust belt.
(10,411 posts)Obviously, I'm not going to have that conversation here where a narrow band of options and topics will be allowed.
But I don't think what will be going on in 2028 is on anyone's radar at the moment.
(71,038 posts)the presidency. If Biden is running then there should be no primary.
(10,411 posts)There is quite a bit of if.
(60,090 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)always.
(60,090 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)Runningdawg
(4,632 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)House race here in Cleveland. I would vote for her in a general...but she won't get that far IMHO.
(1,082 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)he will have Democratic challengers. I hope it doesn't get ugly.
(71,038 posts)future primary. Every time we have a sitting president primaried, we lose.
Xavier Breath
(5,272 posts)at this point in 2002, six years before his nomination. Either party may field someone in '28 who is just as unknown now as he was then. That's part of the allure of the whole process, IMO.
(5,835 posts)my guess would be gym jordan or ms taylor=green for the regressives
(121,142 posts)Celerity
(47,748 posts)Hedorah is the kaiju that came the closest to putting Godzilla down for the permanent count.
The creature is extraterrestrial in nature, hailing from the Dark Gas Nebula. It arrived on Earth to feed on the pollution in the atmosphere and environment.
Godzilla battled the creature and nearly lost his life in the process.
The combination of physical strength and energy-based bolt attacks almost killed him before Godzilla got the upper hand. He lost an eye, part of a leg, and an entire hand in the process.
(37,324 posts)liberalmediaaddict
(980 posts)Just have to take life one election at a time.
Since every election we have until Trumpism is gone is "the most important election of our lifetimes."
Besides if Trump wins in 2024 most of us won't be alive to see 2028. We were lucky enough to survive his first term.