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Kid Berwyn
(19,084 posts)
when we have to speak up.
Thank you, Mainer! Thank you, Gov. Schwarzenegger!
(9,798 posts)Hopefully, it will get through to the Russian soldiers and citizens who need to hear it.
Response to mainer (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Evolve Dammit
(19,920 posts)
Response to Evolve Dammit (Reply #36)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,903 posts)
(37,569 posts)intrepidity
(8,100 posts)I fear that the only ones who will, are those savvy enough to bypass Putin's control, but they already know all this.
KS Toronado
(20,681 posts)Maybe Anonymous could step in to help spread it. Plus IMO it could be a little shorter.
(8,264 posts)Hekate
(96,084 posts)
(I would say, very media savvy, with access to the best) I am quite sure this message is not playing solely on You Tube and Twitter or solely in the US.
(8,100 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,288 posts)A really heartfelt, moving, and loving message.
(291 posts)Goodheart
(5,760 posts)I am moved to tears.
(30,674 posts)BeyondGeography
(40,153 posts)
Tadpole Raisin
(1,561 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,246 posts)Aristus
(69,075 posts)Thank you, Arnold.
(6,304 posts)First, his criticism of Trump and Trumpism, his concern for the environment and climate, his outspoken views on Covid, and now his heartfelt attempt to reach out to the Russian people. I can say this his video messages always seem earnest and thoughtful, showing deep passion and understanding for the issues. I appreciate what he has done.
(25,183 posts)made him see where Trump was taking the nation.
(26,158 posts)I don't think much of his political career, but as a conscientious private citizen, he has his moments. Statements like this one, ones made from his home during Covid, and the one he made after Jan 6 are truly thoughtful and admirable.
Liberty Belle
(9,639 posts)Unlike some politicians who are motivated by greed and self interest after leaving office, Arnold has become a humanitarian and is a far better ex-Governor than he ever was as Governor.
This was a heartfelt message. I hope he can find a way to get it seen by the Russian people.
This moved me to tears at the end, where he tells the Russian people protesting the war that they are his new heroes.
(58,753 posts)And I hear there are similar networks that broadcast. I hope this message gets out widely into Russia.
(122,079 posts)years ago.
May this be heard by all.
(13,132 posts)And that he would be for them a symbol of strength, so what he says may just break through, as part of Puking's support is tied to the dictator's pantomimes of machismo. Good on Arnold for doing this!
(122,079 posts)ffr
(23,142 posts)

(24,906 posts)His governorship was a clown show.
Fla Dem
(26,249 posts)dchill
(41,253 posts)I am more than impressed.
Mr. Sparkle
(3,244 posts)That's very statesman esque, one of the very few republicans whom i would listen to.
(42 posts)Why did he not speak out against Bushco when he did the same. ALL political and religious leaders are "LIARS"
Response to Soxderrube (Reply #25)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(96,084 posts)Im sure theres somewhere you can (or have been) peddling the line that ALL political and religious leaders are "LIARS" but somehow I dont think that broad tar-brush is going to go over that well here.
(63,332 posts)
(42,557 posts)I think his speaking up, with directed information to Russia is quite admirable.
(24,936 posts)peggysue2
(11,594 posts)Heartfelt from a friend of the Russian people.
Here's hoping his inspiring words are heard. Actually made me choke up.
to the Gov!
Response to mainer (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,215 posts)NBachers
(18,290 posts)Fresh_Start
(11,349 posts)and a wonderful message overall.
Does he have a speechwriter or is this his own work?
(96,084 posts)I grew up in Austria, after WWII. It was a country of broken men who were full of shrapnels and shame.
That, of course, is just a fragment from memory but you can surely find the whole thing on You Tube.
Evolve Dammit
(19,920 posts)even bigger difference. Media outlets (those allowed) would carry your message
(23,114 posts)a few of our politicians and citizens!
Wild blueberry
(7,374 posts)Thank you, Arnold!
And thank you, mainer.
(35,124 posts)I have no idea how it will reach a Russian audience, but to the extent it does, it is powerful.
(96,084 posts)
. I am not at all surprised. Recommend it if you can find it.
(35,124 posts)At least this old man, the old man I am, finds himself suddenly remembering his childhood, his parents, passed family, friends lost, loves lost, critical mistakes, time lost to frivolity.
Schwarzenegger was born in 1947; he's 74.
At the end of one's life, facing one's own failures and moments that one did not live up to one's ideals, one develops sympathies for all the others who failed in their ideals. That's my experience anyway; I'm always trying to find an excuse to forgive myself by projecting on to others.
Perhaps Arnold has found the grace to project on to his father, a wounded Nazi soldier, that kind of understanding, and to warn those Russian kids that this may be their fate, the fate of his father.
It's a gracious effort; worthy of an old man. He has lived.
Good on him.
(2,900 posts)and hits a grand slam.
Great job Arnold.
(5,869 posts)Thanks to the Governator. May we all be at peace soon.
(36,538 posts)
(53,061 posts)For some reason I can't help but compare AS statesmanship to Kyrsten Sinema's lack of it.
(738 posts)& THANK YOU DU for providing this forum!
I am in tears - this is the most brilliant anti-war speech I've ever heard. it's straight from the heart.
(11,860 posts)Eloquent and sincere...not to mention heart-wrenching at times. Wonderful!
(1,354 posts)Hes posting this on many different channels, including Telegram where I read Putin cant block it? Would be amazing if this starts a trend with other popular celebrities in Russia. Read that Metallica was doing the same, getting messages out to their many Russian fans.
This was amazing. I remember his video after 1/6, also moving
(36,594 posts)Very moving. I think he will get through to some of them.
(15,725 posts)The memory of Zelinski's righteous uncles is a blessing.
Now I understand more about the source of Zelinski's strength - his father, his family, his faith.
(20,830 posts)Collimator
(1,875 posts)Not by demonizing the everyday people in other countries who are just trying to live their lives. No matter how differently we may see the world, most people want the same basic things. These things include safety and dignity for themselves and their loved ones.
We need to criticize the leaders and the systems that deny basic rights and comforts to their own people and threaten or actively attack people in other countries trying to achieve those same ends.
The Russian people are people, just that. Some of them may hold appalling ideas based on slanted information that they have received. Some of them are more savvy and have sought out other sources of information. And some of them are tired and beaten down by life in a confusing world and are not sure what to do or what to believe. They may be apathetic, but they aren't specifically evil.
Every one of those things is true of Americans, as well. To the Russian people I, too, will say: I do not hate you and wish you peace and justice. As for that guy, Putin, who is calling the shots in your country, well, he knows what he can do with himself.
And may your sons and daughters leave Ukraine in peace and return home in safety.
(3,434 posts)of the many poor deluded Americans who have been manipulated, who are tired and beaten down. Thank you for making that connection. Many aren't evil, they just have been influenced by those they are around, or by the disinformation broadcast repeatedly.
(7,478 posts)broiles
(1,410 posts)I have a new respect for him. That was beautiful.
(96,084 posts)Hes a man of considerable depth and insight. I thank him and salute him.
(3,739 posts)He's always had a leaning toward freedom and tolerance which often shows through in his movies. This is not an unexpected message from him, but it is welcome and powerful and I hope it can be spread far and wide throughout Russia.
(96,084 posts)Several seem surprised by his new statement if you had see this, you would not be. This is deep, and amazing.
Alice Kramden
(2,502 posts)His current message is even more riveting.
Alice Kramden
(2,502 posts)Gave me chills (in a good way)
(43,203 posts)I hope it gets to the right people.
(54,573 posts)Props to Arnold, even though I am not a fan of his movies or personal life.