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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsNeighbor's 11-year old developed MIS from a mild case of COVID
My neighbor's 11-year old son, who was an extremely active and healthy 11-year old, started spiking fevers of up to 104 about 4 weeks after he recovered from a very mild case of COVID. The fevers would come and go, but he kept gradually getting worse. They ran some tests and saw his creatinine levels were very high. After going in and out of the hospital, tests and more tests, his kidneys continued to get worse. They finally diagnosed him with multisystem inflammatory syndrome, mostly likely caused by his COVID infection.
He's back in the hospital where they are putting him on IV steroids in the hopes of saving his kidneys. His mom wasn't vaccinated but she got vaxxed as soon as her son started showing symptoms of MIS. That was what it took to convince her. Her son didn't get COVID from her, he got it from school, but she's still feeling horrible guilt.
All these parents who are saying they won't allow their kids to have an "experimental vaccine" are playing with fire.

(12,520 posts)Ray Bruns
(4,931 posts)lagomorph777
(30,613 posts)It's disgraceful we waited so long to allow kids to be protected.
(1,669 posts)She wasn't vaccinated until Kanon (her son) got really sick. So she probably wouldn't have gotten her son vaccinated even when approved. Now she's become an advocate so at least there is that silver lining.
Kanon is just an amazing, happy, and energetic kid. It's scary how quickly he went downhill. The good news is I hear he's been feeling better so hopefully they can save his kidneys and he'll be back home soon. Mom will get him vaxxed as soon as the doctors say it's ok to do so.
(13,774 posts)I hope thats a substitute for the kids actual name.
(25,183 posts)Children are not just mini adults. Their immune systems operate differently from adults. Before the drug companies could produce a vaccine dose for them, research had to be done, followed by trials and data collection to be sure the vaccines were safe and the doses were correct. Initially, before Delta, children were at lower risk than adults.
I'm just glad for them and their parents that there is a safe vaccine for them now.
you saved me the trouble.
(34,299 posts)I hope he makes it through okay.
(11,491 posts)Developed POTS (paroxysmal orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) after she had a relatively mild case at 17. She most likely had some mild myocarditis that was missed because she had chest pain from coughing so much. A few weeks later she started feeling "like she was going to pass out" periodically, especially when she stood up. She's been through all kinds of medical tests since then.
Anti-vaxxers, this could be your kid!
(1,669 posts)I keep seeing people use myocarditis as an excuse not to get vaccinated while not understanding that the risk of myocarditis is much higher from COVID than from a COVID vaccine. Case in point is your friend's 17-year old.
It's so hard to educate people on this because they don't seem to want to delve much farther than what FB tells them.
(11,953 posts)I was double vaxxed and had a mild case. But it floored me in terms of exhaustion, my VO2 max dropped and I was having dizzy spells. Im an extremely fit 44 year old and my doctor mentioned that some middle agers who are really fit had reported similar issues.
Heart and lungs looked good, so I was cleared to resume my sports.
(43,903 posts)MontanaMama
(24,241 posts)I would definitely make sure my kiddo had it.
Baked Potato
(7,733 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(52,387 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,487 posts)If the vaccine is an experiment, so is catching COVID without the vaccine. You can experiment with nature alone, or get a helper from science and medicine. It's your choice.
(10,035 posts)for the next time someone pulls that experimental bs.
(48,487 posts)Now grant you there are probabilities, some of them very near certainty.
(5,699 posts)Last edited Mon Nov 8, 2021, 07:17 PM - Edit history (1)
I hope he gets well and does not need dialysis.
Sounds as tho they should have made the diagnosis a bit sooner.
On another note- People need to stop acting like COVID is over.
I reluctantly went to a family party last night.
48 people and only two of us wearing masks.
There were some there who had just gotten off a plane- traveled to Mexico and all over the west.
Some up from Colombia and FL.
A couple teachers, college students, 7 kids under the age of 11.
No one making any attempt to stay distanced.
98% are fully vacated. One currently undergoing treatment for lung Ca is not vaxxed and was unmasked. Many are eligible for boosters but, have not bothered to get them yet.
Hubby and I got our boosters today- I just hope large numbers of people dont skip getting their boosters!
(1,669 posts)First the good news is it sounds like Kanon is responding well to his treatment. And it did take almost 3 weeks to get a diagnosis. They kept sending him home despite his high creatinine levels. His mom had to keep pushing to get them to do more tests, otherwise he'd probably still be at home with tylenol as his only treatment.
My husband and I both got our boosters about a week ago. Our area is super conservative, tons of Trump flags, and almost NO ONE wears a mask. My husband and I never stopped wearing our masks. The whole argument of "why live in fear" is so stupid. Uh...why not? We're talking about a deadly virus. If wearing a mask for 15 minutes when I go inside the grocery store means I'm "living in fear", so be it. (Trumpers are terrified of looking like they are afraid of something. It's so bizarre to me that they'd rather die than look like they are "afraid" .
(45,281 posts)Kid Berwyn
(19,062 posts)Children are suffering from COVID-19 through no fault of their own.
(6,933 posts)are or are choosing to be idiots and or fascists. I believe Souter predicted this.