My Qanon encounter
I work at an assisted living state facility in a deep red rural county in TX. My White coworkers are RW Trumpistas and my coworkers of color...not so much. BLM facemasks are common and MAGA hats were seen on pick up dashboards before Jan 6. I'm sure the owners of those are embarrassed to display them...but they are still Trumpers.
The night of inauguration day a mixed crowd of clients and staff were watching the festivities on the TV in the common area. Nobody was discussing anything more controversial than whether or not Garth Brooks looks good 30 years and 30 pounds later. That's when another staff member..we'll call him John... because that's his name, came in and announced that there were "15 thousand troops in DC getting ready to swoop in and arrest all the Democrats." I asked him where he got that information and he replied "Tic tock.". I looked back at the TV screen which showed President Biden and the first lady enjoying the show and said "I guess he has them where he wants them."
Everyone but in the room but John seemed to get my joke. His reply?
"Donald Trump! That man is a genius!"
Then he left and we all got back to the show.