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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMy letter to Senator Joe Manchin
I am deeply frustrated by what I'm hearing about your opposition to eliminating, or even mildly reforming, the filibuster.
There is no "new era of bipartisanship" coming. It is not going to happen. You must know this. Republicans in the Senate are interested in one thing, and one thing only: retaining and regaining Republican power. Period. End of story.
Hurting Biden's presidency, and damaging general public opinion of Democratic politicians, is their principal goal. Given the choice between passing legislation that helps the American people, or hurting Biden and other Democrats by stymieing progress, they will choose stymieing progress every time.
Republicans most certainly do not want to help with anything that protects voters' rights. Suppressing votes is their other main strategy for retaining and regaining power.
Again, I am certain you must be aware of this. So what good does it do to pretend you are promoting a fanciful "new era of bipartisanship"?
Our very democracy is at stake here. If Democrats don't both impress the voters of this country with tangible progress over the next two years, and ensure that Democratic votes will be properly counted two years from now, we could lose everything to Republicans who have lost all reluctance in displaying naked disrespect for, and opposition to, democracy itself. If and when such Republicans regain control, you can be certain they will have no respect for any Democratic minority which remains. Your preservation of the filibuster for use by future Democrats will be for naught.
The only reason Republicans have not already destroyed the filibuster is that they haven't needed to. The only things Mitch McConnell wanted to do for the past four years were pass tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, and stuff the courts with extremist right-wing judges. Between using budget reconciliation, and filibuster exceptions for confirming judges, Republicans had all they needed. You can be certain that if they regain power, and want to do more, they'll again do whatever they have to do to bypass Democrats, and they will not respect your previous preservation of the filibuster in the least.
Please, wake up, and help Biden and your fellow Democrats save our country. Even at the possible cost of your own re-election in your one state, please help pave the way for Democratic victories in many other states.
A day may come when there is a "loyal opposition" party Democrats can work with and compromise with for the good of the country, a day when Democratic Party defeat can be viewed as a temporary setback, and not an existential risk. But that day is at the very least years away. The current Republican party has become completely radicalized, unprincipled, and unmoored from democratic norms. Please do not abandon the hopes of our nation to an unrealistic pipe dream of near-term bipartisanship.

(20,665 posts)pazzyanne
(6,644 posts)ShazzieB
(19,287 posts)

(33,643 posts)

LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,070 posts)I'm already starting a book entitled "The Man Who Destroyed Democracy."
Your article is well written and sums up all that Biden could accomplish with Manchin's support. I wonder if the parliamentarian would be open to reconciliation where the Dems could muster 50 votes?
(38,666 posts)Depends on the gatekeepers. There may be one to whom it makes sense.
Possibly publish it as a open letter to him wherever he has his office.
Legislators can be sensitive about criticism. One of mine called me at home one night when I raked him over the coals in a major nj daily.
Its a very good letter imho. Well worth the effort to get it to manchins attention.
Somebody in his neighborhood should photocopy it and paste it all over the place. About 100 copies on light poles oughta do it.
(18,379 posts)THIS IS A FANTASTIC LETTER ..... it should be posted on Manchin's FB Page and You should create a HASHTAG.
SEND THIS LETTER TO RACHEL. Send this letter to Biden.
(42,862 posts)... then after they have the gist of the message, they'll put it in a pile of negative or disapproving letters that will be counted at the end of the day. Somewhere in the office there's a chart of hashmarks showing the total of negative letters and emails.
Sometimes, if the letter comes from a constituent, they office staff will print and mail a form letter reply.
(1,450 posts)joetheman
(1,450 posts)dalton99a
(86,084 posts)AverageOldGuy
(2,431 posts)I could have Googled this but I'm too damn lazy.
Do I recall correctly that the pharmaceutical company executive who raised the price of epi pens so they were out of reach for people who need them is Joe Manchin's daughter??
Something about apple falling not very far from the tree . . . .
Just sayin' . . . .
(47,769 posts)

Response to Silent3 (Original post)
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