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(956 posts)
Mme. Defarge
(8,607 posts)to be him.
(15,359 posts)I can't.
(4,701 posts)Dept. website.
(42,862 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)on the nightstand next to his bed. You know, just for his personal safety because these are troubling times.
(2,032 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)on a Luger you would see that Trump's tiny hands couldn't handle the task. It really is pretty difficult. Maybe they could leave it there with one in the chamber already.
(15,542 posts)What caliber?
(15,542 posts)
(17,745 posts)SergeStorms
(19,392 posts)End of story. Game over.
(2,692 posts)AZ8theist
(6,625 posts)Dough-nold....Try polonium zoup, eest goood, no?
(14,390 posts)Dough-nold Dough-nold Dough-nold. You IDiot!
All that time you thought your bestie Putes looked up to YOU. You thought you were admired by this powerful wealthy authoritarian. You were comrades together reshaping the planet for the world's wealthiest Caucasian block, to create an oligarch's playground.
A day after Trump can't help him any more, Jan. 21, Putin will ignore him like a rotten cabbage.
(38,601 posts)I love when things get under his skin
(29,231 posts)soldierant
(8,169 posts)his lack of priorities kind of galls me. I was aware of it, but it's still galling.
(38,601 posts)catbyte
(36,349 posts)
(56,067 posts)
Wicked Blue
(7,480 posts)
(33,444 posts)What a toxic mess those guts must be. The amount of aspartame from all that Diet Coke alone would kill them.
Blue Owl
(55,245 posts)Kittycow
(2,396 posts)Seems he would like that
(9,298 posts)to the end.
(3,138 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,294 posts)MaryMagdaline
(7,934 posts)NYC Liberal
(20,380 posts)StClone
(11,869 posts)Lance that pus bag of human.
(7,934 posts)Sociopath
(3,739 posts)but yeah, your point stands
(7,934 posts)Johnny2X2X
(22,243 posts)He owns some world class golf courses, I'm sure he had to work hard to land PGA tour events, that's something I bet he's most proud of, he can honestly say that he has a "Championship" golf course. One of the few things in his life that wasn't a fraud.
Losing the PGA all together means he won't rake in the massive cash from those weeks, but bigger for him is losing the bragging rights.
(19,392 posts)the course record. He's the first person to play at each of his new golf courses so - at least until the second person plays the course - he can claim to hold the course record. He even has plaques made to adorn his club house walls, "COURSE RECORD - DONALD TRUMP - 2012"
Can you imagine the monstrous ego it takes to do something like that? And he's the only person to benefit from that lie! I guess that shows the depth of his psychosis, and ccx why we're in the place we are at the moment.
Solly Mack
(93,903 posts)yellowcanine
(36,361 posts)

(29,391 posts)More than history's dark judgment of him, more than what the NYT editorials are saying about him, more than his marriage to that slut that's probably going to end soon, more than a second impeachment---getting fucked by the golfing establishment and depriving him of tournament money is how you really dick him over. Great news.
Baitball Blogger
(49,154 posts)OriginalGeek
(12,132 posts)I'd pay 20 to watch dump cry.
As long as the 20 went to anyone other than dump.
(12,309 posts)and he's whining about golf.
Someone get this mf'r a golf-club pacifier.
11 Bravo
(24,086 posts)Retrograde
(10,911 posts)No top name golfers, no television crews staying at his resorts. From what I've read his properties tend to lose money rather than make it, so this is a big blow. Good - I'm glad people are starting to hit him where it hurts, i.e., his financial interests.
ETA: I don't know why the = sign doesn't show up n the title
(9,988 posts)his "legacy" in flames, a cop BEATEN TO DEATH BY A MOB IN THE GODDAMN CAPITOL and he's "gutted" about the PGA.
I know it's always been obvious he couldn't care less about anyone but himself, but I'm still in awe of the apocalyptic artistry in all the different ways he finds to express it.
(24,618 posts)God he's pathetic.
(14,645 posts)Millions of Americans are gutted due to the loss of a loved one to COVID-19.
Millions of Americans will be gutted when the chickens finally come home to roost over his 2016 tax legislation.
Public parks and nature preserves will be gutted because he's allowing mining and oil/gas drilling on Federal lands.
If I continued, that list would be a mile long.....
Dorian Gray
(13,773 posts)wasteland.
This is what he's gutted about?
(33,444 posts)They'd need a sword to get anywhere near his guts.
stage left
(3,043 posts)

(3,597 posts)When the predictable libel lawsuit is settled, the "DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM'S BEDMINSTER GOLF COURSE" may get a shot at landing a major someday.
(18,486 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,686 posts)for nearly an hour.
stage left
(3,043 posts)Being destroyed, exploding, imploding. Now he's being gutted. But only metaphorically and that makes me so sad.
Jon King
(1,910 posts)This guy really does not know whats coming? The PGA is the least of his worries. All his businesses will be bankrupted and he and his kids will be prosecuted and sued into oblivion. I guess when you get away with stealing for 3 generations, you take a while to grasp a new reality. The life for the Trump clan is going to be a lot different than they imagine.
(166 posts)Choices have consequences
(5,268 posts)He doesn't know he is a scumbag and more and more people are waking up to that fact. He really does think people are just being mean to him. Yeah, right Donny, I wish you knew how much people hated you and why.
(17,197 posts)llashram
(6,269 posts)would be wounded by something like this. I just hope the shun is permanent. No rehab, image, nothing! blah blah blah
(24,938 posts)Xipe Totec
(44,207 posts)
(10,607 posts)Gutted! 😆😁😂 We can dream. That would leave one large pile of sausage casing. It would need a 42 inch filet knife. Just get get halfway in there.
(1,050 posts)Hundreds of thousands dead due to COVID-19, children in cages, families torn apart, multiple natural disasters due to hurricanes, fires and floods, woman shot and dead in the Capitol in his name, others died while fighting FOR HIM, Capitol police officer died protecting the Capitol building -- and losing the PGA is what "guts" him ???
Just go away and off yourself you vile, worthless POS.
(1,750 posts)Unable to play golf.
More incoherent than he is now.
Fear of flying, the color gold and FOX.
Periodic screaming in pain.
Uncontrollable loud and often flatulence.
(24,241 posts)will start acting up.
(15,162 posts)Edging 400,000 dead from his failed response to COVID, and five dead from a treasonous insurrection attempted last Wednesday, and the absolute fuck is 'gutted' over losing a golf turnament?
This man needs to be tried for his crimes, and imprisoned for life in a federal facility - and general population, like, at Leavenworth. In addition, his family needs to be stripped of all wealth, and investigated for their respective crimes, tried and imprisoned if convicted.
(39,073 posts)"What ye reap, ye shall sow."
(348 posts)MontanaMama
(24,241 posts)If it isn't the consequences of his own actions.
The schadenfreude today is making it impossible for me to get anything done at work.
(6,326 posts)homegirl
(1,636 posts)those shed by Donald J. Trump.
(1,048 posts)iluvtennis
(21,033 posts)swarming the Capitol or those Americans who have lost their lives to Covid.
Im so done with this jackass.
(36,551 posts)... from ever playing at a Chump owned or managed golf course.
Any PGA or LPGA member who patronizes a Chump course should be suspended for a year. If they do it a 2nd time, it's an immediate lifetime revocation of membership.
That should take care of it.
(10,035 posts)Good to see he's the guttee for once.
(3,056 posts)Dukkha
(7,341 posts)and see's himself as the worst victim of all.
(64,668 posts)Rebl2
(15,546 posts)where is my tiny violin 🙄. That should be the least of sadness or gutted feelings. How about all the people who got Covid because of your sorry ass actions. How about the ATTACK ON OUR CAPITAL LAST WEEK you promoted and YOU are sad because of your useless golf course. Really!!!!
(161,769 posts)almost 400,000 Covid deaths in America? No so much.
(307,150 posts)"normalize" that Fucking Bloated Fascist during his 4 years?
Oh & as for the trump PGA BAN..
(10,409 posts)DinahMoeHum
(22,659 posts)ClusterFreak
(3,112 posts)That's the same word Officer Sicknick's family and friends may very well have used to describe how they're feeling right now.
Yeah, gutted over not being able to host a golf tournament, it's the same thing really.
Has Trump even put out a statement of sympathy over the loss of Officer Sicknick or the other deaths at the Capitol last week??
(15,229 posts).