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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsPeople, we are living in historic times.
Never has a President refused to honor a tradition that has existed since John Adams transferred power to his successor.
200 years from now, Historians will analyze the events that we are witnessing with our own eyes.

(36,594 posts)Blue_true
(31,261 posts)But, that is not possible.
So, one can only guess that they will study the fragments of firsthand accounts that survive to that time, and any official records.
(36,594 posts)Blue_true
(31,261 posts)GusBob
(7,696 posts)We are witnessing massive history in the making
(31,261 posts)We are at one of the rare junction points in our nations history. Imagine being alive in the years before the revolution, or just before the Civil War. We are witnessing such a time.
(11,869 posts)Worst President ever, worst pandemic in 100 years...
(31,261 posts)Most people live and die without seeing any real history. I am a baby boomer, the amount of history that I have seen in wondrous. Now this real bad piece to add to that history.
Much of what I have seen has been astoundingly significant in the historical record of our country. Although I was not old enough to recognize it, I was alive when a President was assassinated. I was alive when a person landed on the Moon. I witnessed the election of the first non White President and the election of the first female Vice President. I am living through the ravages of a pathogen that rivals the one of 1918, replete with the governmental incompetence that allowed it to rage and kill. I am living through the first coup attempt in our history. Trumps actions are enraging from a societal standpoint, but they are historic, nonetheless.
(11,869 posts)I was trying to reconcile my life with the true historic events I had lived through. But with the events of the day I found I hadn't the will to relate it. (I had the day off and also found I had a major drain blocked and worked to $*#&@+* free that as I listened to news).
I remember JFK's assassination. I recall my mother ironing clothes then sigh as she looked up from her work. Word had come of the the President being shot. The massive 2004 earthquake and Tsunami which killed 250,000 people in few hours. Comet Hale-Bopp of 1998 (?) was one of the greatest comets in my lifetime. (Though Comet West of 1976 was even more spectacular). Yes, we have lived through some great history with the Apollo Lunar Landing maybe being the most significant.
(31,261 posts)they will wonder what was it like to be an adult person at that time.