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Atlanta (CNN)Feroza Syed couldn't believe what she saw happen in front of her: a man threw a large drink directly at the woman working in the drive-thru window at a fast-food restaurant in suburban Atlanta.
Apparently, he didn't want ice in his drink.
When Syed pulled up, the woman, Bryanna, was soaked and crying. She was also six months pregnant.
Syed gave her a $20 tip, expressed her outrage at the man's behavior and offered to contact the police. Hours later -- and still fuming -- Syed posted about the incident earlier this month on her Facebook page and got a huge response.
That gave her an idea. She asked her thousands of Facebook friends and followers if they'd be interested in sending "$5 or (whatever)" to her Venmo or Cash App and she'd figure out a way to get the money to Bryanna.
What the article doesnt say is that this amazing woman is a Democratic Party volunteer and a Trans rights activist extraordinaire. She is one of absolute my heros

50 Shades Of Blue
(11,059 posts)William769
(56,627 posts)
(18,374 posts)..and got his license number, called the cops and reported an assault. I have no patience for idiots.
Take a photo of his car license plate! Then give that to the police.
(A reason you need to have your phone close to you and make that your first action. Couple years ago I got rear-ended coming out of parking lot onto highway. Guy behind me was looking at traffic instead of who was in front of him. Bumped me just enough to cause trunk to open.
I pull to shoulder, he comes around and parked in front of me. I get out to see damage. Thats when he used that time to leave the scene. If I had that photo...!)
(2,823 posts)But when you see something so shockingly and disturbingly hateful, you mind might focus on the victim while the douche-nozzle drives away.
(17,624 posts)It's pretty much sop in the age of drive up holdups. They likely have it all on tape. Just takes a police request to get it as long as too much time hasn't passed.
Blue Owl
(55,205 posts)empedocles
(15,751 posts)niyad
(121,983 posts)demmiblue
(37,997 posts)I hope Bryanna has an uncomplicated birth experience, and welcomes a healthy wee one into the world (scary in the time of COVID, as well as due to the inequities that Black mothers face).
(24,728 posts)another drive in ever.
(63,221 posts)I agree!
Some people can be so horrible (the man in the first car) and some can be so wonderful (Ms. Syed). I hope Brianna will be ok and have a safe delivery when it's time.
Roisin Ni Fiachra
(2,574 posts)Violent, aggressive idiots like this will keep repeating their criminal behaviors unless they face penalties for engaging in them.
(18,876 posts)The best way to counteract nastiness is to do so with kindness. Feroza Syed is an inspiration for us to choose to be the best of humanity whenever we come across someone choosing to be the worst of humanity.
(71,444 posts)...a serious beating seems in order.
Kindness is undeserved in his case.
(51,308 posts)Really? A fan of violence, are you?
(71,444 posts)Can I still post here?
11 Bravo
(24,085 posts)Oh, I hope not!
(51,308 posts)Internet tough guys really dont do a lot of good, do they?
(51,308 posts)Anyway, internet tough guys can post anywhere they want, right?
(13,538 posts)oldsoftie
(13,538 posts)Bullies need their ass whipped; or public shaming.
(51,308 posts)ing and soaked.
So, you then burn rubber out of the lot in pursuit of the drink thrower? Assuming you find him, you do what? Run him off the road, pull him out of the car and proceed to asswhip him?
Then perhaps he shoots you? Or asswhips you? Or someone calls police to report that someone is being asswhipped on the side of the road, and police respond?
Your explanation for beating someone up will be what? Youre a hero?
Please tell me how said asswhipping unfolds in these narratives? Genuinely curious.
(13,538 posts)You chase the guy down and do anything YOU probably get arrested.
Dont you think if someone had whipped Trumps ass when he was a bit younger it might have affected his bullying? If someone had cracked Martin Shkrelli's head after being scammed out of a couple million he MIGHT think twice before starting another short selling scam?
Usually the ONLY thing that gets thru to people like this is someone hurting them either physically or by humiliating them in public.
The person who threw the drink has done shit like this before. Probably worse. And they'll change when someone puts them in their place. I didnt say "By God if I would've been there, I would've beat his ass!!" No, I, personally, likely wouldnt; i'm in my 60s!
(51,308 posts)And yes, I agree with you that a good ass kicking would have done both those guys a world of good!
11 Bravo
(24,085 posts)FFS, no one on this thread threatened that they were going to kick the guy's ass, only that said ass needs kicking.
You saw that as an opportunity to trot out the tried and true "internet tough guy" ad hominem bullshit.
(13,538 posts)I like that we can discuss punishing the fool and at the same time be grammatically correct!!

Hit a nerve, eh?
11 Bravo
(24,085 posts)But you keep on being you.
(Love the smilie, by the way. It adds much gravitas to your reply.)
(7,707 posts)In Isreal they have mandatory military duty
here, upon reaching 18 years of age, every person spend 6 months working the OTHER side of the counter
we would be a much more polite society
(1,102 posts)She should have jotted down the license plate number ... but I suppose that's what security cameras are for.
I'm surprised the culprit hasn't been apprehended yet
(3,864 posts)I dont think anywhere would consider a cup of coke with ice a deadly weapon.
(1,102 posts)if it has enough velocity and hits the forehead of the target.
(3,864 posts)A cup of Coke with ice is a slush and Im sure that guy wasnt Babe Ruth.
(4,625 posts)But, hey, it's the Internet.
(2,949 posts)Shows we still have enough good people in this world to overcome the assholes.
(23,812 posts)bobnicewander
(967 posts)You practiced your love for humankind.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,077 posts)Roc2020
(1,720 posts)arrogant and wicked. the reaping is lurking for them.
(9,866 posts)Cha
(306,854 posts)Catherine Vincent
(34,545 posts)An angry customer threw her drink at my niece. Unfortunately, she was fired because my niece retaliated and threw fries at the customer.🙂
(51,308 posts)Very impressed and so happy there are people like this still.
brer cat
(26,745 posts)Warms my heart.
(3,853 posts)I can imagine some people would be reluctant to send money to someone with that kind of lack of transparency. I frequently contribute to GFM campaigns. I'm not even familiar with Venmo and Cash App for donations or payments.
(6,082 posts)Kindness is everything, particularly in these difficult times.
(11,849 posts)The only thing that would make it better is a phone shot of his license plate and an assault charge. That would complete the picture.
(5 posts)Some people just dont get the concept of being decent
(3,864 posts)In my younger days I once threw a hamburger and drink at the manager of a Sonic. But she did sort of ask for it.
The meal was $2.99 and being someone who is good at math I knew it should come to $3.24 with tax and I had exactly $3.24.
So I ordered and when the girl brought it out she said it was $3.49. So I told he that the price was calculated wrong and it should be $3.24 and that was all I had. And she took the money and left the food.
Well a few minutes later after Id already take a few sips out of the drink and a few bites out of the hamburger, the manager comes out and says The price is $3.49. Either give me the rest of the money or give back the food. So to her shock I threw it at her. Then I left hungry over 24 cents.
Later I called the owner and told him what happened. I told him I was wrong to throw the food at her but she should have listened to me when I said the price was wrong and not come out and demanded 25 cents I didnt have and Id be willing to apologize to her if she would apologize to me. He said I was right that the price should have been $3.24 and even sent me coupons for 3 free combos and I went back and we apologized to each other.
(51,811 posts)Word of advice: never, ever tip a Home Depot employee. One of the first things we are told in orientation is accepting a tip is a termination offense. If we cant talk the customer out of giving us a tip (I was a HD employee but havent been for years) we are to take it to a manager and it will be added to the Homer Fund, which is an emergency relief fund for our employees.
I would imagine most fast food joints are the same way. The logic is, if someone gives an employee a tip they might expect special favors like only being charged for nine boards when they bought 10.
(157,639 posts)Thank you for posting this