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Garry Kasparov
Don't dare say "But the system worked" when a majority of Republicans in Congress support the overturning of a free and fair election. You don't celebrate a cancer not having killed you yet. You celebrate when you're cancer free.
The system isn't working when so many of its participants and supposed defenders are trying to destroy it. That's the crisis, and it's not going away because this time some judges threw out cases prepared by idiots.
As long as Republicans feel it's in their best interest to choose Trump and power at all costs, and see attacking the US electoral system as a way to do that, the cancer will continue to spread, eating away at American trust in govt and democracy.

(86,137 posts)octoberlib
(14,971 posts)spanone
(138,104 posts)Baked Potato
(7,733 posts)Each time a there is a victory for Democracy, it must be celebrated. The body lives.
(38,601 posts)Cut them out of the body politic.
(4,889 posts)Harker
(15,488 posts)Surely he's not the only person born in the Soviet Union who cares more about America than does Trumpsky.
(17,652 posts)struggle. trump is so dumb he doesn't even know he is being used by multiple parties - US and foreign and corporate.
Some of the (r)epuglicons may be smart enough to understand their treachery and venality, but most are going along for the party.
(24,906 posts)is complicit slime. Being republican isn't like being a certain gender or race or nationality. A republican can quit any time they want to. I quit decades ago. Anyone who chooses to be part of it today has something very wrong with them. I would equate it to being a willing member of the KKK or the Nazi party.
(17,652 posts)especially the lobbyists, the oligarchs/plutocrats who will use money to achieve their goals and could care less about democracy - actually care a lot about undemocratic governance.
(24,906 posts)The Lord of the Flies Party.
(5,891 posts)Libertarians: "Say, that sounds like an awesome political doctrine...type...thingie."
(3,296 posts)They take that Ive got mine, now fuck off.-attitude of the GOPee to the far extreme but then oddly, tack on a Gay? So what? Let em be. Smoke weed? So what? Have at it.
Its like they hit the exact spot where the Right Wing and Left Wing come full circle. Youll find the anti-vaxxers running around within that same crowd, too.
Susan Calvin
(2,194 posts)When I was listening to Ron Paul on some random radio talk show. I was new in town so I was still flipping around the dial. And he talked about legalizing drugs and criminalizing abortion in the same breath. That told me everything I needed to know.
(10,675 posts)Since Cheney/Rumsfeld in 2000, I have been eliminating friends and aquaintences that guzzled the Kool Aid. Some of them lifetime friends of over 60 years. My FINAL purge started early on in the Trump years. (See, I can't even call it the Trump Presidency) I may have a few more to cull, but they are living on borrowed time so to speak. Those few remaining RepubliCONs will be history the next time we make contact.
The shit storm they have rained down on the American Population has been devestating. The most fascinating aspect of the TrumpHumpers is that they have absolutely NO comprehension that the Republican Party they worship and support is screwing the living shit out of them also, maybe even worse.
This last four years especially has been a never ending fucking nightmare that has been a cross between TWILIGHT ZONE and
ALICE IN WONDERLAND..... The RepubliCONS script has been nothing short of Orwell's ANIMAL FARM at the very least.....
I have the hardest time wondering about my kids, and their kids, and maybe even their kids. The damage that has been done to the United States, our democracy, the world, the economy, the quality of Health Care, and the entire planet Earth is infinitesimal and much of it will be permanent, and it will not be able to be reversed.
We no longer have any STATESMEN...........I think it was Lincoln that said:
"A statesman is interested in the next generation, the politician only in the next election"......
(161,599 posts)I am disturbed both by knowing 74 million Americans would be fine with authoritarian rule and by knowing others who don't like Trump but who cannot see how damaging this is to America.
(24,906 posts)represent them.
Wounded Bear
(61,203 posts)barely, and at least for now.
The Repub assault on democracy has suffered a setback, it is not eliminated, for sure.
(15,488 posts)Had five people thought and acted differently, we'd be swirling down to another level of chaos.
That's not so much the entire system working.
(92,332 posts)... a foreign leader to dig up dirt on a political opponent, messing up the USPS to slow down mail in ballots or telling his voters openly to vote twice !!
I pray the Biden's AG puts this bastards in jail the lot of em, this needs to stop RIGHT OT DAMN NOW !!!
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)The GOP has never fought for anyone else like this before and it just turns out that this guy will be remembered as the most corrupt President we ever had.
(39,546 posts)Their platform = Trump = cult.
2/3 of them have tried to overthrow democracy and establish a dictatorship for that one man.
They are not a party. They are a fascist mafia waiting for a new capo.
All of our political efforts require us to harden rule of law through specified enforcement that nips their cockblocking of processes early and often.
Our messaging efforts must be to show the daily proof of their treasonous machinations and their still prosecutable past crimes.
Make Americans fear ever living a repeat of 2020.
(10,887 posts)Why aren't there more lawsuits like this one???
In the suit, filed in the northern district of Georgia, three voter advocacy groups said the state had improperly removed 198,000 people from its voter registration lists in 2019 on the grounds that they had changed their addresses.
The Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union released a report in September based on an investigation by a progressive independent journalist, Greg Palast, who found that most of the approximately 300,000 people removed had not changed their addresses. Since the investigation was completed, several thousand voters have died or moved, but more than 195,000 remained wrongly affected, the suit says.
The Georgia A.C.L.U. said in a statement that those removed from the rolls were likely to be young voters, voters of lower income, and citizens of racial groups that have been denied their sacred right to vote in the past.
(51,308 posts)Something is very wrong.
(6,325 posts)PatSeg
(49,838 posts)Yes, the system so far has worked in a sense, but our democracy has only survived by the skin of its teeth and there were many casualties in the process. Meanwhile, it is not over. All these people, voters and politicians alike, who have tried to undermine our democracy are still with us and they are still a threat.
Many will try again and they have a lot of money and power backing them up. The next time, and there WILL be a next time, they could succeed. We cannot relax our efforts. This is just a battle in a very long war.
(22,850 posts)But the fact the game got far as it did, should be alarming in itself.
Martin Eden
(13,764 posts)It hasn't been eradicated, and can still kill our democracy.
(32,141 posts)Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,137 posts)Carry on!
(2,168 posts)And so, American democracy survives, only to fight on for another day. The bottom line is that our constitutional democracy works only when all parties to the deal are voluntarily participating, of their own free will, for the good of the country. Unfortunately, only one of our two major political parties is a happy, willing participant in the democratic process. Until the Republicans come around to being willing participants again, or are replaced by another party that is, I fear that we will have more coup attempts in the future.
(32,017 posts)-Laelth
(11,851 posts)But the very end of his tweet says "...continue to spread, eating away at..." and I think that is where the "they are seditious, don't seat them" sentiment arises.
It's more of "It's a slippery slope, don't you see what this leads to?" argument than it is claiming their actions have already reached the level of sedition.
(13,538 posts)A solid conservative Republican leadership in GA shut him DOWN. GOP appointed judges in several states shut him down. TRUMP appointed judges shut him DOWN.
Some spineless Reps scared to speak out didnt stop our system from working.
(6,269 posts)the system so far has hobbled through to finally 'win' for the President-elect. And while the trump 60+ lawsuits have failed, he said the election's not over and Alec Jones is threatening President-elect Biden with "removal one way or another".