General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsDear Trump Voters, I'm back again! This is a day, of the many
days to come that I am going to pity you for your hard fought loss. Once again, your repeated and stupid efforts in keeping your Dear Leader in office has fallen into the dustbin of history. He has knowingly bilked every ounce of money and devotion from you. And by golly, because of your hard core love for him - you willingly gave him exactly that. You're allowing him to experience his needy thrill by taking advantage of you - just for his maniacal self interests. He uses you like an addict uses drugs. He has effectively completed his task of brainwashing you into obeying whatever bullshit he throws at you. And by the way, any other reasonable person would know in an instant how that wouldn't pass the smell test. You have lost every one of your hair-brained plots for keeping your Dear Leader in power.
Even today, you probably don't know you are a member of a Cult, but that is how the rest of see you. The thing is, you were probably not this stupid four years ago, but you wouldn't know that because those who are this stupid don't know they're stupid. Moreover, the reason we normal people see you as a member of a Cult is simple - you all gather together to plan, perform, and execute whatever your Dear Leader Tweets in reference to what your next assignment will be. And so, with great pleasure you patiently wait for his order.
Add to all this craziness - what we normal people see, with each and every one of you combined, is a foolish horde - because being a member of a Cult is like swimming in mud, you always lose. When you wake up tomorrow morning and see in the mirror a face that doesn't look like you did four years ago, well - you may need clearer glasses. But what normal people see and hear from you is the same pathetic loser face.
And so here you are today, the biggest losers of all time. Your downfall must be rubbing up against your ego so fast you are burning whats left of your so called cleverness! Of all the stories that will be written about you in the future, the one that gave you that final gut punch is that our US Supreme Court put the kibosh on your stupid, idiotic and selfish plans of overturning the election of President Elect Joe Biden.
Now for me to say that I pity you is just too kind a word - so from this day on, I'm calling you all losers.