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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsA very encouraging poll.
First a little background....
This is a poll conducted on a deep south college football fan site. Deep, deep south, in fact. I used to be a regular poster there until the very right wing board owner decided he would allow his right wing subscribers to run rough shod over any Democrat or progressive. Thus it has become about 95% trumpian. And when I told them to fuck off with their nonsense I was banned.
Anyway... here's the poll question:
"Poll: If Trump loses do you plan on voting again? Posted on 11/13/20 at 12:19 pm
If Trump is forced out, unfortunately looking that way more and more every day. Most of us think its only a matter of time before shite hits the fan with all the policies that the Democrats have been discussing. Most of us believe that fraud occurred and if Trump loses this appeal, it will never come to light.
Do you plan on voting again if the system is so corrupt that it doesn't matter?
Upvote if Yes, Downvote if No"
Right now the Upvotes trail the Downvotes 86 to 90.
Now, I consider this big news. Theirs is a STAUNCHLY pro-trump, belligerent, obnoxious board. Delusional almost beyond belief. Fraud! Rigged! Stolen election! Hillary's emails! Benghazi! Benghazi! Impeachment hoax! Hunter's laptop! Blah blah blah blah blah.
Why am I especially encouraged? I know these people. Now, they might be lying... which would be typical, I guess.... but just to admit in front of their peers that they will not be voting in future elections is pretty telling. And if THESE folks are discouraged from voting right now I'm guessing that a few folks in Georgia, after their audit/recount proves no shenanigans, will opt out of voting in the two Senate races.
A comment from one of the respondents:
"If the Dems are allowed to steal this election in the dead of the night after stopping the count and trucking in ballots, then no. There will never be a free and fair election in the country again. whats the point"
To which I say BRAVO! You stay home, sore loser.

(54,438 posts)Of course they'll vote. They always do. What Trumpers will do is double down on disenfranchising Black and other Dem-leaning voting blocks.
(30,613 posts)If that "deep" state is GA, maybe they will still be mad enough to sit one out in January.
(6,615 posts)I know some of the state school boards are filled with T-shirts fans who never attended a day of college in their life but I experienced the same on a major conservative private school board at a top 50 University. Its mostly from the Business majors who think they are well-educated because they learned to count in College. I decided I was going into "retirement" when the Pandemic hit because of the clearly idiotic comments by Trumplicans. Life can be a lot better when you refuse to surround yourself with "morans"
(8,003 posts)... a lot of people lie when they are angry. I don't believe them and we should all act accordingly.
These voters are functionally unreachable. The democratic ticket needs to govern well. Next deliver safety, prosperity and a rational functional government for everyone in the country. Then they can make their case for the steadily shrinking number persuadable voters.
It really is that simple.
(14,489 posts)It was even higher than the rate undecideds vote, which was 70%.