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Sydney Powell traitor flynns lawyer is on air making wild accusations she has proof this election will be reversed.
Just unethical?

(38,601 posts)And while were at it: why do we allow such lying in politics? Its a legit question. Why are witnesses sworn in but our reps arent?
Would it just be too hard? Less theatrical?
(6,615 posts)but most people confuse a lie with a fact that is false. A lie is intentionally making a statement that the speaker knows to be untrue at the time of the statement-- from the perspective of the speaker not the person who hears the statement
(5,780 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,820 posts)Also, lawyers aren't usually under oath themselves; only the witnesses. But they can't lie about evidence in a case if the lie is likely to affect the outcome.
(5,780 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,820 posts)a lawyer who is actively involved in the litigation of a matter cannot ethically make any public statements that create a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing the outcome in court. Lying about the evidence in a pending case would violate this ethical standard because it creates a risk of tainting the outcome of the litigation. In this particular case the judge certainly knows these statements are bullshit and won't be influenced by them, but the lawyer is technically violating the ethical rule about influencing a court proceeding.