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They seem desperate to always pump up Trump and bring down the Democrats.
The "tone" was different. You know they mean Trump's. The comments and retweets are lit.
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Joe "tried to frame"

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(12,222 posts)I could tell from start of debate he was on valium, no way could he be calm on his own.
He was like a mental patient on heavy drugs to settle down and they consider that presidential?
(4,151 posts)Everything hes done is an act. The manic shit, the calm shit, the dumber than the wall shit. Hes always acting. Hes ignorant as hell but he isnt stupid, hes evil. Everything he does is calculated.
(16,295 posts)He and the rest of his administration are the biggest bunch of buffoons I've ever seen. Totally incompetent.
(4,151 posts)Because he has no idea what the job entails, has zero working knowledge of government, is utterly ignorant to the problems were really facing and is only interested in self interest. The people actually working the policy are doing almost all of this stuff on purpose. They are deliberately doing these things and hes out there selling himself to idiots. Hes performing.
(12,215 posts)I didn't watch.
(14,016 posts)the day they have to shutter it they will have no one to blame but themselves.
(54,770 posts)pumping up trump. They didn't call him a lying, vile sack-of-chit, but they didn't say he's a good man either.
Best a GOPer strategist quoted could come up with was the debate was a draw.
"Over all, Colin Reed, a Republican strategist, said the debate was a draw. Both candidates came prepared not only in tone and tenor, but also substantively, he said. For Biden, a push is a win right now. Trump is the one who needed the knockout blow."
(3,788 posts)It's the WAY the NYT and other media outlets tries to frame things. Over and over again.
They keep expecting him to act NORMAL.
They keep talking about a change in "tone."
And how many articles has the Times had in the last few years about talking to Trump voters in diners? Especially in blue areas and how isolated these poor dimwits felt.
Or when they tried to claim a bunch of people they interviewed were "swing" voters when one of the people they spoke to had been to 23 Trump rallies? And they had quoted her in several other articles.
NONE of the people interviewed for the article were swing voters. Not one.
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And how many times MAGA "Access" Haberman has done PR work for Trump and some of her Times buddies leap to her defense on Twitter when she gets called out?
(5,288 posts)This would be a serious issue for a reporter at any decent small town newspaper. The NYT should be embarrassed that someone caught this clear and intentional misrepresentation.
(23,899 posts)...
(35,787 posts)I did. Taken as a whole, it was scathing. As usual. They are anything but "desperate to always pump up Trump". They despise him, and they can't hide it all that well.
Your complaint is that the NYT, as corporate policy, tries to maintain their particular standard of journalistic objectivity in the language they utilize. If you can't accept that, don't read them.
Deacon Blue
(252 posts)I read it while working early voting in Texas. Not kind to tRump in any sense. Lotsa other good stuff too. Love the Grey Lady...
(3,788 posts)This is painful for me, because I grew up reading the New York Times on a daily basis.
It was a very important part of my life. I studied journalism in high school and college and have worked as a newspaper reporter.
Their hatred of Hillary in 2016 helped lead us to Trump. They reported on Hillary's emails over 600 days in a row.
Meanwhile, everyone in New York knew that Trump was one of the most corrupt people on earth.
A few days before the election the Times claimed that Trump had NO connections to Russia, according to the FBI. None.
What happened to fact-checking?
This despite his apparent business interests in the Soviet Union the Times wrote about way back in 1987.
But "Access" Haberman is important to them despite her years of promoting Trump.
Anyway, the media wants "clicks" because print in dead and this is how they make money.
Who cares if democracy is destroyed in the process?
(35,787 posts)They have not been doing that in 2020. Yes, Haberman is still there; she wrote a piece today.
Since you're a low-count poster, you may not have been around DU the last, say, 20 years, and don't know that this topic has been hashed and re-hashed in 1,000s of OPs. Often it's directed at some formless "MSM", but you're not making any fresh observations.
Democracy is always "dying". The NYT can't save it.
(22,240 posts)As I posted earlier any high scholl student with Trump's performance would receive an 'F'
and be laughed off the stage by fellow students. NYT comment is sick.
(58,785 posts)Marius25
(3,213 posts)cancelling it and telling them that them normalizing fascism and dictator Trump is why you're cancelling their trash paper.
(35,787 posts)That'll teach 'em!
(1,671 posts)Thats an excerpt from one of the CNN analysts who gave their take on the debate. It caught my eye because weve all become numb to the lying. If this same debate had happened 4 years ago, the headline would be chock full of shock about the number of lies Trump told. Also his behavior. Even though it was slightly better than his meltdown on the first debate, it was still horrific.
But whats truly horrific is how far weve fallen. 4 years ago who won the debate? would be like Biden 80, Trump 20 (or an even wider margin). Today many of us are saying Trump won or it was a tie. Trumps win in 2016 truly shook my faith in our country. His subsequent crimes and corruption with nothing to check him has brought me to my knees. Trump must be defeated. NYTs and other media outlet have a duty to continue to point out the liesmake THAT the main storyregardless of how commonplace it has become.