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(28,835 posts)That wasn't terribly bright.
(15,318 posts)TwilightZone
(28,835 posts)The backlash has already started and the police chief has chimed in about multiple violations of department policy. This was monumentally dumb and I suspect he's going to pay for it with a suspension. He really should be fired, but that's unlikely.
(15,318 posts)"No donut for you today. Now, don't do that again."
I hope you're right and it's more serious than that.
(43,049 posts)Nevilledog
(53,561 posts)Mariana
(15,318 posts)demosincebirth
(12,764 posts)a over rides everything.
(1,690 posts)His belief that there will be no consequences is of more importance. 4 years+ of tacit support for illegal behavior and blanket support for any pro trump actions by the police say he isnt wrong in that belief.
(34,319 posts)olegramps
(8,200 posts)dalton99a
(86,365 posts)

(49,855 posts)Well, that's a nice message for a police officer. I have five year old grandsons who can read pretty much everything and I expect better from a public servant. Its bad enough that I can never have the news on when they're here because we have a president who thinks it is alright to swear on national television.
(20 posts)judesedit
(4,528 posts)gratuitous
(82,849 posts)"No" or "electioneering"? Maybe a 30 day suspension without pay is in order, so you can do some research?
(26,293 posts)FelineOverlord
(3,788 posts)Cha
(307,152 posts)Simeonidis, an attorney who works downtown, said he was passing through Government Center when he spotted Ubeda well within the 150-foot barrier that police and campaigners are not permitted under state statute during an election if they are endorsing a candidate. He photographed the officer and tweeted about the encounter.
He may have been going to vote. But he was in full uniform with the mask and a gun. Thats voter intimidation, Simeonidis said.
Simeonidis said Ubeda laughed it off after he was questioned about the mask.
Deputy Police Chief Ron Papier said he spoke with Chief Jorge Colina and that the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against Ubeda
Yuck it up, police Lawbreaker.
TY for the tweet!
(43,203 posts)NO advertising material endorsing candidates is allowed on or near the premises.
(15,318 posts)He's supposedly going to be "disciplined" by the department, which probably just means he'll be told not to do that again.
(44,924 posts)Now, this cop violated Police Department policy and should be punished. But he did not violate any law against electioneering at a polling place.
Whether it constitutes voter intimidation (and arguably it does) is a separate question.
(7,252 posts).....if you had a BIDEN bumper sticker you would be pulled over for swerving in the lane. Failing to use proper signals. Possible DUI. Required to take a field sobriety test. All the things that would be your word against his.
Ticketed, fined, and a court date.
Hopefully not BLACK and face being shot.
(15,128 posts)... but doesn't need to follow them.
I'd like to see him fired! I wouldn't want any cop with that kind of personality.
(41,260 posts)...when a cop does it. Fire him.
Blue Owl
(55,246 posts)
(3,788 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)unblock
(54,539 posts)voter intimidation indeed.
(15,318 posts)A gun on an officer is one thing, but a gun on a officer willing to break the law is another.
(54,539 posts)Takket
(22,862 posts)unblock
(54,539 posts)people try to do that, or don't realize it's illegal and do it, all the time. poll workers tell people they have to cover up their political t-shirt or take their hat off. it happens everywhere, every election.
but it's orders of magnitude worse when it's a police officer (agent of the government) and when he's carrying a gun.
very different situation than when a civilian does it, or even if this same guy had done it in plain clothes and off duty and not carrying a gun.
(44,924 posts)But he did violate Police Department policy and should be punished.
And whether it constitutes voter intimidation (and arguably it does) is a separate question.
(71,526 posts)There is a mask to prevent the "no big deal" disease that "masks do not help", supporting the guy who said those things. And, this tool is wearing one!
(28,835 posts)Trump is the one generating the bullshit. More projection.
He's probably wearing it because the department requires him to. He's thumbing his nose at his own department, which isn't going to go over well.
(71,526 posts)"What? I'm wearing a mask.". Tee hee!
A juvenile twit.
With a gun!
(9,048 posts)Bettie
(17,719 posts)just to ensure that no one makes the mistake of thinking he is there to help.
(43,203 posts)
(17,719 posts)do it. It's probably the highlight of his day when he can hassle a black or brown person.
Hey, remember when one could reasonably believe that there were more good cops than bad ones?
(1,591 posts)panader0
(25,816 posts)I don't have one, but I have a real nice Louisville Slugger.
(31,170 posts)ornotna
(11,169 posts)for those of us not in the know.
(11,169 posts)Thanks anyway.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)most certainly.
(18,765 posts)Will explode into a complete civil war.
(14,390 posts)really?
The guy you support has told over 25,000 verifiable lies in 4 years. He lies as much as he breathes.
And then lets discuss WHERE you put this message. On a fucking mask! The kind he scoffs at. The kind he encouraged Americans NOT to wear because it was all a Democratic hoax. And has caused untold deaths because of that dereliction of duty. The irony is over the top.
The biggest problem we will have with ex-Trumpers after the election is realizing that there are so many out there who can leap to opinions that based on the OPPOSITE of reality. They will be just waiting for the next, smarter, Trump.
(25,477 posts)Dreampuff
(778 posts)If he is willing to do something this ignorant, I'm scared of what he will do out on the street.
I've only recently noticed the Maga hats that include that phrase. I take it to mean people want no more BS about the pandemic since most of the people who seem to have them as bumper stickers or shirts, think this whole pandemic is a hoax in order to prevent Trump from having his big riots and getting the Adoration he feels he deserves.
(71,526 posts)It is illegal to electioneer at a voting place.
So, his idiotic statement also involved breaking the law. By a cop!
(44,924 posts)He violated Police Department policy and should be punished. He did not violate any electioneering law.
And whether it constitutes voter intimidation (and arguably it does) is a separate question.
(71,526 posts)It's illegal here. I just saw the warnings on a sign yesterday when we went to vote.
But, someone above posted a federal statute. He may be in violation of federal law, if not Florida law.
(44,924 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,526 posts)...that sign said that willful repeat offenses are a felony.
Once must be a misdemeanor, but the sign said repeat, willful violations.
I didn't know that before yesterday. But, I was leaning on the wall right across from the sign, so I read the whole thing.
They must be pretty serious about it here.
(5,465 posts)The backlash from his department was swift. Miamis police chief, shown the photo posted on social media, said Officer Daniel Ubeda would be disciplined, though exactly how had not been determined.
Whether Ubeda was working or on his way to vote himself wasnt immediately clear. But this was: His timing was particularly bad. The person who saw and photographed him was Steve Simeonidis, chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic party.
Simeonidis, an attorney who works downtown, said he was passing through Government Center when he spotted Ubeda well within the 150-foot barrier that police and non-voters are not permitted under state statute during an election.
He may have been going to vote. But he was in full uniform with the mask and a gun. Thats voter intimidation, Simeonidis said.
(8,254 posts)they wouldn't have these kind problems,,,
(2,458 posts)

(3,788 posts)"Officer Ubeda" is now trending at #16 on Twitter.
Rick Wilson from The Lincoln Project is now interested in him:
Link to tweet
(57,177 posts)The moment Ubeda crossed the 150 foot perimeter, he is no longer a cop on duty, but an armed thug intent on intimidation. He should be confronted by armed law enforcement as such. If he doesn't back off immediately, he should be taken down by any means necessary. When he crosses that perimeter, he is no longer law enforcement, but a law-breaker.
(86,365 posts)"This behavior is unacceptable, a violation of departmental policy, and is being addressed immediately," City of Miami Police said.
The police department has not stated whether or not the officer will face any discipline.
(18,765 posts)Do a FULL background check! Take away his gun first thing!
(307,152 posts)BlancheSplanchnik
(20,219 posts)lark
(24,533 posts)Will anyone do anything about it or do we just accept that all drumpf supporters are criminals and above the law?
(44,924 posts)He definitely violated Police Department policy. But Florida doesn't prohibit voters from wearing campaign logo attire at a polling location.
(24,533 posts)Wearing that drumpf mask within 100 ft of a polling place is a crime - and he was actually inside the polling place - fire him!
(44,924 posts)See also page 11 of the Florida polling place manual -
(24,533 posts)Guess it's possible things have changed but that's what was told to us and was written in the training materials as well.
(4,707 posts)Ask them to come.
And report him - a violation of 18 USC 594, and 595.
18 U.S. Code § 594. Intimidation of voters
(General intimidation statute)
§595. Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments
Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position by the United States, or by any department or agency thereof, or by the District of Columbia or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or by any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States, or any political subdivision, municipality, or agency thereof, or agency of such political subdivision or municipality (including any corporation owned or controlled by any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States or by any such political subdivision, municipality, or agency), in connection with any activity which is financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States, or any department or agency thereof, uses his official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
This section shall not prohibit or make unlawful any act by any officer or employee of any educational or research institution, establishment, agency, or system which is supported in whole or in part by any state or political subdivision thereof, or by the District of Columbia or by any Territory or Possession of the United States; or by any recognized religious, philanthropic or cultural organization.
(In short, simply wearing that can be a violation as a State employee attempting to influence the election, which makes the officer guilty of a federal offense. Call the FBI and they should either call his department and get it fixed immediately, or they will go investigate. Im serious- call the FBI).
(6,849 posts)It's absolutely disgusting.
Wounded Bear
(61,272 posts)

(96,882 posts)rockfordfile
(8,732 posts)Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,160 posts)When the specific disciplinary measures are taken and reported to the public, we'll see how seriously they take this. My guess is, Not very.
(10,749 posts)I think this idiot should be a good example for prosecuting that crime.
(9,802 posts)Damn, Trumpers ain't too bright.
(43,193 posts)Isn't it Illegal to have stuff like that in Voting Place?? Asshole.
(44,924 posts)in a voting place.
See page 11 of the Florida polling place manual -