General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe SECRET Purpose of Trump's Threat to Delay the Vote, 1,913,369 ballots were challenged and thrown away in 2016thats how Trump stole the last election and how he will steal 2020 they will question your mail-in ballot signature, the color of your inkand if you put an X instead of filling in the little bubbletheyll junk your ballot. Yes, Donald, The 2020 election will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT election in history because your crew is defrauding voters out of their ballots.
Whose ballots gets challenged? According to the US Civil Rights Commission which investigated in Florida, the chance of your ballot being challenged and uncounted is 900% higher if youre Black than if youre white.
Thats if you get your ballot at all. According to an MIT study, one in ten voters who request a mail in ballot dont get one at all, or get it too late to count. We saw the test run in Georgia in March where the GOP state government delayed the ballot send-out, meaning thousands of African-Americans never received their ballot.
Even the husband of the Executive Director of the ACLU of Georgia got his ballot the day after the election. (But yes, he was guilty of attempted VWBVoting While Black.)
Dont cry; dont whine: you can, you must, steal back your vote: that is, protect it. We can expose the steal and reverse it. Thats why I wrote, How Trump Stole 2020its not a prediction, its a warning.
by Greg Palast July 26, 2020
Protect the health of your democracy during this epidemic of stupidity, meanness, and misinformation. Follow these simple instructions:
Dont Just Pick and Lick!
If you decide to Go Postal and mail-in your ballot, make sure you follow your states rules, no matter how berserk. That means getting a witness signature (Minnesota), notarization (Alabama), and sign the ballot and envelope twice if it says so; use the official envelope only; put on TWO stamps (Ohio). And include a copy of that special ID (Wisconsin).
Registration Investigation!
Think youre registered? This is America, Jack, not some democracy. Better check your registration again. Make sure you have not been purged, Crosschecked, made inactive, or otherwise scammed out of your vote. You dont have to re-register if youve moved within your countybut youre a fool if you dont. Why? You cant mail in your ballot, Homer, if you dont get it in the mail in the first place! Doh!
Dont Get Spoiled Rotten!
Dont mark ballots with red pens, pencils, crayons, lipstick. Dont use an ✘, ✓, or ☺︎, unless it says so. Fill in the bubble, Bob. If on a machine, check over your choices before you pull that final lever. If a punch-card, turn it over and scrape off the chads, Dad.
The Early Bird Throws Out the Worms!
Vote early. In-person when no ones around, weekdays if possible. Then, if they jacked with your registration, you may have time to fight. But beware Souls to the Polls Sunday: in states like Ohio, the lines will be hours long as the vote thieves launch their new weapons to block voters of color. If you are a voter of color or under 35, dont forget to take along photo ID and an experienced attorney.
Look Out for Tranquilizer Ballots!
The nice lady behind the counter will tell you your provisional ballot will count. Bullshit. Demand a real ballot from an election judge. If you must fill out that bogus bouncing ballot, make sure you fill in every line on the envelope with registration address, registration signature, and if no license, write no license. If you need to return with an ID, do it and dont bellyache.
Act Out!
Its time to say basta! to mass purges, to voter ID rigmarole, to tossing out provisional ballots and to the entire lynching-by-laptop operation. And that means joining voting rights action groups such as Rainbow/PUSH. Whether youre a butcher, baker or mass tort litigation maker, we need you to cross The Bridge with us. I know you have a good excuse to do nothing, but I dont want to hear it.
Spread the Word!
Download and send this Ballot Condom to everyone you know.

(62,442 posts)
Dump the chump!
(89,541 posts)DROP IT OFF. I drop mine at the Town Hall.
(7,880 posts)slate of candidates changes prior to the date; then I bring the ballot to the polls and drop it off -- no waiting in line required. It's best if people check with their county elections official to find out whether this is possible in their particular county.
(152,925 posts)Thank you, diva77.
Ms. Toad
(35,893 posts)If you aren't entitled to a reguar ballot, don't be an ass. We observers have bigger battles to fight on election day.
In most states if you requested an absentee ballot, you are not entitled to vote a regular ballot at the polls.
If you are not registered to vote (even if you were mistakenly purged), you are not entitled to vote a regular ballot at the polls.
If you show up at the wrong polling place, you are not entitled to vote a regular ballot at a polling place to which you are assigned.
Yes, it is true that many provisional ballots aren't counted. But before you demand a regular ballot from an election judge, confirm that (1) you are currently registered to vote, (2) you are in the correct polling place, and (3) you have not requested an absentee ballot for this election. (There may be more local rules - but these are the most common reasons people are told they have to vote provisionally - and also the reason many provisional ballots never get counted.
(23,012 posts)Local procedures will vary.
Many counties in Texas have essentially eliminated the need for provisional ballots by making it possible to vote anywhere in the county on Election Day. It is wonderful!! I highly recommend it.
If you have a mail in ballot and you didn't get it in the mail and you go to vote in person TAKE THE BALLOT WITH YOU!! You may be required to surrender it before you can vote, unless your voting place has a drop box.
If you have to vote provisional, and you are told you can clear your ballot by going to the elections office with whatever documentation is needed, DO IT and your ballot will be counted.
In certain states with tough ID laws, be sure you take it with you. Due to a court ruling on TX ID requirements, we have relaxed the rules on ID.
(18,834 posts)This is Trumpster's last stand and he will fight with every dirty, dishonest trick that his toadys can devise.
This is not just to keep power but also to keep the legal protection the Presidency gives him.
By the end of a second term the statute of limitations with have run out on all the cases against him.
He would leave the presidency with no legal jeopardy threatening him.
It's going to be a tsunami of attacks on the whole electoral system and our slow, stodgy legal system will have to seriously consider each and every bogus claim.
People that are celebrating the demise of Trump are foolish.
A war is brewing and it could tear the republic to pieces.
(54,770 posts)yellowdogintexas
(23,012 posts)There are a few websites that check in all states, but your best bet is your local election authority. Go to their website and use the voter lookup. You can see everything exactly as your local authority has it. If your registration is good, then you only need to check it again closer to November if you are worried
You may show up as suspended. That does not mean you are purged, after all you are still in the book. It means your address wasn't updated on your voter registration the last time you moved, and your voter registration card was returned undeliverable. You can still vote; just get your address changed. The website will tell you how to do that.
If you move between now and November, even within the county, be sure to update your address with your elections office. Do not depend on the driver's license office to update your voter registration. In some states that works really well, but in others not so much. We had instances in Texas of DMV people not sending the voter change of address to the elections office. They were just either tossing them, or just not doing anything with them.
(103,004 posts)C Moon
(12,700 posts)It's going to be tied up in courts, there will be protests, Trump troops will be illegally detaining people, and Trump, Barr and McConnell will attempt to quell it by over-riding our laws.
This will be the tipping point of our country. Our only hope is that we have more people in high positions and policing who believe in the U.S. constitution, than who are dedicated to Trump.
(307,144 posts)Hawaii. are Mail In. that's the way we do it now.
(5,318 posts)bobbieinok
(12,858 posts)jambo101
(797 posts)Curious how times change as in April i posted a thread describing how trump was going to delay the election and my post got taken down for being rediculous and trolling , well doesnt seem so ridiculous anymore =
[link ear jambo101,
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Trump will postpone November election
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(7,880 posts)