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(66,148 posts)marble falls
(63,015 posts)
(29,935 posts)I had no idea.
(18,068 posts)iluvtennis
(21,030 posts)flor-de-jasmim
(2,174 posts)a "proper lady" should cross her legs at the ankle, not at the knees, and certainly should not sit on one leg (my favorite position).
(24,506 posts)A lady always sits with her ankles crossed and her knees together, I heard it so much I could puke. I told my mother, guess I'm not a lady then, and got several beatings with a belt for it as well, to "hush up my smart mouth". Mom was from TX.
(29,935 posts)Shed do it outside. Neighbors could not have cared less.
When my brother got big enough he took it way and said never again. And it was never again. But I missed the crosses leg thing.
I was told never wear red or black underwear. No black clothes.
For us, switchings were outside and spankings were inside but yeah, neighbors did not give a shit and did the same to their kids.
We continued to be spanked until we were in our our early teens. After we ran away at 17 & 15 the hands on punishment stopped forever because they knew we wouldn't tolerate it anymore. I also think dad finally realized he had brutalized us the same way he had been brutalized by his dad and was remorseful.
(1,604 posts)took the switch away from her. That was it. No more switches for the him, or the rest of us. It's odd, though. All of us were bigger than she was. Yet, until that day, we always "minded" when she sent us out for the switch.
(161,633 posts)the woman screamed it was none of my business, I said lady, children are everyone's business - spanking is one thing (I still remember the spanking I got when I was playing with matches and burned a hole in my dress) - but hitting with a belt, I think that is abuse
(29,935 posts)Spare the rod, spoil the child.
(1,579 posts)... white and of color. Its called the Cambridge Cross after Duchess Kate and theres a Sussex version too, after Meghan.
(29,935 posts)niyad
(122,010 posts)Blue_playwright
(1,579 posts)I just meant young women are embracing it (and etiquette) right now more than my generation did. Its called the Duchess Effect. 😃
(122,010 posts)of "socially acceptable behaviour" has always smtruck me as sexist.
(161,633 posts)that's my favorite seated pose too, the one leg folded - I find it helps with my foot-tapping habit
marble falls
(63,015 posts)Skittles
(161,633 posts)
Ms. Toad
(35,867 posts)lame54
(37,413 posts)GoCubsGo
(33,422 posts)while the other looks like he's part of the gang.
I'm actually surprised that Trump allows his female interns to wear pants. They probably wear them for their own safety. It's a lot harder to grab 'em you-know-where through trousers.
(24,306 posts)lpbk2713
(43,203 posts)And there are two flags in the background.
And there's a big jerk in the center of the pic.
(3,315 posts)FelineOverlord
(3,787 posts)Let's be honest, how many POC would want to work for him anyway?
His tokens are Diamond & Silk and Candace Owens.
(177,203 posts)StarfishSaver
(18,486 posts)demmiblue
(38,001 posts)erronis
(17,653 posts)I don't know, but I also sense a real joy of those standing around Obama. And a painted-on grimace around dump.
George II
(67,782 posts)packman
(16,296 posts)I count two (2) people of the non-white type in Trump's pix - and that is quite a concession on his part
(29,208 posts)rurallib
(63,403 posts)even more of a difference
(15,120 posts)Almost off-camera among the Trump interns, but not quite.
Edit: Tokens for Trump, not that they're not great interns.
(14,390 posts)Shoved all the way to left as far away from Trump as possible.
edit: Beat me by a minute Buckeye!
(5,603 posts)right in the middle of one of them.
(306,945 posts)volstork
(5,603 posts)around the shoulders of those next to him. Nobody is touching IQ45.
(29,169 posts)LudwigPastorius
(11,553 posts)
(5,530 posts)...almost like an afterthought
(20,647 posts)Tumbulu
(6,489 posts)cocktail dresses. Very few wearing suits. Their job is to be floozies? Disgusting and disrespectful to themselves and to us. But that's how T likes his girls. Stilettos and stupid frilly dresses.
Oh and they all have that same long hair that his women have.
Sexist and racist. They tend to go together.
(3,834 posts)How did all those women make Trump's intern team? I mean if are going to go blatantly all white, why not go all male too? Trump is Mister Half Way Measures any way you cut it.
(15,550 posts)Moral Compass
(1,867 posts)Scarily homogeneous...
(47,451 posts)So it could be over for him as more suburban and rural voters get woke enough to make a difference in the electoral college.
White voters are turning on Trump, new data shows. Why now?
(1,696 posts)
rufus dog
(8,419 posts)And a girl from India right behind him. The girl in the red dress in the second row may be Hispanic, although I would expect them to put her with the black kid and Asian girl if she was.
(21,030 posts)in trump internships.