General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIt would appear that the response to excess force by police in police forces across
the nation is more force and more violence. I have read stories and watched videos this morning that sicken me. Reporters being deliberately attacked. Residents attacked on their porch. A cache of supplies for peaceful protesters destroyed by cops. Years ago I watched a gang of cops go out of control at the Indy 500 as more cops arrived it just became a gang. The two people who had started the whole thing had deescalated it when the first cops arrived, but the cops made it worse and started using their truncheons.
The cops are making a statement right now. That is "We don't want to change" They like their power and by God they are gonna keep it. With riot gear on they are practically unidentifiable so what the hell they can even flash white power signs just to make sure you get the message. Mayors better get on this and fast. If they care at all.

(2,541 posts)Just curious but I saw a very similar incident at Laguna Seca .
I was camped inside turn 1 having bought my tickets a year earlier. This was the 1st F1 Motorcycle race in the USA in decades.
Parties infield were legendary. Crowds doing burnouts till the tires popped booze & well lots of testosterone based rowdy behavior.
It should be noted Laguna Seca Raceway resides on a active military area at least it was back then.
Here's where it gets gross & weird.
It turned dark & there was already a police presence rousting people for whatever. I had to go #2 so I took my pit bike to the porta potties.
I was about to enter & the door flung open-older guy very gruff just swept past me.
I went inside-sat down & smoosh-Oh shit-literally the bastard had smeared shit on the toilet seat & I sat in it.
Got up-pulled up my shorts & rode up to the campsite above where they had showers & cleaned up.
I tried to head back to my spot & the gate was closed. Riot police in a bus had come in from the military base. And they were all geared up-for a racetrack crowd?. Then an idiot throws a bottle-I saw it. Then all hell broke loose you know the rest. If I had been at my campsite I surely would have been involved.
I learned later the bottle landed near a older officer & he suffered a cardiac & died on the spot. They didn't know it was a cardiac & assumed the worst-that was why they went berserk on the crowd.
My 1st & only riot-saved by the pooh.
(2,347 posts)gibraltar72
(7,629 posts)A couple of guys that had been drinking started arguing about something. Then it got to throwing fists. One guy was clearly whipped and laid on the ground 2 cops Sheriff Dept. I believe showed up but they were followed by probably 30 more. Anyhow as the first on the scene started talking to the guys the winner was kinda sheepish and said he'd probably drunk to much. just about then the 30 arrived. 1st guy reaches his hand out to guy on the ground to help him up. The 30 come in swinging their batons. Don't even ask the first cops what's going on. I started to go towards them to tell them it was over. my buddy grabbed my arm and said let's just get out of here that's a mob and you can't reason with them. I looked over my shoulder as we left. both guys were on the ground with arms over their heads and the cops were still wailin away.