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Rick Wilson was on Bill Mahers show last night talking about this PAC that he and some other Republicans formed. Their goal is to prevent trump from getting reelected and Wilson said they are going to go real hard on this problem. George Conway and Steve Schmidt are also part of the PAC. Im thinking of donating. What do you think?

(13,776 posts)Also, all three of them have an amazing way with words, and are Republican so their words might have a little extra weight, so to me they seem like a good PAC to donate to.
They might be on the other side again someday, but today is not that day.
In fact, I might donate too. Thanks for this!
(6,448 posts)Let's just call them Americans first.
(1,922 posts)He did kind of put down dems, but he never claimed to be one. I like a lot of his posts, but will follow cautiously.
Cirque du So-What
(27,761 posts)Personally, Id rather give financial assistance to candidates whose philosophy more closely matches my own. In my world, money is a finite resource. I believe republicans will find their own contributions just fine.
Cousin Dupree
(1,866 posts)Cirque du So-What
(27,761 posts)Republicans- retro or otherwise- not so much.
Big Blue Marble
(5,498 posts)I am thinking of donating as well. They are political operatives who have spent their professional
lives effectively communicating with Republicans and especially swing voters. They do
know how to reach these folks in ways our party has not always understood.
Frankly, I am glad we share the agenda to remove Trump and start to rebuild our Republlc based
on democratic principles.
Cornell Engineer
(80 posts)I just signed up with their group last week. I have come to greatly admire Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson. I believe their preferred economic policies are still wrong but I respect their hatred for President Putinpuppet and his cultist lemmings.
As a matter of fact, I just donated a few bucks a few hours ago as a sign of appreciation for their new attack ad on one of my state's senators...
There's a very good chance that come this time next year Arizona will have not one but TWO Democratic senators.
Never thought I'd donate money to Republicans but as long as Fuhrer Drumpf's in office then the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Politics makes strange bedfellows, as they say.
Cousin Dupree
(1,866 posts)Hekate
(95,979 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,270 posts)My monthly donations are starting to really crank up. It will cost a lot of money for us to take back this bastardization of Democracy.
(95,979 posts)I am grateful for allies in this epic fight.
(2,042 posts)I too saw that panel on Bill Maher and wondered the same thing about donating. I like Rick, I think there may come a day when I don't, but I appreciate that he's taking the time to do it, and him making it clear they have no desire to influence the Dem primaries, and also plan to keep up the effort through election day.
(31,893 posts)I appreciate the work that the Lincoln Project is doing, but they are still, and will remain, conservatives.
Let wealthy never-trumpers fund them - I seriously doubt that they will be hurting for funding - and save your money for Democrats.
Cornell Engineer
(80 posts)But nevertheless I also donated a little to Mark Kelly several days ago. But it's nice to have any help from the right that we can get and they sure do make some pretty effective political ads attacking Trumptard Republicans.
Methinks Commander Kelly is gonna kick her ass bigtime in November. If the Lincoln Project can help that happen then it's well worth a few bucks to me.
(31,893 posts)If you have plenty of $$ to spread around, then use it however and wherever you think it will do the most good.
Cornell Engineer
(80 posts)that anybody who hates Trump can't be 100% bad.
It's not like the Lincoln Project is using donations to primary incumbent Republicans just to replace them with more traditional Goppers...they are using it to take down Trump Republicans plain and simple. They know full well that if they are successful Democrats will take their places. If they are willing to go to such an extent then I am willing to give them a few dollars to help them make it happen.
If we ever return to "normalcy" then we can go back to debating sane Republicans over economic, social and foreign policy like we used to and then we'll likely be facing off against guys like Schmidt & Wilson. But until then they stand solidly on our side of the fence and I welcome them as allies against an existential threat that Drumpf and his GOP represents.
Cousin Dupree
(1,866 posts)Cornell Engineer
(80 posts)after signing up I sent them a response telling them Trump was like an acid that dissolves away people's outer facades to reveal their true inner nature...and it's not always pretty what gets revealed. I've lost a few old friends and now have some estranged family members who have embraced Trumpism and I'm sure many others here have as well.
During the Dubya and Obama years I probably despised 99% of all Republicans but in the last few years I've come to realize that there are some truly good Republicans who are decent people at heart but simply disagree on policies that best advance America which is what true patriots want on either side of the aisle. I've even come to respect and admire a few like Schmidt and Wilson for their honesty and their mutual hatred of Drumpf and his minions.
Maybe one day we can get back to having sane debates with these folks about which policies would best benefit a majority of Americans but that day is nowhere in sight for the time being. One step at a time and step one is to obliterate Trump and his followers. Anybody who can help make that happen is AOK in my book.
(95,979 posts)... Dies." People who had decent public reputations in Washington are revealed as scum once they go to work for Trump.
Welcome to DU!
(121,133 posts)In It to Win It
(9,977 posts)UniteFightBack
(8,231 posts)Me.
(35,454 posts)They will bring bullets to a knife fight and not think twice when it comes to that thing in the WH
Cornell Engineer
(80 posts)We Democrats aren't usually too good at attacking Republicans and are often better at attacking each other. I have no qualms about hiring gunslinging Goppers like Schmidt & Wilson to attack Trumptards since we Dems often can't shoot straight.
Now that I am an official card-carrying money-donating member of the Lincoln Project I may send founding member George Conway an email with a burning question I have for him...
Just how the hell does he avoid strangling his wicked witch of a wife???
(35,454 posts)and don't alienate regarding the wife thing
Cornell Engineer
(80 posts)and neither am I. I assure you if the two of them had reversed roles I'd be wondering out loud how she resists offing him.
Kellyanne is living proof that males do not hold a monopoly on vileness...although I will admit that they are a majority shareholder!
(35,454 posts)Hekate
(95,979 posts)He might be afraid of losing his kids.
(28,626 posts)The ad is brutal, I loved it. It may help you make a decsion.
Link to tweet
(8,147 posts)Cornell Engineer
(80 posts)When I recently signed up to the Lincoln Project I told them I'd give them a few bucks when they released it. Made good on my promise earlier today after I first saw it.
Pretty sure that gal they have doing the voiceover has attacked Dems in the past. Hated her then but for some strange reason liking her a lot better today.
Dems picked a great candidate to run against her...
Thanks to soon-to-be two-time loser McSally we'll probably have 2 Democratic Senators from here in AZ soon. Hope she runs for the House in 2022 because Pelosi can never have enough seats in her caucus.
Keep up the great work, Martha! We Southwestern liberal hacks say "muchas gracias!"
(8,147 posts)sometimes quite eloquent.
(17,105 posts)JHB
(37,558 posts)Rick and his pals don't need your money. They can get all they need from the sort of Republicans who voted for Johnson in 2016.
Put your money where it will do the most good, which is not with these guys who have bigger fish than you on speed dial and will shiv you in the kidneys at the first opportunity.
(14,633 posts)they want to see elected to help destroy our government.
We must always remember there are many millions or people that are suffering around the globe and much of it due to right-wing corruption and extreme austerity. Few if any Republicans, UK Tories and other right-wingers are sensitive to these needs.
That's why 100% of my meager funds go to Democrats and worthy charities........
(1,300 posts)It was shitty and wouldn't convince any fence sitting Republican to vote against Trump