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(9,499 posts)
(73,212 posts)that Russia was hacking the election for Trump and he hid that from the American people.
They're all in - ReTHUGs are THUGS in name and nature
(73,212 posts)... is the July 4, 2018 Moscow Mules who went to Russia however to a person they all know that
Russia installed Trump and rigged a lot of elections in 2016 too.
Vlad has also been working the "long game" in America with the GOP/Right Wing Hate Talk(Fox)/
the NRA/Christian Evangelicals/Racist/dumb folks for many years in order to sew division in America.
The Wizard
(13,055 posts)which was why he withheld Merrick Garland from a Senate hearing to be on the Supreme Court. He's a traitor and should be treated as such including the legal remedy for treason. It's about time we investigate the Court Martial that resulted in his removal from military service.
(7,484 posts)kag
(4,138 posts)It's an interesting read. Not sure why it's not talked about more.
(10,739 posts)I'm not given to conspiracy theories. But I'd bet good money after bad that Yertles in the closet, after reading that.
The Wizard
(13,055 posts)down the corridor of the Boston Fleet Center in 2004 like he was looking for Jeff Gannon.

(7,225 posts)I could lose weight. My stomach would be so torn up, I would not be able to eat. But do not think I will.
(7,484 posts)lunatica
(53,410 posts)Except for many photos of Trump and Giuliani.
(36,631 posts)There are lots of potential projectiles in my house.
Midnight Writer
(23,449 posts)Soxfan58
(3,479 posts)To shove that thumb up his ass.
(3,678 posts)
(721 posts)slater71
(1,153 posts)If trump wins and we take the senate, he can`t get his extreme judges, and get anything passed. But the biggest thing would be that he will loose all that protection he has now making it easy to impeach him again. The communist, moscow mitch, has to be defeated at all cost. Even it it meant Trump winning again, I would trade trump for the senate anytime.
(12,248 posts)If Democrats have the Senate, they can prevent another Kavanaugh from getting to the Supreme Court. They likely could not impeach Trump, but they could stymie his worst actions like cutting safety-net programs, health care, and starting wars.
(7,484 posts)But, those Repubs that knuckled under, were too stupid to think straight, or were bought will just do it again, if given the chance. Trump can't be reelected. He'll just find more sycophants. Plus, we need a Dem president to undo the awful damage Trump has done to the Constitution.
Kid Berwyn
(19,113 posts)Said Moscow Mitch McTurtle, the Plantation Overseer.
(25,816 posts)llmart
(16,332 posts)Taking great delight in being a traitor to the United States.
He and Trump can take those thumbs and shove them up each other's asses.
Come on Kentucky. You can do better than this.
(138,165 posts)
(63,221 posts)I will rejoice when he is six-feet under. For now, I will continue to contribute to Amy McGrath.
(19,889 posts)History will not be kind. 2018 will repeat itself, on steroids, and his ilk will be swept out the scuppers...or the Republic will fall, the Constitution is moot and the country will fragment. I predict the former, not the later, so his sins WILL find him out. He will be remember along with this motley crew of political trash...
And these guys....
(36,631 posts)I think Moscow Mitch outslimes them all.
(5,606 posts)He will go down in history as a traitor.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)polichick
(37,626 posts)McCONnell does not work for Americans - the stolen SC seat, stack of pro-American bills sitting in his desk, and unqualified judges should be mentioned every time his name is uttered.
Bidens delusional promises about working with these people are counterproductive when so many voters have been confused by gaslighting tactics - Dems need to clearly state that RepubliCONs must be removed from office.
(34,648 posts)Ppl like that will be back as powerbrokers in 10/20 yrs.
Like Kavanaugh and Ken Starr
(86,446 posts)There has not been an accomplishment of my office, or this conference, over the past several years that did not benefit from Stef Muchows attention and calm under pressure. Her continued dedication is a testament to Kentucky, and to our nations tradition of public service, McConnell added.
(49,863 posts)to have been part of destroying democracy and the rule of law. Its bad enough that they've done it, they sure don't have to look so damn happy about it.
(1,167 posts)I cannot wait to spit on his grave.
(52,089 posts)Catshit to leave on his tombstone
(1,167 posts)mild stomach upset first. Otherwise their poops aren't disgusting enough.
(16,141 posts)
C Moon
(12,703 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,561 posts)What a hideous creature. He makes Quasimodo look like Mr America in comparison.
(20,717 posts)U.S. version.