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The House impeached the president, and though the Senate will likely acquit, the American people can witness the whole thing. The free press fostered and protected by the genius of the First Amendment has let Americans know the truth, if they wish to, Comey argued, despite harsh press restrictions imposed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
In November, Americans, fully informed, will have the chance to decide what kind of country we are and what we expect of our leaders, he argued, despite the fact House prosecutors charged that voters would not be fully informed with a fair Senate trial including witnesses and evidence.
I dont buy the stuff about the United States democracy dying, Comey continued, ignoring that Trump was impeached for attempting to cheat in the 2020 presidential election.
When I was a kid, the United States didnt come apart. It wont now, he predicted, seemingly ignoring climate change.

(25,111 posts)Corgigal
(9,298 posts)but its already here.
Blows a kiss...
(8,645 posts)Midnight Writer
(23,385 posts)What good is a crooked election?
(17,078 posts)he says some pretty dumb things.
(19,032 posts)dweller
(25,489 posts)is he being held Against his will under interrogation ?
are we next?
(22,997 posts)mahina
(19,350 posts)Thanks for nothing. Shut it.
(5,930 posts)that I recognized and knew enough to know the role they play. My husband asked me who someone was and without missing a beat, I identified who it was and gently chided saying, Ya gotta keep up. Thats when it dawned on me that millions of people have not been paying attention like I (and others) have. I am retired and have plenty of time to read and watch hearings. That is how I know lots of details about what tRump did and who he conned into doing dirty work for him. (That is how he operates to try to keep his hands clean.)
But for many Americans, there are too many details and people for them to learn now. Besides, for those enthralled by tRump, hell just lie to them some more, theyll believe him and will vote for that monster one more time.
To have any chance at reaching the reachable, the campaign to educate them needs to be going on now. Bolton needs to quit playing coy and spill the beans. He will still make a bundle but maybe he could redeem himself for some of the things he did in the Bush II Administration. Make the message easy as 2+2 = 4
Guy Whitey Corngood
(26,757 posts)SamKnause
(13,988 posts)I don't think he is taking the situation seriously.
He sounds naive as to how evil and sick Trump and his cult are.
Does he really expect us to believe that he hasn't heard numerous
horror stories about Trump and his cult ???
How much evidence has he seen that we haven't ???
Fuck all the spineless wimps that are allowing this to happen.
Fuck all the enablers.
Fuck all of them.
(161,459 posts)if he wasn't such a misogynist asshole we would not be STUCK with the vile pig now occupying the White House
(8 posts)nice work
(24,887 posts)NewJeffCT
(56,842 posts)as long as Trump is around.
(1,372 posts)is okay with his acquittal. I dont think anyone is surprised by that. Now can you slither back into your hole.
(10,464 posts)He embarrasses me to hear him talk.
(13,771 posts)How does that compute?
(85,968 posts)No Comey letter, no President Trump
(3,678 posts)
herding cats
(19,656 posts)But I'm saying now for the record it wasn't me and you folks need to stop being mad at me for breaking the country.
This part: "In November, Americans, fully informed," is blindingly false considering the vote today. Hiding facts from public light means Americans are misinformed, blinded by partisan politics (again) and will be voting based on lies and propaganda again.
Keep lying to yourself, Mr. Comey. It's all you have to get you through these dark days, I understand.
(5,825 posts)spanone
(138,069 posts)