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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsExcellent post by Heather Cox Richardson: Chuck Todd, Turley on impeachment, media / disinformation began and ended with Trump melting down. This morning, after a silence during the holidays, he came out swinging at the Democrats generally, and at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi specifically. Then this evening, apparently against the advice of his lawyer, he retweeted a story that named someone claimed to be the whistleblower, a person who currently has a security detail for protection, not in a foreign war zone, but in our own nations capital.
It seems clear that Trump cannot bear that Pelosiwhom he is calling Crazy Nancy-- is not rushing to send the articles of impeachment over to the Senate for a trial a trial that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already promised will exonerate Trump. It is worth noting that it has been only a week since the House passed the articles of impeachment, and we have had major religious holidays in that time, and yet Trump is obviously angry and desperate for movement on impeachment. But hes got to wait even longer. The House will not be in session again until January 7twelve days from nowand the Senate calendar for January is still in flux.
In other impeachment news, you will recall that Noah Feldman, the Harvard Law Professor who testified before the House Judiciary Committee in favor of impeachment, wrote an op-ed last week saying that Trump was not officially impeached until the House sent the articles of impeachment over to the Senate. Trump jumped on this idea, and has been saying that he is not really impeached. Today one of the other law professors who testified, George Washington Universitys Jonathan Turley, who was called by the Republicans and was opposed to impeachment, wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post entitled I testified against Trumps impeachment. But lets not pretend it didnt happen. The title pretty much sums it up. As Turley concluded: The House speaks in its own voice and in its own time. It did so on Dec. 18, 2019.
For all the drama of these two stories, I have been more interested in what feels to me like a changing trend: it appears that media is finally recognizing that it cannot simply report both sides of the news as if they are equally valid when one side is lying. On the evening of December 24, Rolling Stone magazine published a short interview with Chuck Todd, an NBC journalist who moderates Meet the Press and who is the Political Director for NBC News. On December 29, Meet the Press is doing a show on disinformation and how it is weaponized, and this interview was a teaser.
It's really important to understand that misinformation and disinformation are different things. Misinformation is bad information caused by errors-- someone makes a mistake. Disinformation, though, is deliberately false information intended to manipulate public opinion. Another word for disinformation is propaganda.
In the interview, Todd laments that he has been absurdly naïve. Right up until he had Senator Cruz on his show recently and Cruz echoed Russian propaganda, Todd apparently believed that the Republicans were acting in good faith when they talked to the media. Todd says he was stunned by Cruzs embrace of Russian disinformation, especially since he was the third senator to do exactly that on the show. Cruz had asked to come on, and Todd thought that since Cruz had always been a Russia hawk, he wanted to set the record straight. When, instead, he followed the party line, Todd finally got it: Trump Republicans are using the media to spread propaganda.
Jay Rosen, a professor of journalism at New York University, responded to this revelation by pointing out that it was on Todds own show in January 2017 that Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway launched the concept of the administrations lies simply being based on alternative facts. But, Rosen writes, media leaders nonetheless treated officials lies as hyperbole, just Trump and his spokespeople being ridiculous.
The upshot is that, three years later, Trumps base is divorced from reality, while other Americans are so tired from incessant gas lighting we have lost faith that we can still perceive reality. This is why gaslighting is effective propaganda: having lost confidence in their own perceptions, people are so eager for peace they are willing to accept a strong leader who will promise to create stability.
Im with Rosen on this. There is no excuse for such naivete on Todds part. Hes the Political Director for NBC News, after all, and should have had a better handle on the well-known methods at play here.
Even more, it has been very clear that todays Republican Party has risen to power by rejecting facts and creating its own reality. After World War Two, Republicans and Democrats both shared a belief that the government had a role to play in regulating the economy, providing a basic social safety net, and promoting infrastructure. Indeed, that belief about government was so widely embraced it became known as the liberal consensus.
In 1951, William F. Buckley, Jr., fresh out of college, wrote a book attacking that consensus by attacking fact-based argument. In God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of Academic Freedom, Buckley said that trying to reach the truth by constructing arguments out of factsthe premise of the Enlightenment-- was a worse superstition than the Dark Age traditions the Enlightenment tried to root out. When presented with fact-based arguments, voters kept choosing the liberal consensus. So far as Buckley was concerned, that consensus flew in the face of Gods laws. So, Buckley concluded, it was imperative to stop arguing based on facts, and simply promote a Conservative view of the world by whatever means necessary.
The construction of a narrative undercutting the popular liberal consensus took the modern Republican Party further and further away from a fact-based reality, until by 2002, journalist Ron Suskind had this extraordinary exchange with one of President George W. Bushs aides.
"The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles . He cut me off. 'Thats not the way the world really works anymore, he continued. ' When we act, we create our own reality . Were historys actors and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'
Ten years later, in 2012, Thomas E. Mann from the left-leaning Brookings Institution and Norm Ornstein from the right-leaning American Enterprise Institute warned that it was imperative to stop saying both sides do it, because the parties were not equally polarized. The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics, they wrote. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.
We now have a president who has made more than 15,000 false or misleading claims in fewer than three years in office, and it has become increasingly clear recently that those lies echo Russian propaganda. Senior officials repeat his claims to the media, creating their own reality.
It is my sense that Todds revelation is a sign that media figures are starting to see how they are being used to advance disinformation. There has been discussion emerging of how to report the news without providing a platform for lies. If it takes hold, there will be an important shift in media coverage of the administration and congressional supporters in the new year.

(188,580 posts)
(82,849 posts)The man's a certified . . . hmmm. Not "genius." Is there another word? "Cretin"? "Stooge"? "Nincompoop"? It's not like people haven't been screaming at chucktodd in social media for years that he's such a dupe. There has to be a personal effort factor to his stone-brained vacuity.
(53,410 posts)But yeah, if they havent gotten the message from the viewing public then its pretty obvious the viewing public simply doesnt count for much. Thats what propaganda is.
(8,200 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)a failed Presidential Campaign Manager whom seemed to bullshit his way around DC spewing his both side do it garbage. Happened to have a very brief encounter with this Sucker in 1992 and let's say this,how the hell did he every get his job at NBC.
Nuf said.
True Blue American
(18,361 posts)
(188,580 posts)Thanks
(37,566 posts)...HCR just relates the main thesis of his God and Man at Yale.
The quote that comes just after that, of Ron Suskind quoting a Bush aide, has been attributed to Karl Rove.
(459 posts)Buckley's book would have been titled, "God and Privileged Gin-Soaked Bigots at Yale".
I swear that toward the end of his life he looked self-mummified.
(4,341 posts)You are correct, that is Karl Rove.
My take on Karl Rove, and I may be wrong, but I feel he started this wave of republicans ignoring subpoena. He received a subpoena which he immediately ignored, Democrats turned the other way and didn't fight it, now we have republicans ignoring them and none being held accountable.
Karl Rove is a monster who should not be enjoying free time, he should be in jail.
(22,853 posts)The media has been so scared by calls of bias when they say a lie is a lie, that they dont know how to do their job anymore. Combine that with companies like Sinclair buying up local media and turning them into propaganda outlets and it isnt hard to see where we got lost.
Until they return to actual journalism we are screwed. As the meme says, if someone says it is raining and someone says it is dry, the media shouldnt be quoting them both, it should be looking out the window and telling us who is saying the truth.
(35,787 posts)That the media has been "performing fairness" instead of reporting fairly.
(280,746 posts)Ask the Catholic Church about Galileo - my truth or you're going to pay.
Fuck Chuckie Toad- he has long been part of the problem. He has been one of the leading proponents of both-sideism.
(24,241 posts)And I have full confidence that Toad will be back to both-siderism early and often.
(280,746 posts)
(24,241 posts)
(4,889 posts)After the Old Church keep Western Man down for a thousand fucking years, from Christian Rome till Renaissance Italy.
(280,746 posts)moment
(41,615 posts)It could be that they have now been pushed too far. Maybe it was Mulvaney telling them to "get over it." Journalist and the media know more than is reported. White House correspondents no doubt have been witness to downright bizarre shit that they can't for a variety of reasons report. They are most likely frightened by the madness and have decided that the ordinary rules of trying to present all sides as equally valid no longer apply.
(17,728 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,570 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 27, 2019, 10:22 AM - Edit history (1)
It's been bubbling up in theory and sound bites over the decades, like they were prepping us for this corruption of reality
And I wonder if some of the origins don't stem from a business orientation. In MBA school we were consistently taught to tweak the numbers, the assumptions, the model or plan to produce profits, the more the better. Facts were fungible. In pursuit of profit, I doubt even the professors realized the methods they were using. To me, that is what is behind conservatism - the pursuit of more money, more private property, amassing wealth for the owners.
In regards to Chuck Todd, I'd draw a comparison. Chris Wallace has been throwing facts at Republicans for months in interviews. I really don't watch him enough to know if he's been doing it all along, or when it began. I think he does it in the interest of journalism, a healthy nod to the stature of him and especially his dad. Chuck Todd is late to the game and a dim-witted entry.
(35,787 posts)He DGAF about its "Principles", whatever those are. He recognizes suckers when he sees them.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,533 posts)PatSeg
(49,854 posts)An excellent read.
(14,162 posts)are going to have to change their business plans. They want these assholes to come on their shows and if the talking heads start calling them out, they won't come.
(9,629 posts)...would sound like a "win" to me.
(37,566 posts)We can easily date it back to the 50s and Buckley's crowd, but if you limit it to this brand of blatant brazenness, of blowing off norms and consensus, of just putting out BS and simply ignoring the fuss, it's been Republican standard operating procedure for a quarter century.
Chuck, and nearly all of his colleagues, have ignored this for the entirety of their careers.
B Stieg
(2,410 posts)A thoughtful and seemingly accurate account.
(6,649 posts)Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn't realize how much they've been brainwashed. For example, in the movie Gaslight (1944), a man manipulates his wife to the point where she thinks she is losing her mind.
Gaslighters typically use the following techniques:
1. They tell blatant lies.
You know it's an outright lie. Yet they are telling you this lie with a straight face. Why are they so blatant? Because they're setting up a precedent. Once they tell you a huge lie, you're not sure if anything they say is true. Keeping you unsteady and off-kilter is the goal.
2. They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof.
You know they said they would do something; you know you heard it. But they out and out deny it. It makes you start questioning your realitymaybe they never said that thing. And the more they do this, the more you question your reality and start accepting theirs.
3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.
They know how important your kids are to you, and they know how important your identity is to you. So those may be one of the first things they attack. If you have kids, they tell you that you should not have had those children. They will tell you'd be a worthy person if only you didn't have a long list of negative traits. They attack the foundation of your being.
As with these, the rest of the techniques fit the Orange Anus-Mouth to a tee.
(17,728 posts)Kid Berwyn
(19,093 posts)The money really doesnt matter as much as the truth, when it comes to history and ones name.
Todd hasnt read too many books, nor, going by his public utterances, newspapers.
Who was it at NBC that said, Integrity is for paupers!
(195 posts)If a journalist, he is a poor one. The shift of media coverage cannot come soon enough. Finally, the Liar in Chief is being called out even by one of the meekest moderators in the media.
(85,163 posts)I might ask Rachel Maddow to be the new MTP host. Or Joy Reid maybe. Maddows show is too important to the prime time lineup to mess with.
(195 posts)There are rumors that Chris Hayes might be replaced by Maddow. That makes no sense to me timewise and Chris seems to be doing excellent and innovative programs. Rachel dominates and is vital where she is. Surprising to me, I have come to appreciate Nicole Wallace, even though she no doubt would return to a sane Republican Party and her position as Palin's handler taints her historically.
(85,163 posts)Same with Maddow. Shes the anchor of MSNBCs nighttime.
Id replace Chuck Todd.
Id retire Chris Matthews. Enough with the mangled fast talking and misspeaking and blowing peoples names and spit spew. I think hes aging out. While Joy Reid languishes on the weekends. Maybe she should switch with Matthews. Ease him out and let him relax during the week, bring him in to schmooze all the way through convention season. And let him fade after the next election or inauguration.
Id keep him on the MSNBC website, though. Maybe give him special op/ed space for a regular written column. Hed sound good in print and make all his good points and theyd be totally coherent because Id give him a good editor. He could have a closing minute or 90-seconds at the end of Hardball, maybe every Friday, kinda like a David Brinkleys Journal kind of thing for a distinguished elder journalistic statesman in career denouement.
But we need somebody fresh in that slot.
I like Nicolle Wallace but, since shes a Republican, I still dont feel like dropping my guard. She may merely be anti-trump, not against the general 13th-century mindset of the GOP.
I STILL want a two-hour block on Friday nights after the Brian Williams hour. Two hours of satire and topical comedy, some music, and hosted by John Fugelsang. Do another one Saturday evening. And they both repeat.
And Id bring (or try to bring) Keith Olbermann back on Sunday evenings for two hours of the Angry Man thing. And repeat THAT, too. Id like to develop the whole weekend and get rid of that Dateline crap reliving old crimes.
(4,619 posts)They pay Chuck Todd to distract us while they extract more while the planet burns.
4 monster hurricanes in one year, a Gulf of Mexico 5 degrees warmer than normal and ZERO MENTIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON CNN OR MSNBC.
There is no gaslighting if they don't broadcast it.
Unchallenged lies and propaganda.
Dont look at the 50 Trillion the 1% has. Save your pennies while all your bills double.
Corporate tax rate 11%.
Folks we ain't gonna survive....
(8,427 posts)FM123
(10,188 posts)"Americans are so tired from incessant gas lighting we have lost faith that we can still perceive reality"
(9,629 posts)There is going to be so much bullshit out there that more voters inclined to support our side are going to get sick of it/frustrated and tune out and not vote.
(10,188 posts)Hopefully, there are enough of us to drive enough of them to go vote (both literally & figuratively).
(4,625 posts)Stop letting them affect how we feel through their disinforming initiative.
(30,162 posts)i wonder why she didn't name gw's aide who said we create reality; IIRC it was karl rove.
(17,728 posts)barbtries
(30,162 posts)it gave me a lot of insight into the sociopathic nature of the republican party.
(85,163 posts)to attack an opponent at his strengths, not his weakness.
(17,478 posts)After all, its ratings, money, and safety that are possibly at risk.
(692 posts)It was great for ratings I'm sure. Sometime in June 2016, Morning Joe took a hard left and within weeks, Trump was trashing the show while FOX reality TV, was building Trump up. Now here we are three years later and Trump is trashing FOX for reporting news while Trump Truthers are now encouraged to get their Cult feed from right wing nut web media outlets.
It's way past time for NBC to do their job and report what's really going on. With respect to shows, Rachael Maddow can improve her show by not being so giddy when serious shit is discovered. Lawrence O'Donnell and Brian Williams have been pretty consistent.
(9,090 posts)fox gets fox gets a lot of the 'credit' for getting trump elected and keeping out of jail. fox actually has to pretend to be 'fair and balanced' and they can't go all in with trump
media needs to stop ignoring talk radio but will continue until democrats stop ignoring it
trump and limbaugh played golf the day after the mueller report was released, and this weekend they had lunch together. both times to send a message to senators thinking of crossing him. lmbaugh noted on his monday show that pictures of them together only get released if trump wants it to happen. trump does not intimidate anyone with hannity, except maybe lindsey graham
fox has basically always been the cartoon cliff notes for the repeated lying and attacks that only radio can do, with limbaugh setting the tone and his dittohead callers keeping the local blowhards in line
(692 posts)I think a nice chunk of the Ditto heads are gonna break away driving up the polls for removal in the Senate. I think he'll resign before Bolton or other key witnesses testify.
I remember Rush Limbaugh back in the late 80's during the Iran / Contra illegal gig. At first, Rush appeared to be all about the law and the Constitution when good ole, Ollie North was on the hot seat especially after Fawn Hall shredded all the evidence.
It was as if Ollie North, overnight with that pic of him raising his right hand to testify, he transformed from a liar to Patriot getting bullied on. Then he became a Right Wing Nut hero from then on.
(9,090 posts)deification of reagan and escape of the bush gang was one of the first big success for rw radio
(201 posts)News media seeing they are being used.
Kurt V.
(5,624 posts)DallasNE
(7,679 posts)And that has been the operating model for Republicans every since so I do not look for much of anything to change. Think not, just look a the corporate ownership of all of the networks. Anything that happens will be in spite of the media.
(17,188 posts)And Todd needs to find a new career, along with a few others I could name.
and Recommended, and bookmarked. Great post, thank you. I certainly hope this is embraced by M$M.
(17,728 posts)Along with Marcy Wheeler and others, there is some great independent coverage. Not sure how the M$M can monetize this - that's what they want to do after all.