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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsDolt 45 really IS a PAB!
My apologies to pussies, asses and bitches in saying that.
First he bullies a 16 year old young woman for being recognized as Time magazine's Person of the Year. I can imagine him huffing and puffing with his arms folded and his chubby chin jutting out in that very Mussolini manner that he has.
Now today he says that he actually turned the honor down when it was offered to him.
So I guess that we're supposed to believe that a "man" whose entire life is dedicated to the greater glorification of HIM declined an offered honor. Yeah, right.
Did you ever see a preteen child who doesn't get his or her way pouting and saying "I didn't want it ANYWAY!" That is exactly the way that the moron is acting now. What a thoroughly detestable and pathetic excuse for humanity. I'm amazed to say again that Tricky Dickie Nixon was a much better man than is Donald Trump. Nixon has been one of my family's top bad guys since before I was born. My father never forgave Ike for not dumping Nixon in either 1952 or 56. He certainly didn't need Nixon to win. I remember being five years old in 1960 and the way my parents gloried in JFK's victory. In 1972 I volunteered for George McGovern in 3 primary states and the general election. Nixon was a totally corrupt thief and liar and STILL a better man than Trump.
Was I surprised at his reaction to an accolade for a 16 year old woman who is both a much better person and much smarter than the walking turd in our White House? Sadly no, but this son of a bitch rat bastard has got to GO. I'm supporting Amy Klobuchar, but I'm voting for whoever is our nominee.
That's my two cents, and quite possibly overpriced at that. Thanks for reading.

Wounded Bear
(61,272 posts)And yeah, it's a sign of immaturity.
My candidate was Kamala. Still not fully sure who I'll vote for in the primary yet but come the general I'm True to the Blue for sure. .
(10,237 posts)RESIST!
(138,155 posts)He knows nothing else.
(10,237 posts) keep in practice. BARF!
Haggis for Breakfast
(6,831 posts)he said his father was born in Germany. No, he wasn't. He was born on Long Island, NY.
Why lie about something so readily disproven ????
(227,950 posts)I am still shocked when I hear that anyone can support him. The only excuse I can possibly come up with is that they must be space aliens who just landed here and don't yet know how normal humans are supposed to act.
(10,237 posts)...they're just as racist as he is.
(2,839 posts)Rhiannon12866
(227,950 posts)We're an increasingly global community, and the U.S. has always been a "melting pot," we all come from somewhere and our strength comes from our diversity. It's heart wrenching to see bigotry in any form at this late date, let alone accepted and perpetrated by those holding public office. We took a major step in 2008 and this is a return to the worst of our past.
(31,997 posts)sung in the manner of "Do you hear what I hear"
Bob Rivers Twisted Christmas is in my head
(10,237 posts)...but I make a point of listening to him as little as possible.
(1,875 posts)Thank you for the laugh!
"[Trump] says that he actually turned the[Person of the Year] honor down when it was offered to him.
And your follow up statement:
"So I guess that we're supposed to believe that a "man" whose entire life is dedicated to the greater glorification of HIM declined an offered honor. Yeah, right" (And there was no need for the sarcasm tag.)
(10,237 posts)In all candor I didn't even think of the sarcasm tag until you reminded me of it. Yikes!
(1,875 posts)--and sometimes it is not. If someone couldn't interpret your real meaning, they either need to improve their reading skills, have a neurologist check their synapses for missing connections in communication function or find another forum to visit.
(10,167 posts)He is like a 5 year old spoiled brat
(6,913 posts)His ego is sooo frail.
(2,839 posts)As I recall, McGovern, a bomber pilot and heroic veteran of WWII, lost to a crook who managed to finagle his way into the service but -- by virtue of his family's Quaker background -- out of combat. Alas, McGovern's campaign was spoiled before it got out of the gate with Jack Anderson's fabrications about Thomas Eagleton -- McGovern's running mate -- supposedly having undergone shock therapy because of mental illness. Poor George literally had to comb the weeds for a replacement, finally managing to get Sargent Shriver to fill the slot. By that time, sadly, the race for the presidency was over. Still, Nixon and his criminal conspirators, practically guaranteed a landslide victory, still committed a crime by attempting to bug the McGovern's campaign HQ -- to gather enough information, they hoped, to crush the Democrats and ice the election.
Nixon was a brilliant man but a sadly flawed, criminal politician.
Your phrase "This son of a bitch rat bastard has got to GO" absolutely deserves to be on a t-shirt beneath a picture or cartoon of the rat bastard, himself. It is nicely restrained and focused. I'd buy the t-shirt, definitely.
(Grammar Nazi quibble: "a 16 year old woman WHO is both . . . . " and "voting for WHOEVER is our nominee" because the verb "is" takes the nominative case -- even though both appear to be involved with objects of prepositions.)
(10,237 posts)My father taught s couple of semesters of college English during the Korean war, too. A big "ooops" to me.
(2,839 posts)after Vietnam. Some of my students were very accomplished writers. Others, sadly, not so much -- including one poor guy who apparently never learned that sentences end with a final punctuation, and the personal pronoun "I" is always capitalized! (So dropping an occasional "whom" for "who" ain't no big thang, trust me. )
(2,839 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)MarianJack
(10,237 posts)The P is for what Dolt45 likes to grab.
(13,683 posts)And a liar.
(11,155 posts)who ever taught you did a horrendeous job.
(10,237 posts)...go piss up a rope.
Did I phrase THAT properly enough for your high standards?
(33,142 posts)jberryhill
(62,444 posts)It has been awarded to Hitler and the Ayatollah Khomeini.
It is simply a newsmaker of the year recognition, and can be for ill or good.
Its astounding this is explained every year and people are too thick to understand it.
(10,237 posts)Yes, it's for who had the biggest effect on the news. It is also usually given for positive reasons.
Do you honestly think that Dolt45 wanted the designation because he agreed that he is a monumental asshat?
Do you honestly believe that Greta's effect on the news might have been negative?
Context...look it up.
Before you start calling other people stupid maybe you should look in the mirror.
(62,444 posts)The rest of your post I don't understand.
(10,237 posts)Reading with comprehension takes some effort. AMF!