Just say it: The GOP is a cult
The GOP has been a religious cult for several decades. Trump has changed it from a religious cult to a personality cult. The GOP openly denies science, from global warming, evolution and basic data collection and fact gathering. This open rejection of reality based on group identity is literally the definition of a cult. Trump's open lying that is accepted by the group is emblematic of a cult leader. Trump twitter rants and continuous campaign rallies is as well. Demonization of critics of their faith statements is also a clear red flag.
Democrats and the media should be calling them out on this. Clearly rational, logical arguments on specific issues is not working. I'm not a psychologist, so I would like to hear suggestions of dealing with people in a cult. I believe conservatives need to be challenged in their thinking that forces them to reconsider their group identity. Attacking a cult leader is not generally effective. The key is getting individual group members to self awareness of the situation and giving them a path out of the situation.
If 2020 Democratic primary candidates make this a shared talking point, it will force the media to cover the topic. The goal is to brand the GOP not as a legitimate political party but as a cult following. I think this will challenge many conservatives willingness to self identify with the GOP.