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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsJust a question regarding Donald Trump's attacks on John McCain.
In 2008 I was very critical of John McCain, but that was politics.
When Donald Trump attacks John McCain, I'm not surprised because just like everyone who isn't a Trump worshiper, I know that Donald Trump is an irredeemable piece of walking shit that we truly have NO reason to ever expect anything to reflect in any positive way upon him. The man is in charge of the most incompetent and downright evil administration ever, and they took office embracing and reveling in their corruption. I expect nothing of Donald Trump or his henchmen because they are capable of nothing any of us would ever want to have.
So, whoop, there it is.
However, looking back to 2008, when he won the Republican nomination for President, John McCain plucked from obscurity a first term governor of Alaska and gave her a moment in the spotlight and the opportunity to shine on the national stage.
I can criticize McCain's team for not vetting her, but it isn't John McCain's fault that Sarah Palin was a ditz and a moron. It isn't John McCain's fault that Sarah Palin ignored his post election advice to not be drawn in to the far right wing extreme of the Republican party as she fully and enthusiastically join with the teabagger movement.
It is Sarah Palin's fault.
Where the question comes in is, why is Sarah Palin remaining silent as the man who gave her the biggest opportunity of her life is so cruelly, meanly and vilely disrespected by Donald Trump, a man who would have to stand tip toe on his grandmother's shoulders before he'd be barely reach to kiss John McCain's ass.
Sarah Palin has been as silent as the "P" in "Phony."
As the son and nephew of men who served honorably in World War II and Korea, I find this unforgivable on her part. My Uncle Al, whom I never met obviously, has been at rest at Normandy since dying on DDay in 1944.
Not that I ever want to hear ANYTHING Sarah Palin says, I certainly don't want to hear her pontificate about anything to do with morality ever again. She has long since abdicated any right to do so. As my father would have said, PISS ON HER!
That's my $.02, and quite possibly overpriced at that.

(15,847 posts)MarianJack
(10,237 posts)...I half expect to see her foam at the mouth.
Windy City Charlie
(1,178 posts)That's because she discovered in her own mind that she was bigger than McCain during the 2008 campaign. She had no use for McCain after that, even if that means having to defend him.
(10,237 posts)And so, just like Donald Trump, it's all about HER. Yuck.
(10,557 posts)He said he preferred Joe Lieberman as his VP and not picking him was a mistake.
He wouldn't let her speak when he conceded to Obama.
Their relationship frayed during the campaign ... when she revealed herself to be not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
McCain did not invite Sarah to his funeral/memorial.
(10,237 posts)...he was a man of integrity.
(91,298 posts)she is just a horrible person
(10,237 posts)Obama FORCED her son to be a low life thug!!!
(23,701 posts)MarianJack
(10,237 posts)...EMAILS!!!