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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsCharles Pierce: What in the name of god is he on about?
...Remember this. Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change. You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL!
What in the name of god is he on about?

(16,953 posts)Liberal In Texas
(14,849 posts)Charley, who knows? He's been like this for a few years now.
(58,724 posts)sarge43
(29,169 posts)Walls are a static defense. They can be breached. Further, they can trap the defensive force, at least limit their movement.
Walls read better than they work.
(6,212 posts)I consider myself fairly intelligent yet I don't know what the hell the idiot is saying. It is time for him to resign and get some psychiatric help. He has totally lost it.
(9,426 posts)he would have had to "have it" to begin with. He never has.
SO TRUE!!!!!
Thank-you so much for the laugh & not allowing the ORANGE PHLEGMBALL to ruin the New Year!
(3,838 posts)Who the hell cares?
How can anyone interpret his adderall induced meanderings?
I'm bored to death trying to interpret the ravings of a madman.
(3,761 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(52,364 posts)Nevilledog
(53,505 posts)Maggiemayhem
(866 posts)Hekate
(96,011 posts)
(188,418 posts)
(85,132 posts)Winner!
(33,970 posts)Fixed fortifications are monuments to man's stupidity. If mountain ranges and oceans can be overcome, anything made by man can be overcome.
He has no clue who Patton is... bet on it. He probably thinks he invented the " Patton office".
(1,944 posts)Last week it was steel slats....
Will it be a shower curtain next week?
What is wrong that half of America cannot see there is something really wrong with this man???
(29,169 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,146 posts)for Trump, and throw in a free orange Jump suit.
(31,202 posts)Once humans had wheels. And humans have built walls.
It's ALWAYS been that way. There was never a time or place
without wheels and walls.
I know...
(14,389 posts)He is thinking like a 4 year old kid in a sand box......on Adderall.
I'll unpack it more.
In his mind, to make his point about how important it is to build an actual wall, he is saying that mankind invented the wheel. And it was an invention that could not be improved upon. As far as its basic mechanics and construction and purpose.
And that a wall is on par with the wheel, in mankind's long list of fascinating inventions. And he uses the wheel as well in order to try and indicate a pattern. That some things just can't be improved upon. Like a wheel, or a physical tall concrete wall.
The first problem with this kind of argument is that IMO a wall is not an "invention" worthy of being on the same level as the wheel. And there could be an argument as to can a wall even be invented? ie... wouldn't the first people to actually hand build a wall for a particular purpose only be mimicking natural walls they have already seen and used before? In fact there are probably a few animals that may take issue with just who thought of building walls for protection first. Its like little Donnie in his sandbox rolling his wheeled Tonka Toy around, fascinated by the spinning black circles that make his trucky move, decided to make a little wall out of wet sand, and thought, "what a brilliant boy am I!", and that he has made something just as useful and original as the person that made the wheels on his toy.
The second is that even if one accepts that a wall was on par with a wheel, in that way, .... that you cannot improve on it basically, you CAN redefine and redesign something that takes the place of a physical wall, and does the job. Like using technology, fiber optics, video cameras, motion sensors. all of these technologies are getting better by the day. (I am ignoring the ominous tangents at this time). And in fact, some of these technologies are already being used, and are the only alternatives in geography where it is physically impossible to make a wall.
And the third is simply that it is impossible to wall off every mile. So if you wall off the easiest areas to cross, which will also be the easiest areas to built, determined migrants will find ways to cross in places that cannot be physically bordered, even if more dangerous. And they will continue to tunnel. And find other ways.
Sorry, I know its a waste of time to delve into the vacuous space in Trump's brain. But I had a few moments on this holiday. And I just wanted to prove that once again, nothing he says makes sense.
(7,838 posts)Trump is talking like a fool, shit he always talks like a fool! Poor man is all alone in his own mess, with the spotlight shining bright on him, and Pelosi taking charge of the House. Time for a diaper change!!
(12,632 posts)ginnyinWI
(17,276 posts)He's made the oval office like a giant pothole. Drive around him and maybe at some time in the future, fill it in.
(85,132 posts)He needs to be removed from there.
(36,631 posts)We'll have to get the EPA back up to where it should be, so a Haz-Mat crew can clean up the White House before allowing new occupants.
(43,390 posts)to go on about constantly and it's easily understood by those who have problems with abstract concepts like 'diplomacy.' Enough already!
(15,158 posts)That doesn't even make sense.
Why does anything 'always' have to be the way it always has been? How come we can't make some changes?
(188,418 posts)Just few tissue box covered steps away
The last two weeks of virtual isolation haven't helped.
louis c
(8,652 posts)...fucking airplanes!!!!!
(1,391 posts)Can you imagine what he would be like if he drank? On the other hand, it might be an improvement.