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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAmount of space required to transport the same number of passengers by car, bus or bicycle.

(13,200 posts)This is exciting! And now we have Eddie running for VP!
(2,667 posts)marmar
(78,223 posts)nt
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)And then there are those who live in the country but work in the city. Actually, there are probably more variables than that but they elude me; which is probably the most important point of all -- we can neither anticipate nor dictate every circumstance of every person's life.
(78,223 posts)Presenting information is trying to dictate every circumstance of every person's life?

Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)it seems the intent is to say "This over that." Is there any intent of passing laws or regulations based on this information or using public assets?
(78,223 posts)nt
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)What was the point of the OP if not the entire project of staging, shooting and publishing that poster?
Is there any intent to pass laws or spend public funds or was it simply some bemusing but idle trivia?
(2,667 posts)I can see how using less fuel would be more efficient but I can't see how using less space is.
On Edit: Consider this, efficieny in performing a task is measured by the amount of consumable resource required to accomplish the task. Space is not consumed in the process of moving people.
(45,851 posts)Plus roadway damage increases roughly as the fourth power of vehicle weight so a vehicle that weighs twice as much does 2^4 power or 16 times as much and a vehicle that weighs 10 times as much causes 10^4 times or 10,000 times the damage per mile traveled.
Bicycle + rider = ~200 lbs while a very light car would be ~2000 lbs..
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)breeding lighter bicycle riders.
(45,851 posts)The more you ride the more you lose.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)seen that cop who peddles around the city park.
(45,851 posts)I hope he has a license for that..
(27,461 posts)roads are being widened all the time, which is very costly. Also accidents occur all the time, that's how a lot of people die, that is a function of lack of space.
(2,667 posts)I ask because as I recall the British determined that for every foot you widen a road people will travel 10 mph faster on it. Time, as opposed to space, is a consumable resource.
(14,524 posts)Let me know when they start running buses closer than twenty miles from our home and design a bicycle that can travel through a foot + of snow and -20 degrees into a 40 mph wind.
(45,851 posts)
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)often the result of active involvement of those who would benefit from those services.
(14,524 posts).. that'll get it done.
BTW, the bus service that does exist here, is getting cut back, NOT expanded. You know, "austerity and all that."
Any more suggestions? (Like some that have a chance in hell of succeeding?)
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)It took activists more than 20 years to transform the bicycle infrastructure in San Francisco and we are not quite there yet.
(14,524 posts)... but some of us have more immediate and important problems on our plates. But feel free to try and lay some more utopian guilt on me, it works so well.
(15,396 posts)On the Road
(20,783 posts)If the drivers and passengers in all those cars had the same origin and destination, it would be much more efficient for them to take the bus.
(47,675 posts)Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)about a few of the people here.
"Extremism in the name of authority and the status quo is no vice". - anonymous Democrat(?)
(9,154 posts)The middle picture with the bus appears most zoomed out, with more roofs (reddish) visible. The right picture is zoomed in, less of the roofs are visible. The left picture of the cars, is zoomed in the most, with very little roof area visible.
This is also confirmed by the size of the people and the widths of the road.
(26,591 posts)Uhhhmerica is very large country.
i know tv likes to film in LA, Chicago, Toronto, and NYC, but this doesn't mean that we all live in a dense, urban area.
Uhhhhmerica is a mostly rural, spread out country.
Now, when you're out in the country, suburbs, or exburbs (save your opinion - these places exist and people live there) you have to drive significant distances to get places.
when you factor in that all of us aren't students, trustafarians, or urban "funemployed" artistic types, PLUS some of us have jobs where we have to dress like grown ups and transact business with other grown ups . . . you see where I'm going? yeah - you could ride a bike 20 miles to get to a business meeting, but the other business people might not react well to your sweat soaked self or your odor.
it would be nice if they brought interurbans or a rail system back, but it probably won't happen until we run out of fossil fuels.
but bicycles as the answer to all the world's ills is simply childish.
Dreamer Tatum
(10,934 posts)at the same time, carrying nothing, in good weather conditions, with plans that won't change, and no
specific preferences for privacy or comfort.
ie, never.