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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsRegarding Kavanaugh the sexual assaulter and a memory of mine.
We already knew that Kavanaugh was a bona fide CREEP when he sneered and turned away from the offered handshake from the father of a murdered young woman.
We've also found out that he has a history of sexual assault, but the Trump worshipping Republicans want us to look past this because Kavanaugh was 17 at the time it happened.
When I was young, my father told me that if a girl or woman ever told me to stop, than stop IMMEDIATELY. On my own, I added to that to not only stop, but to release all physical contact, also immediately.
When I was 17, a girl and I were fooling around on her bed. She was a willing participant. Being a 17 year old horn bag, I was trying to get her clothes off. She told me to stop and I stopped. She said that she didn't want to have sex, but she was enjoying the "necking." So we continued to neck and we both enjoyed it and I stopped trying to take her clothes off.
If this woman remembers me at all today, she remembers me as a gentleman who treated her with respect.
Today, as the father of a nearly 19 year old young man, I have always taught him the same thing that I was taught. I can proudly say that this, a basic respect for girls and women, are ingrained in him as a part of who he is. While I frequently want to give him a kick in the ass, I am very proud of the way he's always treated and related to his girlfriends. He knows that if he mistreats a girlfriend, he'll have my wife and I to deal with as well as her family. I'm proud to say that he is hard wired to not mistreat women. All of his former girlfriends maintain very cordial relations with him.
As a man, husband, father and respecter of women, I'm horrified and infuriated by the attitudes of Kavanaugh's apologists and defenders. Of course, I expect nothing in the way of basic decency from the excrementally horrible excuse for a human being currently in the White House, but 2020 is coming.
That's my 2 cents, and quite possibly overpriced at that.

(10,119 posts)MarianJack
(10,237 posts)RESIST!
(31,597 posts)Johnny2X2X
(22,226 posts)As a gentleman, I've had similar encounters to yours.
But these situations aren't at all analogous to what Kavanaugh is accused of, he's accused of attacking a women, holding her down (possibly with help) and groping her. That goes way beyond him being in a consenting situation and touching someone after that person said no, while that is very wrong too, it's not as wrong as attacking someone, pinning them down, and trying to have your way with them.
Again, something the Left sometimes struggles with are degrees of wrong. A boss creepily commenting on an employees physical features is wrong, a boss telling an employee they must perform a sexual act to keep their job is way more wrong. Two 17 year old young adults making out and one of them touching the other after they said no is wrong and awful, grabbing a girl at a party, throwing her down and restraining her with force to grope them is more wrong and more awful.
(10,237 posts)Last edited Tue Sep 18, 2018, 07:26 PM - Edit history (1) as a part of an aggressive strategy played in a game of Scrabble or Chess. The worst thing that would happen then is that I'd win in a lopsided way.
(21,148 posts)that is the solution.
Thanks for sending a respectful young man into the world!
(10,237 posts)Last edited Tue Sep 18, 2018, 07:27 PM - Edit history (1)
Ha is respectful, and my wife & I are proud of him for that.
(30,024 posts)Thanks to you and your father for passing on decent, civilized values.
(10,237 posts)My father was a true and genuine philandering bastard, but he was right about THIS!
(30,024 posts)You're father sounds, um, .interesting.
(6,325 posts)and it wasnt ok then, and never was ok, to violate a woman. Only the sick, sociopaths who thought they were entitled to take everything they wanted engaged in that behavior. Like Trump, Kavanaugh is a naraccistic, holier than thou, sociopath who is the last person who should be on the SC. Imagine what RBG, Kagen and Sotomayer must be thinking. If Kavenaugh gets confirmed he and Clarence Thomas will soon become good buddies throwing keggers at the SC and creeping on law clerks and other women.
(10,237 posts)RESIST!
(5,975 posts)You set the standard!
However, if you don't mind, I would like to borrow the phrase, "excrementally horrible excuse for a human being." That is flat-out awesome!
(85,153 posts)I have one of those marvelous men as a husband. Truly liberated. Has always treated me with that basic respect as well as love.
We passed that along to our son. I reminded him several times: you are the son of a gentleman. And you are the grandson of gentlemen. (My dad had his moments but he was generally honorable, but my father-in-law was STERLING - a VERY classy guy, AND a complete gentleman.)
(10,237 posts)RESIST!
(12,448 posts)That said, most men do NOT rape or assault. We're being told that all or most 17 year olds are so horny they're unable to control themselves so it's not their fault and the girls ought to just forgive and forget, or it's all the girl's fault anyway so she should just shut up or be shamed. I refuse to believe that, although I was seriously assaulted in high school. By ONE boy.
Christine Basley Ford was assaulted by 2 boys, Brett Kavanaugh and his equally swinish friend.
(10,237 posts)...that I can be a real turd at times. I'm afraid she's right!
(4,341 posts)An excellent story, and one that every young man should read, you were well taught by your parents and you have passed that to your son, well done.
(10,237 posts)RESIST!
(280,669 posts)
(10,237 posts)
(1,103 posts)was defending Kavinaugh, excusing his actions with Dr. Ford as just ordinary teen-age stuff and shouldn't be judged badly because it was so long ago and Kavinaugh has led an exemplary life since. Well, what do you call his lying in this hearing at least 3 times in the recent couple of weeks? That is not what I call exemplary behavior. The business of hiding all but 10% of the background material in addition just adds to the obvious lawlessness of the present Rethug party.
(10,237 posts)...Kavanaugh reopening Vince Foster's suicide long after several agencies ruled it as such band torturing the family. What a guy...NOT!