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(61,053 posts)Va Lefty
(6,252 posts)MyOwnPeace
(17,286 posts)especially those that are elected representatives that now cover for him!
(48,124 posts)he will empower these racists, like the Weimar Republic. I've never believed there's not an end game to all this buffoonery.
(103,000 posts)They've already turned a whole young generation who is starting to vote into Neo Nazis and white supremacists. Imagine what will happen when these people are old enough to run for office!
(11,768 posts)marieo1
(1,402 posts)DJT has brought out the worst people in our country. I think they all were afraid to let it be known just how anti-American they really are. Now with an anti-American president in our country, they feel like they can show all of us how they really feel about the USA. This isn't about having the ability to have their own opinions, this is about actually trying to overthrow our country and our government. And..........DJT is just like them and encouraging them!!!
How do you explain people who would rather have Putin Lead us than, say Any American Democrat?
(97 posts)For example, some people in the US would rather have a Scandanavian "socialist" lead us than Any American Republican.
The problem is too few political alternatives to vote for in the US political system. So many people are just voting against, and would accept anything over the "bad" alternative. It has reached the point that we have these "fantasy" alternatives (e.g. Putin/Scandanavian) because there is no real alternative.
(43,076 posts)Republicans at one time were some what Patriotic, George W. Bush, or Even Ronald Reagan never turned this country over to ANOTHER country, and Especially not Russia or the former Soviet Union.
These Modern Day Republicans hate Democrats so badly, that THEY WOULD RATHER have a dictator than a Representative American Government.
The Policies of the Republican party have changed so much, that PEOPLE in Trump's circle would rather wave Russian flags, than an American one, as shown by someone who passed out Russian Flags for people to wave at a TRUMP RALLY...
(20,219 posts)All of them. 🖕🏿🖕🏾🖕🏽🖕🏼🖕🏻🖕
(40,985 posts)And Russian-reinforced racism.
(84,969 posts)Owing their allegiance to a Russian asset in OUR White House - who CHEATED his way in there with the help of a recognized and fully-verified HOSTILE FOREIGN POWER. The whole rotten compromised rats nest of em needs to be cleaned out. And the whole joint disinfected and fumigated after theyre gone (hopefully straight to prison). Maybe throw in some smudging ceremonies and an exorcism for good measure.
louis c
(8,652 posts)blueinredohio
(6,797 posts)awful people.
(66,097 posts)smirkymonkey
(63,221 posts)That is what scares me more than anything. We may get rid of him eventually, but these people aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
(88,826 posts)They are cowards, a proven fact in Charlottesville. It can't remember the name, yet he sniveled and cried when he was caught.
(66,097 posts)sheshe2
(88,826 posts)To tired to research it.
Plus all the others that lost their jobs and whined. They got caught on social media. Sad.
(20,219 posts)ie: Huuuge flag, bumper stickers, NRA sticker, and such like I know to keep away! Shunning can be powerful.
Now if we could do something about the 24/7 cable and radio brainwashing.....
(1,068 posts)every day that 45 is in office.
(32,640 posts)KY_EnviroGuy
(14,633 posts)well, maybe better to call it silver or bronze era.....
I believe the Great Depression and WW2 instilled a state of humility and contentment (with little or no fear) in the American public that lasted for decades but as they say, all good things must come to an end. Some cultural experts say that so long as we are prosperous and content, we keep the worst aspects of our primitive natures concealed and only when we are consumed by fear and ignorance will those evil impulses erupt to the surface.
I remember in the 60s, the only thing we heard from the few Republicans I knew of in my area of the South (and Bob Dole on TV) was their deep, bitter resentment of progressive taxation. Apparently a bunch of the richest and most psychopathic ones got together in the clubhouse and decided to pour vast sums into changing that tax formula. To succeed, that effort required destruction of our contentment by instilling fear, resentment, racism and division into the public.
Those efforts have vastly exceeded their wildest dreams......
(24,854 posts)contentment (with little or no fear) in the American public" The Great Depression scared the shit out of the "greatest generation," and winning WWII gave rise to an overweening hubris that the U.S. is all-powerful and is always right. That translates to the Republican platform. The 60's counter-culture fought against both of those destructive misconceptions and were put down with police brutality and FBI dirty tricks. What I heard from Republicans in the 60's was opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, support for the Vietnam War no matter what, support for Nixon no matter what, hatred of anti-war activists, pathological fear of communism, growing hatred of the press and MSM, and resentment against intellectuals and students.
(84,969 posts)MESSAGING! This is why messaging is critically important!
They started with the meme "tax relief" - which implies that taxes are something we need relief from. Ie: taxes are bad.
And this is how it's been portrayed for decades, until the public mentality has been allowed to soak it in. Taxes are what we all contribute toward the greater public good.
And that's how we have to take the whole idea back. The whole concept here. They have to be reframed! Regulations - NO! Protections YES!!!
Nobody ever bothers to try to point out WHAT we pay taxes FOR. WHY we pay taxes in the first place. Instead of portraying taxes as just something negative, we need to keep reminding everyone about WHAT. WE. PAY. THOSE. TAXES. FOR.!
Like, for example, decent schools.
Decent quality water to drink.
Decent air to breathe.
Clean earth that your kids play in - that's not filled with toxins and chemical dumping.
Decent roads on which to drive and walk and bike.
National security - of ALL kinds, not just that from the point of a soldier's gun.
National Security. I submit it's more than just borders and troops in foreign lands supposedly fighting for capitalism.
NATIONAL SECURITY. It involves the following:
Your right to sleep at night - because you're not worried about how you'll afford decent health care - for you AND your family.
Your right to feel safe - whether you're white OR black OR brown, when you simply drive to the store or visit the 7/11, from overbearing aggression by mad-dog cops.
Your right to feel safe - for women, inside your gynecologist's office.
Your right to safety - to go to school, a concert, a cineplex, a park, a pizza joint, a store or mall - and know that some nut with a gun and a chip on his shoulder (it's about 98% male offenders - mostly Anglo, too) won't put your life in danger.
Your right to sleep at night - because you're not worried about how to make ends meet on your job that doesn't pay you a living wage.
Your right to vote - UNFETTERED by partisans hot to take that right away.
This, too, is national security. And your tax money helps pay for all the costs racked up therein.
(24,854 posts)It has been truly eye-opening. African-Americans have been trying to tell us, but I just didn't get it.
(9,967 posts)RVN VET71
(2,807 posts)"The forgotten Americans", it turns out, were also misbegotten and just plain rotten. Millions of them. Republicans all.
(15,140 posts)Yesterday, my wife and I went and saw Operation Finale, the story of the capture of Adolph Eichmann. I imagine Germans in the 1930s never thought anything like the Holocaust could ever happen, but it did. It cost the world 60 million lives to get rid of the Axis powers and rid the world of fascism.
And now it's rising again here?
No, we need to oppose it with all our being, all our power, all our intellect and all of our regard for and love of our fellow humans.
The whole Trump thing is wrong on so many levels - he's an EVIL man, surrounded by other evil people, and they have an evil agenda.
We must continue to fight the good fight, show up at the polls in November and get as many others as we can to show up, and then take back our republic.
(88,826 posts)They fear not being the white majority. They think by deporting, stopping immigration, murdering and ripping brown babies away from their mothers and fathers they can halt this. They can't.
Their fear is pathetic.
(37,648 posts)That's what Ghouliani says. How dare yu try to trick me with truthiness.
(43,704 posts)We cannot forget that once this current nightmare is over.
He showed what he and his team and supporters really are. Laid it bare for the world to see. They are pustulous lesions ouzing their hate.