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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTrump is a dangerous animal and he is cornered.
Earlier this week Trump said that he will campaign every day of the week for vulnerable republicans. Trump is a corrosive liar, but in this case, we are foolish not to take him at his word.
Trump is cornered, if democrats take the House, then they can schedule and drive investigations that republicans are burying now. Trump has no choice but to fight the midterms to the bitter end to preserve himself. If we don't stop the infighting and match his intensity second by second, we and the country are going to get seriously damaged. Trump is a cornered animal, he is going to slash with his claws, bite, spit in our eyes, anything to get himself out of the corner.
Don't bet on Mueller because without democrats in Congress making sure that the truth comes out of investigations, Mueller's work will have no more impact than public shaming, and we see how that has worked out relative to Trump and his ambitions.

(66,184 posts)It doesn't cut into his real activities: watching TV, Tweeting, playing golf,and staying rallies to stroke his own ego.
Even though many GOP candidates don't want him to insert himself into their campaigns, and even though GOP honchos advise against it, he will campaign, because he turns every campaign appearance into a Cult45 rally, usually not even mentioning the actual candidate until offering a quick throwaway endorsement a couple of minutes before ending a one-hour or longer rambling delivery of his "greatest hits."
he needs those rallies. He needs the fix from his adoring base.
(15,751 posts)and trump is wholly committed to that all out effort of winning in November, as is trump's stubborn 'base'. Our base is not WHOLLY COMMITTED to doing what it takes to win the House in November. The BS/O-C has their BS/O-C broad 'policy agendas' that are not optimal to winning maximum votes in a general election. Here's hoping that the heavily attended discussions on this problem on DU will lead to some tempering of the currently stubborn purist progressive base types to winning.
That we have the now very popular Medicare, as well as the Civil Rights Act, etc., etc. was because the pragmatic, singular LBJ did it - as no one since could. We need to learn those historic lessons.
(31,261 posts)You saw that in the movie Lincoln. LBJ could call a wavering Congress person to the White House and promise that person a plumb job or a new military installation or federal office complex in his district (they were pretty much all men then), or he could sit the asshole down and promise that he career was ruined if he did not go along. That does not exist today.
Trump is determined to win the midterms, it is more than just rallies for him and his base, it is survival for Trump and political domination of their enemies for his base. Poll after poll shows that the base is locked in and they have shown that they vote.
I have no comment on BS/AOC, that just sets off arguments with their adherents. But I believe that Perez understands the true nature of the threat and is quietly working to build up the base of our party. When 2020 comes, it will be interesting whether we hear louds complaints about the democratic establishment in the face of a potential Trump second term and the destruction that would come with it.
(21,946 posts)Blue_true
(31,261 posts)Our system of checks and balances is broken with republicans in control.
(13,798 posts)......and they never let him forget it. I think maybe he made a fund-raising phone call from the VP residence? Can't quite remember.
(1,619 posts)I believe that those who are conducting this investigation understand the importance of showmanship in helping to achieve our nation's goals.
(31,261 posts)Put that asshole on the defensive for his freedom.
(73,245 posts)malaise
(280,669 posts)Sound warnings