I joined DU in July of 2003.
Last edited Mon Jul 9, 2018, 10:49 AM - Edit history (1)
in that 15 years I have fewer than 10,000 posts, so I'm not a frequent contributor.
For the past several years I've ended my posts with "PEACE!" as a tribute to a deceased DUer whom always ended her posts in that way. I will continue to do so after the Trump junta is over.
However, I refuse to allow the opposition to dictate to me that I should be "civil" while they cheer brown children being put into concentration camps.
It is a very small, admittedly overdue and mostly insignificant modification, but for the foreseeable future I'll be ending my posts with "RESIST!"
It's one small additional way that I'll be holding to my resolution that was made the moment I heard Wolf Blitzer's barf worthy 11/8/16 announcement that Donald Trump had been "elected", that I would do something every single day to protest the Trump/Pence obscenity that was perpetrated upon us by the Russians and a news media that continually fawned over Trump and ceaselessly obsessed over Hillary Clinton's emails.
My son is 18 and black. If (when) Donald Trump starts a war to cover his "239" pound ass from his own scandals, I'm throwing his little round ass into my Honda and driving him up to Canada. Fuck them all in this horrible misadministration!