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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe complete "Otherization" of those that are different.
I just served on a jury, and frankly, the whole time that I read the supposedly offending post, I had two parallel emotions. The first was why was the post alerted on, it was clear to me that the use of a racial slur was in support of an argument against people who would use the slur. The second emotion that I had was why the poster of the supposedly offending post as so adamant in "Otherizing" a whole swath of people in support of an argument against one. I don't blame DU Admins for calling on me to serve on that jury pool, procedures are procedures and when the post was alerted on, I guess a jury had to decide.
It should be clear to anyone with a brain that white nationalists feel embolden to do horrible acts because of the antics and election of Trump and his subsequent administration's actions and behavior. But, I see a less troubling trend, but troubling none the less. The second trend I would call creeping black nationalism. Creeping black nationalism happens, in my thinking, when a person latches onto the modern and historical injustices that are or have been done to Blacks to "Otherize" all Whites, a thought process where just being White delegitimizes a person's right to complain about the use of a term, or the tone of an argument. Racism flourishes when a person successfully first "Otherize" a group, then delegitimize the humanity of all people of that group. I guess that I expect better from DU members since pretty much everyone here that is not a troll, is progressive to some measure. I guess I can go on, but anyone that have read my posts know that I tend not to write very long posts, all I can say now is that I have a degree of concern and disappointment with what I am witnessing.

(43,203 posts)that would probably be deleted.
(3,022 posts)Blue_true
(31,261 posts)The discussion of race in America is by it's very nature an uncomfortable discussion. To suppress that reality be silencing voices that are highlighting concerns in a non racist fashion just adds to the issue around race that keep piling up within the country.
(3,022 posts)the power differential, the 400 years of systematic oppression, and the inability of the black minority to silence the white majority you kind of have a point. Please read the Letter From the Birmingham Jail until you understand why this OP is not the racial statement you want to make.
(31,261 posts)I don't need to read it over and over as you imply. I understand that Whites have a built in advantage in our country, one that has been unfairly perpetuated over three centuries, and that it is the responsibility of Whites as a group to right those wrongs. But I also understand that some Whites work diligently to right those wrongs and to some here, it is worth ignoring that effort because that is what those Whites should be doing. The argument is both counterintuitive and counterproductive. When I look at regions that have had strife for many centuries, what I see are old wounds are used to open new wounds, vengeance for past grievances are used to create future grievances, do we want to go that route as a singular people?
(37,364 posts)comes face-to-face with the fact that they are just one of many groups. That is when we can start talking about equality, which is what people of color the world over seek. Dealing with unresolved issues of slavery and colonialism and associated white privilege is the otherization with which most of the world contends. White people have yet to face their role in creating systemic disparities and perpetuating them. I truly don't understand the wailing over this. I do see the unwillingness for introspection and then true empathy.
(48,697 posts)Something about a southern European or a northern African who was living with Vikings. I don't exactly remember the movie, but the conversation afterward included this: I said to my BIL (who is white), "I never really thought of white people as an ethnic group before." You'd've thought I slapped him in the face.
Just one of many groups, indeed.
The problem is that many Whites are facing the issue of the systemic privilege that they were born into. Some ignore that and treat them as part of a monolithic block. Some police chiefs are dealing firmly with insuring that their officers are respectful toward every person that they deal with. Are the efforts enough, HELL NO, there is a huge amount that must be done to even get social justice into our vision on the horizon. The issue is how do we best go about systemically addressing issues. I know personally, I won't hire a racist or a person that shows racial animus. Change starts with an individual decision, that should be recognized and pointed to as proper conduct, not treated as it it being enough because of the circumstances of a person's birth.
(30,024 posts)I agree completely.
(42,556 posts)How very interesting, speaking of trends
I suggest you Read this or something like this and then attempt these... equivalencies
brer cat
(26,755 posts)mcar
(43,874 posts)
(9,527 posts)The Irish Catholics and the Irish Protestants, the Hutu and the Tutsi, the various groups in the breakup of Yugoslavia, white and black and Native American in the U.S. in the early days, black and white still today. Look at how we described the Japanese during WWII. And it's in smaller things like the different reaction here to Rosanne's slur compared to Samantha Bee's slur.
It's easy to demonize others, but it's hard to recognize when we're doing it.
(31,261 posts)Is that to justify doing horrible things to people, they have to be otherized first, once that is done a slippery slope path is open. Whites that enslaved Blacks otherized Blacks as subhuman, Whites that have racist feeling toward Blacks Otherize Blacks as being subhuman.
When people use the same tactic used against them to strike back at gross injustices against them as an individual and a group, then Otherization starts and lead to nothing but more grievances and more hatred, but it also isolate people that refuse to fall for the tactics of Otherization and then dehumanization.
(58,785 posts)the midterms are coming up fast and a part of DU is bizarrely suddenly embroiled in racial issues, which are becoming increasing fractious and hostile.
Or not at all bizarrely.
The Republican White Man's Party, funded by WHITE NATIONALIST BILLIONAIRES is desperate to hold all the state legislatures they can and -- above all -- the U.S. Senate so they can continue to pack high courts with hard-core conservatives with life appointments.
And a faction of DU is plumbing the depths of their own degraded, inadequately enlightened souls instead of focusing on saving our social justice advances by kicking Republicans out of power.
Some coincidence. NOT.
(48,958 posts)Since you refer to white nationalism - I assume you are referring to the alt-right Richard Spencer types and similar groups which according to the SPLC have exploded in number since Trump's campaign began.
I have seen nothing that parallels that in any of the threads (I assume you are referring to the Wypipo threads).
I don't think it is your intention - but tweak the language and this could easily have been written about those folks stirring up problems in the south at the lunch counters - and following that caution - we could still be operating under legal jim crow.