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Man this lady went from an extreme liberal affiliated with the Green Party and the Peace and Freedom Party (which is more liberal than the Green Party.
She was also so supportive of LGBT and minorities. She participated in Occupy Wallstreet marches. And she even posted George Zimmermans address on twitter after he was acquitted.
How does someone like that become a Trump Supporting Deplorable?

(2,678 posts)The other one was for show?
(3,181 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)How do you spot one on looks alone?
(3,181 posts)PJMcK
(23,271 posts)I've never found her funny or interesting.
And to demonstrate my street cred with comedy, "The Aristocrats" is one of my favorite films.
To me, Roseanne is crap.
(8,371 posts)and her material never really grabbed me.
(23,271 posts)"grabbed"
(heh, heh!)
(49,289 posts)between extremists on both sides?
(97,279 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,261 posts)That might partially account for how erratic her behavior is.
(33,408 posts)And, that brain injury may very well be at the root of it all. Which is why I can't muster up all the hatred for her than may here have. That's not to say I don't hate her views, however.
(1,148 posts)I remember an interview with her a long time ago, when she was talking about her past lives or some such nonsense. She's always had mental problems. I loved the old show, her not so much.
(32,080 posts)The 90s, when I didn't have internet, cable or Netflix. When celebrity news was "news".
Thank God, I can tune it out.
(8,371 posts)It's more than just a radical political swing. She has indulged in some wildly irrational conspiracy mongering and xenophobic accusations bordering on bigotry.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)RhodeIslandOne
(5,042 posts)SharonClark
(10,392 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,541 posts)years. Both are obviously full of shit...I just wish they would keep it in and stop spreading it around in public.
(13,081 posts)I half-watched the show yesterday (my wife was a huge fan back in the day).
Some of the jokes were good, some were bad. I basically tuned out, though, when I decided that the liberal/conservative stereotypes were, with a few exceptions, just kind of hackneyed.
I did appreciate that the character of Roseanne was more nuanced than I expected. Shed become a super conservative, but remained pro-choice and pro-GLBTQ rights. In real life, people are more complicated than we attribute them to be, and all but the most fanatic (usually right wingers, but sometimes lefties) have a range of views on a variety of subjects.
Except maybe for the need for families to live each other no matter what pretty trite the show missed a good opportunity to sink a deeper message into the audience. Its still just a 90s sitcom, though. Guess Im spoiled by the twenty years of TV-turned-art since then.
Oh, yeah, about Roseanne Barr. Ive gone through a lot of phases in my opinion of her. Shock comic? Need for attention? Easily swayed by extremists? And dozens of other per theories.
I think shes just mentally ill. Straight up sick.
(1,148 posts)...has a big picture on his Facebook page of him and his wife celebrating Obergefell v. Hodges.
Really schizoid thinking there.
(33,408 posts)joshcryer
(62,513 posts)Money. She always followed what was most profitable to her as a person. She doesn't care about shit in reality. All she cares about is money.
(7,006 posts)That's It, That's All.
(31,261 posts)Look at Bernie Bros, some of those people avidly supported Trump. Generally, what I have seen with extremists is that they are only interested in a narrow spectrum of issues, get them outside that spectrum and they may in fact behave differently.
(103,357 posts)
(14,521 posts)I said I would never watch her show and burnt at the stakes for saying that!
(32,080 posts)Her and Sam Kinison showed up around the same time.
She's just loud and trashy.
For some reason my husband liked her at first because she was "different", but I never did. Wasn't she always chewing gum in her stand up routines?
Jake Stern
(3,146 posts)As for Roseanne, never did like her stand up routine but enjoyed the TV show.
(22,997 posts)I wouldn't have called her an extreme liberal then. Just goes to show how complex people can be, maybe.
(27,835 posts)... who the fuck cares?
(2,610 posts)And what I saw was someone who claimed to be a Trump supporter/Hillary hater but who in the storyline was liberal enough to accept a bi or gay grandson and a black granddaughter. Details, details.
I hadnt seen the show before seeing the dozens of I hate Rosanne! threads on DU (and on FB). So I had to watch it. From all the fuss I really expected a half-hour Trump love fest. Instead I found a grandson dealing with gender identity, a black granddaughter, a pussy-hat wearing cop, and a few Trump/deplorable jokes. I thought the whole thing was rather tame, and a lot of it quite funny. Barr seemed to achieve exactly what she set out to; she got people talking, and dealing with the reality so many of us face in dealing with mixed families. Good on her for that.
(13,341 posts)Trump is more like a signal flare (or a stink bomb) than a policy statement.
(32,080 posts)It wasn't a mixed marriage. They were literally Jews living in Utah, so they joined the LDS to be accepted. Yet they were also practicing Jews at the same time.
That is weird.
(114 posts)I've noticed quite a few liberals whose irrational hatred of Clinton led them down very dark paths.
(11,825 posts)Not sure when. Maybe after 9/11.
He wasnt funny as a liberal or now as a conservative.
(9,782 posts)and parked her TV there. Probably around the time we elected a black president. That's how a lot of them become deplorables.