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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsParkland student Sarah Chadwick creates a fearless parody mocking the threatening NRA ad past week, NRAs spokesmodel Dana Loesch put out a threatening video ad against pretty much anyone who wasnt supportive of the National Rifle Associationand Trumpism. In response, Parkland student Sara Chadwick created a word-for-word parody of Loeshs ad. Chadwick is one of the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that left 17 students and staff deadgunned down and murdered by a student with an AR-15 automatic weapon of war.
Here is the video that was posted on BRUT.s facebook page:
Below is the video transcription:
Dana Loesch: Weve had enough of the lies, the sanctimony, the arrogance, the hatred, the pettiness, the fake news...
Sarah Chadwick: Weve had enough of the lies, the sanctimony, the ignorance, the hatred, the pettiness, the NRA...
NRA: We are done with your agenda to undermine voters will and individual liberty in America...
Student: We are done with your agenda to undermine the safety of our nations youth and the individual voices of the American people...
NRA: So to every lying member of the media, to every Hollywood phony...
Student: So to every government official unwilling to take action and make change, to everyone with an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association
NRA: To the role model athletes who use their free speech to alter and undermine what our flag represents
Student: To the politicians who would rather watch American youth die than get assault rifles off the shelves...
NRA: To the late night hosts who think their opinions are the only opinions that matter
Student: To the political lobbyists who believer their stances should be the only ones supported by legislation
NRA: To those who bring bias and propaganda to CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times...
Student: To those who call high school students paid crisis actors and refuse to listen
NRA: Your time is running out
Student: Your time is running out
Student and NRA: The clock starts now
Unfortunately links to Facebook don't copy to DU. If you have a Facebook account (or access to one) go to the link and watch. These kids are out future and its about time!
(279,716 posts)the greatest page
I hope someone puts this on Youtube so those of us without Facebook can watch the video.
(23,014 posts)keep it up kids...
(63,221 posts)ffr
(23,140 posts)Oh yeah, they're fighting for their GD lives! The time for the conservative NRA to move on is now. They have morphed into little more than a terrorist organization.
Link to tweet
(17,984 posts)times infinity + 1. Some people should have zero political influence, and terrorist organizations fall under that category.
Bernardo de La Paz
(51,870 posts)For one thing, they have the Second Amendment. Second!
Women aren't allowed to even have the Twenty Seventh Amendment! After 62 years of trying it would now have to be the 28th.
Griffiths reintroduced the ERA, and achieved success on Capitol Hill with her House Joint Resolution No. 208, which was adopted by the House on October 12, 1971, with a vote of 354 yeas (For), 24 nays (Against) and 51 not voting.[36] Griffiths's joint resolution was then adopted by the Senate on March 22, 1972, with a vote of 84 yeas, 8 nays and 7 not voting.[37] The Senate version, drafted by Senator Birch Bayh of Indiana,[38] passed after the defeat of an amendment proposed by Senator Sam Ervin of North Carolina that would have exempted women from the draft.[26] President Richard Nixon immediately endorsed the ERA's approval upon its passage by the 92nd Congress.[26]
Xipe Totec
(44,148 posts)Upthevibe
(9,334 posts)cp
(7,312 posts)Thank you, Sarah Chadwick! You have a bright future. And all our kids: long may you live.
(25,509 posts)ffr
(23,140 posts)trueblue2007
(18,372 posts)sharedvalues
(6,916 posts)grumpyduck
(6,654 posts)Taking their ad and turning it around like this, even to the hourglass.
(306,224 posts)VIRAL IT!
dana loesch is a sewer rat Barbie
(15,135 posts)Lots of friends marching in Denver on the 24th
(51,958 posts)👍🏼
(49,213 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)I don;t know if trump even comes close...
Correct me if I am wrong.... please....
(31,473 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)Sickening
(902 posts)napi21
(45,806 posts)to see and hear in the media. I'm so very impressed with the maturity, speaking so well on live camera, and ability to gather the support of students and many others across the Country to join in won their web site #Never Again. These students are so different than we were at the same age.
(22,033 posts)Stonepounder
(4,033 posts)-Puzzler
(31,473 posts)(AP - Advanced Placement)
They are very articulate!
(20,219 posts)My heart.... ❤️
(2,505 posts)-Puzzler
(3,064 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,513 posts)I am on FB and have shared this video with my FB "Friends." Although my list includes only family members and close friends, each of them has a "Friends" list as well.
This message resonates and will continue to do so!