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The American economy is not driven by suits in walnut clad offices alone. The worker has just a big of stake in "job creation" as the CEO who collects 500% more in pay. Without the worker on the floor, at the machines, in the line, at the computer, the American economy would come to a halt. Every worker, every employee in this nation contributes to our prosperity, and we have sat back and let the Republicans twist reality yet again and convince the public that jobs come from the wealthy.
I find this so offensive it makes me want to spit. The media and even the rank and file working class conservatives signed on to the meme that only the wealthy who receive generous tax cuts have the ability to create jobs. That is a lie. It is the network of worker and management together across numerous entities that create jobs. Quality products, engineered and manufactured here in America, services rendered coast to coast, food grown, packed and shipped by countless tireless hands all add to driving our economy forward.
The American worker should be ashamed that they allowed the Republicans to remove them from the economic continuum. I think it is time to put an end to the "job creator" myth once and for all.
Take back our place in the economy. Without the worker there is no economy and no job creation.
Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)Evasporque
(2,133 posts)It is...the trolls will not touch this post with a ten foot pole...
(2,198 posts)Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)will put it to work. There's nothing hard or mysterious about that.
(2,549 posts)WE make them wealthy.
And just look at all the thanks we get.
(31,706 posts)...this meme!!!
This country has become a self-centered, consumer-oriented, no-return. For the past 30 years the rich have been glorified and making money is a matter how it's made. If you made it off the backs of someone be to be them. We've applauded corporate greed as "progress" and allowed the corporates to frame the lexicon regarding the economy.
Yes...I find the term "job creators" as highly offensive as that 1%'er probably made most of his/her money offshoring or "consolidating"...not creating jobs but eliminating them and have the US government pick up the tab. They shirk taxes and have beaten down the middle class to obsolence.
It's long overdue for the labor movement to re-energize...for workers to show solidarity and for unions to reach out to the disenfranchised...
(2,133 posts)stop giving away your power!
(57,936 posts)The computer industry, for example, was the baby of government-paid employees working with private industry in WWII. That's where the technology that has so drastically improved efficiency and productivity in our economy was developed.
Bill Gates did not invent the concept of a computer. He developed the concept of the PC based on work done in WWII and thereafter thanks to government investment and contracts.
Interestingly, the leaders, the primary inventors and developers in the PC business (as opposed to the huge computers used by the military in the post-war, Cold War years) were born in and around 1955. They were part of the often maligned generation of the baby boomers. That's Bill Gates, for example. Bill Gates had access to a clumsy cold war era computer at his private school when he was a teenager. That is how he got his start. Most (not all perhaps) of the two or three key pioneers in the PC industry have similar stories.
So, in addition to working people, our increased productivity which has enabled the extremely wealthy to get where they are is owed not just to individual ingenuity, talent and hard work, but to a lot of government research, subsidies and infrastructure. That's why the 1% who have enriched themselves off the backs of the people who together paid for that technology need to pay back more in taxes to give this nation a good start on the innovation of tomorrow.
It's just too risky and not interesting enough to established businesses to do the fundamental research that leads to the kind of technology that the businesses of the future will need to stay innovative. Think of the pure math that is behind a lot of the technology of today. That very fundamental work that we don't even realize is done happens in universities. And whether those institutions are private or public, much of that work is done thanks to government grants by people who, quite often owe part or all of their education from kindergarten through post-graduate school -- to government schools and grants and programs.
Think of the frontiers of tomorrow -- for example, healing and using the oceans for more than just fishing and shipping. Dealing with climate change. Dealing with the new health challenges that climate change will bring. Dealing with the unimaginably difficult challenges of overpopulation. Trying to educate people not just to handle new technology but to live together in peace.
The aristocracy that the 1% dreams of creating does not and cannot deal with those challenges. Aristocracies focus on retaining their power, on increasing their profits and exploiting the energy of their vassals and serfs. They expand their holdings primarily (although not entirely) through war, not through creativity. They fund things that are useful to them. If the Middle Ages and pre-modern world are measures, they build an infrastructure based on maintaining the status quo. They are quintessentially conservative -- fighting to hold on to what they have and take from others, not innovate.
We can't let the 1% take over. We need democracy. We need a healthy government as well as a healthy number of smaller, competing businesses and industries.
The extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of the few is the greatest of the immediate challenges that we Americans face. It is driving us toward a feudal structure with a hereditary elite -- the antithesis of the American dream and a sure prescription for failure.
Raise the taxes on the top 1% or 2% in this country. It isn't just about money.
They aren't going to create the kinds of jobs we want or need.
And, by the way, that bit about how selfish and greedy consumers are. It's the consumers who are in the 1% who are the most selfish and greedy. Especially nowadays, most people on this earth are struggling to get by, to feed and clothe and house their children and parents. Most people are not selfish and greedy. Most people are barely surviving.
(17,651 posts)And I also find job creators offensive. They are NOT royalty, the name sounds like they are kings and queens.
Proud Liberal Dem
(24,798 posts)Zyzafyx
(124 posts)Proud Liberal Dem
(24,798 posts)If nobody bought what they produce, there would be no jobs to create!
(18,133 posts)50Gs * 500% = 250Gs
50Gs * 500 = 25Mil which is more like what these fuckwads wring out of everyone's work
(2,133 posts)I'll let this post stand as the correction rather than edit.
Starry Messenger
(32,375 posts)Jeff In Milwaukee
(13,992 posts)CEO's create jobs, to be sure, like at the caviar importer and the Mercedes dealership. But for most businesses, especially for small businesses, it's the customer who comes in off the street and purchases goods and services that creates a job.
It's arrogance, pure arrogance, on the part of any CEO to assume that s/he "creates" jobs in our economy.
(4,734 posts)sarchasm
(1,240 posts)K&R
(4,734 posts)Let your job creators know you care
(53,475 posts)William Seger
(11,179 posts)... that rich people would create more jobs if they were just a little richer. "Job creators," whether or not they are rich, create jobs because they expect to make a profit from the goods or services produced by those jobs, not because they have money they don't know what to do with. The clear reason that job creation is happening so slowly is because it's tough to make a profit in the face of stagnant or shrinking markets. Since Reagan, Republicans have been offering supply-side solutions to demand-side problems. It doesn't really matter whether or not Republicans really believe that the problem with the economy is that rich people aren't rich enough; the only thing that matters is the utter stupidity of it.
(82,383 posts)That's the essence of what they are saying. If rich people just had more money, then they'd invest. In what? Someone has to be able to buy what they are selling.
(25,075 posts)That's only five times the worker's pay. The correct figure would be 50,000 percent--Five HUNDRED times the worker's pay!
Everything else is spot on, my friend!!! K & R!
(2,133 posts)noted above...
(11,746 posts)They just think they do, but they're wrong. We all own the economy and if and when it ceases to work for enough of us we can and should take it away and do something else. That is, if we can muster the political will to do that.
(82,383 posts)So where do they get the idea that the whole cycle starts with them?
(33,224 posts)During good times, the economy is managed to keep unemployment high enough that inflation isn't a risk. During bad times, government gives the 1% money in the stupid hope that they'll hire someone with it.
The employment to population ratio has been dropping for more than a decade now, with no clear sign of it ending.
(20,317 posts)the same working class people who insist that they are the 'salt of the earth, rugged individualist, Real Americans' have swallowed that line so easily.
(47,992 posts)raouldukelives
(5,178 posts)On the off chance they do create a job for the "commoners" it's most likely going to involve low pay, low benefits and be horribly destructive to the environment & climate.
That ain't job creation. That is habitat destruction with the wealthy taking all the rewards and the poor suffering all the after-effects.
The old days of job creation are quickly ending. The new jobs will involve farming, rebuilding waterways, replanting trees, installing solar power & greenhouses. The time for us to keep adding to the pain that future generations & animals will endure has to end, now. The time for us to be our Brothers Keeper, to be good stewards to the plants & animals has to start.
We can save some of it. I really believe it. It may well be a lost cause but as has been said many times, they are the only ones worth fighting for.
(4,835 posts)Less plastic crap; more environmentally friendly work.
If we had an economy that encouraged these environmentally friendly businesses; many of them would be small sole proprieter companies. Small family farms were common place until the Reagan administration. We need to return to a modern version of that model.
Take the money from farm subsidies and food stamps, and keep that money in small communities instead of all the profit going to chemical companies. Get these trucks hauling food off the road. Why should we eat Georgia peaches, California lettuce & tomatoes grown in Mexico; when they will grow in my back yard.
Don't just increase their taxes; pull their fat asses away from the government teet.
(19,089 posts)I am a job creator .... YOU are a job creator ....
ANYBODY who uses their hands to create a product are the job creators ....
Sure; Owners buy raw materials, but it is the REAL work of men and women that craft those products, and create the value realized in the sale of those products ....
The real problem is: Owners refuse to pay workers the true value of their work .... They have fought for decades to destroy unions and reduce compensation for workers, and have been quite successful at that, and they destroyed a good part of the economy in the process ...
I dont care WHAT CEO's make in compensation - IF workers were paid the TRUE value of their work, there would be no economic crisis.
I am the Job Creator ....
(33,688 posts)cascadiance
(19,537 posts)Where they help the eruption that throws jobs out of our country and leave the tell tale empty holes in its wake...
protect our future
(1,156 posts)that was invented to replace the phrase "our rich friends who will keep our party in power as long as we provide them with tax cuts and other goodies." The switch seems to have worked well, as we struggle to deny that the "haves" and "have mores" are responsible for creating jobs and we forget the real reason for the tax gifts they receive: TO ELECT REPUBLICANS.
(20,597 posts)"Job creators"/"trickle down"/"supply side" are all code for "wealth concentration."
"Give us rich people more wealth and power and you'll get rich!"
Biggest con job in history.
(113,030 posts)There still has to be more production. Who is responsible for more production so these customers can buy the products that make the job creators more and more wealthy?
Unless one believes that the "creators" do all of this production by themselves, then nothing could be created without the worker. The customer is of no use to the economy if there are no products to buy.
Granted, the "job creators" can hire more people to make more products to sell to more customers so long as the customers have the means to purchase the products. Each of these is dependent on the other. The business owner is dependent on labor to make the product. The laborer is dependent upon the business owner for the job. They are all dependent on the customer buying the product, otherwise, the business fails, the worker loses his job, the customer goes without, and they all suffer. One is not superior to the other, contrary to the brainwashing we have gone thru our entire lives.
(21,977 posts)No more, no less. Nothing else.
(42,290 posts)No demand, no hiring. Job creation has ZERO to do with tax rates or even "confidence in the economy".
(52,589 posts)It is who they serve, worship, and glorify.
(27,670 posts)Great post.
(37,305 posts)Is it the workers fault we have such high unemployment? Is it the government's fault?
Nope it is the "job creators" fault. They aren't hiring when they could be because they don't feel an incentive to. Their pessimism keeps them from investing and thus they stall our recovery.
(37,648 posts)the companies and its employees.
Now THAT'S a joint venture!