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Friends, I know the news batters us relentlessly these days, like a tornado in a hammer factory, but things aren't all bad! Why, Senator Angus King has successfully procured the lobster emoji his home state of Maine has long desired! WE'RE GONNA BE ALRIGHT!
(As always, the post is available on my lil' site, with links, at:
First of all, let me offer my deepest condolences to everyone who viewed the video of our President's horrid otherworldly scalp, rippling in the wind, looking like somebody grafted the Crypt Keeper's ass to his skull.
I've never seen human flesh look quite so unsettling. Like, the dude who had Voldemort living on the back of his head took one look at that shit and threw up in his mouth.
Congratulate Steve Bannon, everyone! He has a date! With Robert Mueller! Put on your three fanciest shirts, and shine up all your facial sores, Steve! For the first time since your ritual excommunication, somebody actually wants to talk to ya!
Adam Schiff's "Your Memo is Shit, Devin, and You Are Also Shit" memo has been sent to Drumpf for review and possible release. However, at eleven cruelly-pictureless pages, Schiff's document has apparently pushed our Commander-in-Chief to the very limits of his intellect and endurance, so let us come together as one nation and pray his brain doesn't catch fire under the strain.
...or that it does. That's between you and God.
The Least Surprising Study in All Human History revealed that the drooling maniacs of the right wing are a whole bunch more likely to spread fake news around and also probably to shoot up pizza restaurants did anybody think to ask that one?
I'd take a victory lap, but if anybody decides to poke around the phenomenon of Think Pieces About Why You're a Bad Person For Enjoying This Movie/Book/TV Show/Ice Cream Sandwich, the results will be less favorable to my tribe, I fear.
While most Americans see videos of ten-cent third world dictators puffing out their chests as tanks and goose-stepping soldiers march by, and think "Thank God I live I free society," Donald J. Trump (The "J" stands for "Jealous of Kim Jong-un" watches like a spoiled child who just saw a neighbor kid ride around the block on a brand new bike.
Yes, Orange Julius Caesar, perhaps hoping all those missiles and uniforms and warplanes will be enough to inspire one final erection before his dusty, syphilitic, penis finally crumbles to dust, has demanded a Big Stupid Parade, which would cost the American taxpayer millions.
I for one believe it's time to reign in the President's Instant Gratification Allowance. Everybody focuses on the millions pissed away on golf trips, but don't forget he also doubled the ice-cream budget!
And I guess the brass are gonna give the Candycorn Skidmark what he wants. And you know his wish list is gonna get out of control on this thing. Hopefully Mattis puts his foot down when it comes to throwing student protestors in front of the tanks.
Maybe Sheriff Dave will loan Donnie his uniform, if he promises not to spill ketchup on it. Just a heads up, it'll be considered totally treasonous not to applaud during the parade, and whoever stops clapping first gets sent to the gulag.
Steve Wynn resigned from his hotel company now that everyone knows what an abusive creep he is. The Republican Party, despite spending considerable time and effort painting Harvey Weinstein as the intellectual and spiritual center of the entire American left plus he also probably shot Lincoln, wants you to know that they will be keeping the millions of dollars in Wynn donations, thank you very much.
And yes, they'll just keep moving the goalposts as their stated conditions are met. By June, Ronna Romney (You can't hide, not on THIS blog) McDaniel will be saying "Believe me, as soon as Jesus rises from the grave to personally deliver God's infallible Word carved in flaming letters on a stone tablet declaring that Wynn is indeed guilty, we will agree to just spend Steve's money on office supplies."
So, a couple days (years?) back, President Shartcannon told a hilarious joke where Democrats refusing to applaud for him were committing treason ha ha ha I AM THE STATE ho ho hee hee. Now, you might think it'd take about half a thimbleful of Love of Country for any American to condemn such despicable, offhanded, fascism, but damn if Republicans don't consistently find fresh new ways to disappoint and horrify us.
So meet Claudia Tenney, from the New York 22nd! CongressGoon Tenney says treason might be a wee bit strong, but refusing to fête the pussygrabbing white supremacist grifter doing everything in his power to turn the nation against the press and the FBI is most certainly un-American.
Senator Tammy Duckworth's reaction was...a little more patriotic and whole lot more badass. Plus, in midst of her most righteous sermon, she coined "Cadet Bone Spurs," which frankly gives me a bit of nickname envy.
And it turns out Dorito Mussolini is already fantasizing about another government shutdown, this time threatening to cost the American taxpayer a few petulantly-wasted billions unless Democrats rework immigration law to read like erotica targeted directly at Stephen Miller.
General John Kelly, no longer willing to bother with dog whistles, picked up the dog tuba to label some DACA-eligible immigrants "lazy", even as his immediate supervisor refuses to show up to work before eleven, and rushes away to golf the very moment his handlers disable the shock collar they use to keep him in the Oval Office.
Another gigantic special election upset, this time in Missouri, where Mike Revis won a state seat in a district the Shart carried with 61% of the vote last fall. Just like in Alabama and Virginia, we came to chew bubblegum and win special elections, and we're all out of bubblegum. But there's a store down the street where you can get all the fucking gum you want, so basically fuck you we win at everything.
Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wackyland), having learned nothing from his "Secret Society" humiliation, once again proclaimed he'd uncovered the smoking gun proving the FBI's anti-Drumpf corruption once and for all, only to be rapidly revealed as...well, as a guy with the brain of Ron Johnson.
And of course the whole right wing, all the way up to Government Cheese Goebbels himself, breathlessly promoted their feeble talking point, which, to be clear, was that President Obama, upon learning of Russian interference in America's election...wanted to be briefed on the matter.
Are these loons truly so far gone that they actually believe it's scandalous for the President to seek information from the nation's intelligence community, rather than from cable news hosts?
Silly question. Of course they are.
Angry at the stock market for making him look bad, Circus Peanut Sydney Greensteet wandered out onto the White House lawn, with his bathrobe open, and...yelled at it. Demented old fuck just rage-tweeted at the goddamn stock market. No fucking way he passed that cognitive test without Mike Pence standing behind the doctor, mouthing the answers.
See where Scott Pruitt said climate change got a bad rap, and would actually turn out to be a really awesome thing for humanity? "Crop-destroying droughts will help America face its obesity epidemic," grinned Scotty 2 Haughty, "And just think of all the working-class families in our coastal communities who never thought they'd be able to afford a pool!"
Rex Tillerson says Russia has every intention of fucking with our midterm elections, but also that we basically have to sit back and take it, because "once they decided they're going to do it, it's very difficult to pre-empt it," and isn't it inspiring as fuck to see our Secretary of State respond to an assault from a diminishing, second-rate, world power with a shrug and a "whaddya gonna do?"
Rick Gates' lawyers want a divorce from Rick Gates, and we aren't allowed to know quite why because shit is all attorney-client privileged and whatnot, but they seem to be citing creative differences, and want to break away to form their own group, maybe do a little bit of prog-influenced art rock, but without the treason Rick always insisted on.
Nancy Pelosi took to the House floor for an epic 8 hour, 7 minute speech advocating for DREAMers and DACA. The length of the former Speaker's heels factors into every story I've read on the topic, and will only grow with legend. "Pelosi stood atop 6-foot-tall, serrated, iron stilts for three days," we'll tell our grandchildren.
Well, if Pelosi can hold the floor for eight hours, surely the least you and I can do is contact our our Congressthings and demand legal protections for DREAMers, don'tcha think?
Oh, this is fun! The cybersecurity head over at DHS says Russian hackers not only targeted voter databases in 21 states, but actually succeeded in penetrating a few! You read shit like that, and then you remember that the executive branch JUST refused to enforce sanctions on Russia...
...and then you just fuckin' DRINK, right? That's what I'm doing. Jesus.
General Kelly's West Wingman, some dude named Rob Porter, resigned today. Why? Because his two ex-wives came forward with stories of his lengthy history of physical abuse, complete with horrifying photographic evidence.
Oh, and it turns out the entire Shart House knew about the abuse, since it turned up in his FBI background check, preventing him from gaining a security clearance. But Kelly and co (and let's not forget the not-so-good General whimsically reflecting on the sacredness of women not so long ago) decided they weren't going to let a silly thing like beating up women get in the way!
And so we were treated to testimonials about Porter's CHARACTER, from Kelly, from Sarah Sanders, from Visibly Decomposing Retiree Orrin Hatch. We even learned that he's been dating Shartboy's shadow, Hope Hicks, who helped craft the White Houses's aw-shucks-he's-a-real-good-guy-even-if-he-beats-up-women response.
...I'm starting to think these folks aren't reliable judges of character, is all I'm sayin'.
And shit, as I was writing this post, I came across this lil' tale, of one of Cowboy Ryan Zinke's underlings at Interior, getting the department to pay 32 g's to upgrade a government-owned building so he could Airbnb it? Fucking of COURSE that happened. Of COURSE it did.
This is TWO DAYS worth of news, folks. TWO DAYS.
(152,684 posts)I can only dimly remember this much news taking several weeks to accumulate.
I do not think you should have any nickname envy! You bang out these creative names, day after day, week after week.......well, you get the idea.
However, I do think that Senator Tammy Duckworth's contribution is perfect!
GREAT post, as usual.
(3,996 posts)anticipated future news because maybe BBD&O writes a month of outrageous crap for Trump Et Al to roll out so we will be so overwhelmed we won't be able to function.
Here's one
The statue of Liberty looses her arm resulting from a freakish lightening strike....or was it sabotage.....People saw a flash and heard a loud crack and crash.....
A rogue Navy seal scales fence in the new moon March darkness and breaches White house....Gen Kelly and Scary Kelly saved the day during their out door cigarette break....
More clever DUers can come up with some doozies am I right?
(152,684 posts)I am sure that they could come up with doozies!
(3,996 posts)Perhaps our outrageous psychic outpourings can take the screech out the White House Junior High gossip and bizarro antics.
(13,761 posts)...and as usual, I was right!!!
(92,127 posts)dchill
(40,916 posts)Writer's cramp? Is that still a thing?
(306,204 posts)".. other worldy scalp.." rippling in the wind, looking like somebody grafted the Crypt Keeper's ass to his skull." Stop!
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Thanks Ferret for our 2 day news cap.. best way to take it on the Russian mole.