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America's problem is not fake news but fake white people. As a Caucasian I am very proud of the many accomplishments of whites. These include pretty much inventing Democracy, arguably the largest racial group contributing to science, inventing the University system (some Muslim influence as well), inventing public education as well as many other contributions.
Yet "fake white people" disregard all these things. They refuse to use science as the foundation for setting public policy, they disparage academics, they use any voter suppression they can get away and they cut funding to public education.
The past election has pitted whites who got As & Bs in school vs those who got Cs,Ds and Fs. Basically Trump supporters have been intellectually lazy their entire lives. Which is not being physically lazy or even stupid. Even being successful in business can be done while being intellectually lazy. What Trump has accomplished (with Fox News et al) is build their belief system into arrogant self identity system that for lack of a better word can be loosely defined as a "personality cult". Trump supporters will clearly never be convinced with logical reasoning or by pointing out the gross failures of their leader , something typical of a personality cult.
Once we accept that 1/3 of America is under a "cult" and to pretty much write them off. We then need to plan according in getting the remaining 2/3 to the polls.

(65,409 posts)Muslim cultures invented a lot of math and science (note that al-gebra is an Arabic word), including medicine and health care at a time when Europe was way behind. China and India are ancient seats of science, philosophy, and the arts. Democracy was invented, arguably, by Greek people who probably wouldn't be considered "white."
Northern Europeans began a rampage about 500 years ago, invading the rest of the globe and accelerating the industrial revolution. No question that has made life a lot easier for many people, but it's not clear that the planet will survive it.
(3,268 posts)Anthropologists have identified forms of proto-democracy that date back to small bands of hunter gatherers that predate the establishment of agrarian, settled, societies and still exist virtually unchanged in isolated indigenous groups today. In these groups of generally 50-100 individuals, often tied closely by familial bonds, decisions are reached by consensus or majority and many times without the designation of any specific chief.[4] Given that these dynamics are still alive and well today, it is plausible to assume that democracy in one form or another arises naturally in any well-bonded group or tribe.
These types of democracy are commonly identified as tribalism, or primitive democracy. In this sense, a primitive democracy usually takes shape in small communities or villages when there are face-to-face discussions in a village council or with a leader who has the backing of village elders or other cooperative forms of government.[5] This becomes more complex on a larger scale, such as when the village and city are examined more broadly as political communities. All other forms of rule including monarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, and oligarchy have flourished in more urban centers, often those with concentrated populations.[6]
I'm bettin' these indigenous groups ain't what you mean by "white"...
(148,446 posts)Careful, though. You will have to walk a fine line here.