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We have a senile crook in the Oval office. Yes. we. do.
MSNBCs Joy Reid just revealed what everyone missed about Trumps bizarre NY Times interview
By Peter Mellado
Published on December 29, 2017
MSNBC news host Joy Reid published an epic Twitter thread following the release of President Trumps recent interview with the New York Times. The interview caught everyone by surprise, first and foremost because it was with the Times, publication with which the president has been incredibly hostile, but also for his calculated language and his trademark self-promotional flourishes with little if any basis in facts.
As many as 24 claims Trump made in the 30 minute interview have been rated false or misleading by the Washington Post, and more than a few experts have commented on the presidents mental state after reading the transcripts released by the New York Times.
Joy Reid took a slightly different tack. She began her flurry with an observation about the presidents tone in the interview, saying, Trump speaks a lot like a child does. Lots of focus on who likes him, who loves him, who is his friend
his biographers all emphasize his deep desire to be loved & it comes through.
In a subsequent set of tweets, she focused on what she called Trumps autocrats impulse when it came to governing, adding that He literally adopted a Godfather phraseology to all but say Democrats could have avoided blue state tax hikes via SALT if they had come to him to plead for his largesse............................................................
Joy Reid?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Now that Ive read the entire transcript of @nytmikes Trump interview, a few observations:
1. Trump speaks a lot like a child does. Lots of focus on who likes him, who loves him, who is his friend... his biographers all emphasize his deep desire to be loved & it comes through.
10:13 PM - 28 Dec 2017
Link to tweet
1,988 replies 19,528 retweets 44,012 likes
?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
2. Trump repeats whatever he is fixated on over and over again. I counted 15 no collusion repeats, sometimes two or three times in a single paragraph. And he keeps returning over and over again to the election and how he managed to win via the Electoral College. Hes fixated.
267 replies 2,978 retweets 12,796 likes
Joy Reid
?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
3. Trump things being president means he can do whatever he wants. He has an autocrat's impulse, and believes literally everyone in government, from the attorney general to every member of Congress, essentially works for him, owes him loyalty, and must "come to him" for mercy.
233 replies 3,405 retweets 13,159 likes
Joy Reid
?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
He literally adopted a "Godfather" phraseology to all but say Democrats could have avoided blue state tax hikes via SALT if they had "come to him" to plead for his largesse. It's a combination of the impulses of 1. and 3.
79 replies 2,610 retweets 10,825 likes
Joy Reid
?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
4. Trump thinks he is still the star of a TV show, and that the media has the power to decide who wins elections, based on ratings. Seriously:

480 replies 3,264 retweets 11,698 likes
Joy Reid Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
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5. Trump invents his own reality, and then states that everybody else believes his version of reality too. And since he is so transparent, it's hard to argue that this is a strategy, rather than a form of self-delusion or just stubborn refusal to accept what is real.
197 replies 2,945 retweets 11,213 likes
Joy Reid
?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Link to tweet
There are literally no Democrats who believe that. None. But he repeats that over and over in the interview.

106 replies 2,028 retweets 11,923 likes
Joy Reid
?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
I've never observed anyone who is more precisely like his biographers have described him. And Trump's biographers have, to put it mildly, not been kind. He lives inside his own reality, where he is part beloved autocrat/dictator and part main character in a never-ending TV show.
173 replies 3,876 retweets 15,637 likes
Joy Reid Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
It is absolutely stunning that this person is president of the United States.

918 replies 5,690 retweets 28,036 likes
Joy Reid
?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
I'm not sure, by the way, what this means for Democrats. Trump clearly assumes that they HAVE NO CHOICE but to come crawling to him to do infrastructure, DACA, and inexplicably, to make a new, *better* healthcare (he specifically says "not Obamacare."
131 replies 1,665 retweets 8,151 likes
Joy Reid
?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
He clearly thinks this will happen, and that somehow magically, they will "do bipartisan." That's his actual phrase: "do bipartisan." Not "do bipartisan legislation," just "do bipartisan." He thinks it naturally will happen.
124 replies 1,790 retweets 9,409 likes
Joy Reid
?Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
If Democrats go along, it will only feed his grandiosity. If they don't, it feeds his rage and opens the black hole of vengeance inside him, which he could take out on them, vulnerable populations, maybe other countries (war is still not unthinkable...) I just don't know.

235 replies 2,173 retweets 10,151 likes
Joy Reid Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
But it's absolutely stunning that this is what's happening. But it is what's happening.
212 replies 1,707 retweets 10,636 likes
Joy Reid Verified account @JoyAnnReid
Dec 28
Here's the transcript. Enjoy.
Link to tweet

Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)panel on O'Donnell Thursday,after David Kaye Johnson's comments as well as the other Panelist's,every thing one has suspected of Trump's mental make-up was once again proven as fact.
America wake the F--- Up,the Reality TV Star that sits in the Oval Office has to be removed post haste
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)Have a nice holiday
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(52,340 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,120 posts)ProudMNDemocrat
(19,383 posts)She is spot on in her analysis of Donald Trump. He is a clear and present danger to this country and the rest of the world.
VOTE BLUE in 2018.
(96,001 posts)
Kirk Lover
(3,608 posts)will be there after him.....unless of course Russia is successful and has all American's on both sides distrusting the media. I see plenty of that from the trumpers and also from Dem's right on this who the fuck knows.
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)malaise
(280,565 posts)
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)RainCaster
(12,050 posts)Or is she pure in his eyes?
(280,565 posts)
Gabi Hayes
(28,795 posts)
(138,093 posts)smirkymonkey
(63,221 posts)And if so, do you think he ever has any flash of self-awareness or do you think he is completely in denial about who he is and how much he is hated?
(3,569 posts)But his instinct is always to attack and try to discredit his critics. I don't believe he is capable of self-reflection or admitting that he is anything less than perfect. Whenever anything he does goes wrong, it is always, always somebody else's fault. If someone calls him out on one of his lies -- uh, sorry, "misleading statements" -- his response is always "That's what I was told" or "That's the information I was given." Or he just tweets "FAKE NEWS." That's the extent of his introspection.
(52,548 posts)and watches Fux Ruse. He was both plain crazy and crazy like a fox. I think the seriously crazy part of him is becoming bigger than the clever, crafty con man part of him and it's getting worse. The job is too much for him so he is very stressed and tired which is exasperating his mental decline. Look at how he holds his water bottle. He is a wreck and has to be remover ASAP! A delusional fake prez and his equally crazy cult/base will only continue to cause irreparable damage to our country in a million different ways.
(23,142 posts)when their mission changed from assisting the Nigerians, to searching for a known well fortified dangerous extremist?
Or is that too unpleasant of a question to ask out of courtesy?
(1,201 posts)but out of fear that we watch this president so closely. The man is insane and a low lofe without a bit of morality just self interest and delusion. We absolutely must vote all republicans out of office as they all supported him as he allowed them to loot the treasury.
(25,111 posts)And reading that this jerkoff is determine to start a nuclear war with the help of this unqualified administration along with the blessings of the uncaring GOPs is insufferable. To read that the GOPs are changing rules to allow t-rump's unqualified judges in, the past rushed for the unthoughtful tax scram to become law, the continued damage to healthcare, and the continue assault on Medicare, Medicaid, and SS.
The total assault on Democracy and these mother***kers don't give a gawd damn. GOPers will cheat, steal and rig the 2018 elections, I have no doubt on that. We must resist, overcome, and conquer.
(1,180 posts)Living in Hawaii, we always are aware that our geography makes us most vulnerable to his whims. It could be a war or a natural disaster. Seeing his total disregard for any other human on the planet, gives more fuel for these feelings. At any given time, there may be only five days of supplies in the Port of Honolulu, so weve been instructed to have at least 14 days of non-perishable supplies on hand. Seeing how he has totally ignored Puerto Rico after their hurricane, makes us wonder, what can we expect if we befall the same fate.
(306,854 posts)Ccarmona!
(2,876 posts)Amen.
(306,854 posts)game show host can get in.. why not a brilliant political analyst and so much more?!
Martin Eden
(13,758 posts)We must fight against normalizing this POtuS at every opportunity.
(668 posts)by Joy when it comes to Trump that's he's mentally unstable. That's up there with the revelation of the earth being round. I think anybody with any ounce of intelligence can figure out that Trump suffers from some sort of mental illness.
(51 posts)First, I blame the media for the mess we are in now. They say the loudest voice is the one that is heard. Trump is loud and obnoxious and the media sucked it up. Remember the reports of how much in $$$ Trump received in free advertising? If the media had done a better job of calling out his lies, and more importantly, just ignored him, things could be different now.
Second, the media needs to do a better job at calling out FOX for what it really is, a propaganda outlet, not a news organization. A half hour show pointing out their misstatements (a.k.a., lies) and correcting them with documentation, would be great. Of course, FOX would sue for libel, but telling the truth is not libel. It won't happen, but one needs dreams in these troubling times.
However, what the media can do is spend more time calling out Trump on his lies. Take the NYT interview for example. An hour, or a front page, detailing the 24 claims, correcting them, and calling them out for what they are (lies, racist, fantasy, etc.) would be a start and what is long overdue, calling a spade, a spade.
The same tactic for his cabinet is also overdue. A great deal of damage is being done. Far more emphasis needs to be placed on the dismantling of the institutions and laws that protect us.
A company I used to work for had an informal rule, "Do the right thing". Time for the GOP to remember who they work for, the people and the constitution.
(14,634 posts)And, welcome to DU!
(306,854 posts)rivers!
Thank you!
(34,207 posts)I can't make heads or tails of "Twitter threads". I find them unreadable.
(58,724 posts)Just the usual - Trump is an idiot - type stuff.
(2,172 posts)He's mentally ill.
(34,207 posts)I guess the author is a Joy Reid fanboy
(16,340 posts)already known.
(227,507 posts)Ari Melber asked her to join him on The Last Word to talk about it since he'd just gotten it too. Apparently she went through the transcript while waiting in the hall and gave a very insightful analysis, I was impressed, as well.
(58,724 posts)"3. Trump things being president means..."
(60,012 posts)This is where we are, ironically at this point of time with a man who is not living in reality.
For those who have somehow missed I Claudius tv series years ago, it is still available at places like Amazon, in dvd and in book form. Tis not to be missed.
Gabi Hayes
(28,795 posts)Robert Graves books, based on Suetonius, are the basis for the series, which includes Patrick Stewart as the extremely villainous Sejanus, which is saying something, when considering that cast of characters
(60,012 posts)I thought I had heard him called "Sir Janus".....
took me awhile to figure that out.
Gabi Hayes
(28,795 posts)Hugh?
(27,120 posts)L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)Crash2Parties
(6,017 posts)Sure, he makes a few decisions on his own when it benefits his corporations. But everything else he has done has been beyond his direct knowledge, including his appointments. Those and everything he has signed as President (rather than say, agreements with foreign despots regarding hotel/golf resort projects) came straight from the same GOP that controls Congress. He is and always has been the GOP's convenient court jester. He provides distraction while they pick our pockets. And then there is Russia/Putin. Foreign policy decisions seem to follow phone calls & meetings & rarely if ever does Congress step in to disagree. The same Congress, I'd mention, whose campaigns were funded in part by Russia via McConnell's & Ryan's PACs (not even kept secret, just lost in the noise).
(2 posts)Joy Reid is the smartest TV political commentator on air. That includes Rachael Maddow.
(27,995 posts)I don't think it's possible to judge who is the "smartest". Welcome to DU.
(16,467 posts)she's always insightful and not usually going with the conventional wisdom as her tweets her demonstrate.
(3,844 posts)
(56,842 posts)but, MSNBC and others in the media were a huge help in legitimizing Trump as a candidate and blowing up minor issues related to Clinton while being led around by the nose by Trump and his tweets.
(36,498 posts)Yes! I've been saying this since before the RNC convention, even during the primaries it was obvious.
I remember reading articles written by people who worked with Cheeto on The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice. They told how it was impossible to hand him a script because he wouldn't/couldn't follow it. The show runners learned early on that Trump would just say whatever popped into his head (including a lot of racist, sexist garbage) and they just had to edit everything out later to make the show.
On those shows Trump had nothing to do with selecting the "winners" and "losers" or how the show was run. All he had to do was show up on the set and bloviate his bullshit, but he was given all the credit. That's how this guy's world works, and apparently Trump had no clue about how weird that was. To him it was totally normal, because it's probably how he operates his businesses as well.
Now we're seeing that he thinks "government" works the same way. It's totally ludicrous!
Joy Reid has really got his number.
(9,544 posts)ancestors have to move here from the Netherlands?
(2,372 posts)He has the idea that as "president" it is the same as CEO of any corporation but his is without a board of directors so he is the BOSS Total delusional state
(12,545 posts)He has been given everything he ever wanted, nobody questions him, his parents did not parent him. My guess is he was raised by a nanny not his parents. He is self absorbed very childlike.
(16,340 posts)Nothing most of us didn't or shouldn't have already known it seems to me. This story is hyperbole.