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BWdem4life's Journal
BWdem4life's Journal
June 2, 2024

I can both give you a fish, and teach you to fish

Here's the fish:


In order to fish, you copy the url of the article under paywall. Then you type "archive.ph" into your search bar. Paste the url in where it says "I want to search the archive for saved snapshots.". If it's already there, you'll get a link like the one above. If not, paste the url in where it says "My url is alive and I want to archive its content".

In addition, you can get past many paywalls in Safari on an ipad using Reader View. You can also go into your browser settings and temporarily disable Javascript in advance settings. But archive may be easier for most people.

May 14, 2024

Editorials & Other Articles needs to be a main forum!

(JMO of course)

Here is my supporting evidence:

I examined the Greatest Page this evening, clicked on every GD link, and classified it as either "EOA" (Editorials & Other Articles) or "Non-EOA". In order for a post to be classified as "EOA", it needed to follow the standard format of up to 4 paragraphs quoted, followed by a non-twitter link (with or without additional commentary by the poster).

I counted 57 "EOA" posts in GD, and 81 "Non-EOA" posts - all from the Greatest Page.

This means approximately 40% or more of Greatest Page posts from GD could be more appropriately posted in EOA.

(During this same time period, only 7 EOA posts made the Greatest Page, including one that was a cross-post from a different forum - not GD).

First, what's the big deal?

Well, just for myself, I would like to be able to streamline my browsing and focus on the things I want to read most since I don't have time to read everything. It's a selfish concern, but one I suspect might be shared by many other DUers. It would greatly simplify and amplify my enjoyment of DU, and again, I suspect it would do so for others as well.

Second, why is this not already happening?

(a) Recs: I noticed one poster who was cross-posting in EOA; the posts in EOA received significantly fewer recs. It's my opinion that if DU were to make EOA a main forum, there would be higher readership and increased recs.

(b) Ease of posting: It only takes one click to get to GD, and so DUers are just naturally more likely to post there. Again, making EOA a main forum (preferably between LBN and GD on the left side of the screen) would make it quicker and easier to navigate there.

(c) Habit: People are just used to it. But habits can be changed if there's a good enough reason for it. An announcement could be made about the new forum; some of the more prolific DU posters could be personally asked to begin posting their articles and editorials in EOA.

Yes, I know I'm a fairly new DUer but I really would love to know what everyone else thinks about this idea.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Due to some pushback, I'm removing the idea of altering the GD Statement of Purpose to discourage the posting of editorials and other articles in GD.

February 14, 2024

Valentine's Day Morning

November 24, 2023

If you could only use 200 characters to impart life advice

How would you fill the space?

My entry:


Enjoy others, and enjoy yourself. Avoid meanness at all costs. Practice being patient. Be slow to judge, and even slower to criticize. Be quick to forgive, and to give another chance. Life is short


September 12, 2023

Now that 9-11 is over, let me just share what I remember about that day:

My housemate, who was just out of high school and in the Navy Reserve (I think) came downstairs headed for the door; she told me to turn on the tv, which I did, just in time for a replay of the second plane hitting. Just before she left, she finished with "...and we're at war."

I immediately knew that G.W. Bush et al were going to respond to the tragedy in the worst possible way, not through incompetence although there was plenty of that to go around, but because they thirsted for war and this gave them the reason they had been looking for. Because they were evil.

And, they did.

Thanks to a 5-4 supreme court decision along ideological lines from a body that was supposed to be above politics.

THAT is what I will never forgive and never forget.

September 4, 2023

SS should definitely be reduced for younger generations

We haven’t screwed them over nearly enough yet with student loans and environmental disaster. Not to mention healthcare and housing costs. No, we need to REALLY twist the screws and make Social Security pay out less (even though it will already be lower because they earn less compared to inflation), and make it start later in life (even though life expectancy is actually going DOWN for them, so they already have less chance of collecting).

In case you didn’t catch it, the subject line was

September 1, 2023

I Love Lucy

In the mid 1970s as a kid, my parents had sent me to live with my great-grandmother ahead of a move. It used to really bother me that "I Love Lucy" cut into my cartoon-watching time.

The irony is not lost on me that in the present day, my fiance is an "I Love Lucy" fan who will watch it, sometimes on a loop, for days on end.

But hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Like Winston Smith in "1984" who learned to love Big Brother...

I have learned to love Lucy.

June 26, 2023

* An update *

For anyone who might be following this story... Fundraiser started 7 weeks ago.

UPDATE 6/26/23
Hi everyone I’ve been trying to decide whether to share the pics of before or after the surgery and I decided to go ahead as the X-rays and the staples after the surgery weren’t too graphic, so I wanted everyone to see the extent of what I was going through. The burst fracture left me with an 32 staples )that are coming out soon) and an 11in scar, hopefully won’t bee too noticeable Also there was a rumor which is the culprit of the disintegration and wasting away of the bone to begin with and so as of the week of 6/26/23 I will undergo a colonoscopy and subsequent radiation, to make sure nothing is left unchecked along this area of my spine. So after almost 4 weeks in the hospital I’m still optimistic as far as my recovery but I’m still u sure of my personal bill and living situation when I return home,,so again friends please DONATE what you can as soon as you can. Be well and Be Blessed

Donation link:



DU has been very supportive and I very much appreciate it - So does Monica.

May 30, 2023

Warrior Update

Still fighting... Still needs our help!

A huge thank you to all who have helped so far by kicking, reccing, sharing, and donating! You have made a big difference. Last time I posted about this (May 12) nearly $1,000 was raised in one day! We are nearly halfway to the $3,000 goal.

Her latest post is below:


UPDATE Sunday May 28th 2023

And so it goes the story of my life….went in Friday May 26th 2023 for routine CT Scan to monitor pain in my back were still thinking is from Fibroids which turn to emergency MRI because of suspected back fracture which is an BURST FRACTURE requiring Emergency

I haven’t been home in 2 days, my body has to wait for swelling to be relieved and receive a blood transfusion and wait for surgical team to come together in 2 more days , fingers crossed for early May 30 2023 m, with no more than 2 days recovery then I’m discharged.

In short the start and ending of the last 7 days have solely rested in my Creators hands but I still need the HELP and DONATIONS of wonderful folks such as you guys. I posted an earlier pic where I looked pretty good on a non crazy medical day and took this one in bed this morning with the transfusion tubes happily nesting in my arm since before dawn yesterday, to be more transparent as to what a day I’m my life has actually become.

I’m fatigued but resting
I’m alone here but friends in my heart nearby (I live in Seattle alone)
I’m not worried but realistic
I’m not angry but can’t help wondering why
When I return home I still need to pay bills, so that’s where you all come in

I can’t stress enough that

Please DONATE what you can, I’ve still got a huge battle ahead

May 30, 2023

14 years ago I had a WTAF moment

I was living in a reddish county in my very blue state. It was 2009. President Obama hadn't even had time to really do much, and yet, there at the post office, a couple of RWNJ's had set up a table outside with a bad picture of Obama superimposed over a nazi symbol.

My first thought was, "are these guys for real?" Then I thought, "Wait, I thought he was supposed to be a socialist. Do these guys not even know the difference between socialism and fascism? Maybe they do and they just don't care. Maybe they're just trying to own the libs."

The really important point, I didn't get until much later. Because, at the time, these right wingers were attempting to link Obama with the nazi symbol; therefore, they must have recognized that nazism was almost universally hated.

And yet, just 8 years later, there were right wingers flying the nazi flag in Charlottesville, and a Republican president essentially defending them.

It makes me wonder what the two guys who had been labeling Obama as a nazi thought about it all. Did they still consider the nazi flag to be a bad thing?

Now we're seeing pics of a kid wearing a nazi shirt.

The nazi symbol is powerful. It is not a plaything. It is not to be treated lightly, or to be used just to get someone's goat. If you're displaying the symbol, you'd better be prepared to be taken seriously.

Just my opinion.

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Member since: Sat Feb 26, 2022, 05:58 AM
Number of posts: 1,776
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